<span style=”-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);”>Upload is broken today. Has worked fine in the past. Edge on iOS. Was a bike race. </span>
Hoping to see some some decent big moon shots. I’m utterly incapable of photographing the moon with a phone.
It’s very difficult to take photos of the moon with a camera, let alone a phone camera, because the moon is a reflective object, not a light-emitting object, and the exposure is effectively setting itself for sunlight, plus it looks huge to the naked eye, but you need a decent telephoto lens to get the same effect.
Imagine a gap jump over a small estuary. The sun is low in the sky.
Having sent said jump at warp speed, your hero is captured in mid-flight soaring above the water. A fine spray of water seems about to envelop him.
You can see the lace of his left shoe is dangling down. Reaching up towards it is an open-mouthed, 4 metre long saltwater crocodile.