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  • These make the truthers look sensible
  • CharlieMungus
    Free Member

    No, not at all. Just want you to explain it. How come you can stand on a train and feel wind but not feel the same when you stand on the earth

    The atmosphere is not all moving at the same speed as the Earth

    So a bit higher its slower? The same as the train.?

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    So the air above the train does move with the train?
    Gah. Trolled.

    No, not at all. Just want you to explain it. How come you can stand on a train and feel wind but not feel the same when you stand on the earth

    Again – air is not just ‘above’ the train. The train travels through air. Not through a vacuum (ie outer space) It also drags some of the (closest) air along with it. So some of the air around the train will be also moving at near the same speed as the train. Earth, meanwhile, travels through a vacuum and while rotating drags the atmosphere with it while gravity keeps the atmosphere ‘stuck’ to the planet.

    Roughly speaking!

    Free Member

    I don’t think Charlie is on a wind up here at all. I reckon he probably knows the answers to the questions he’s asking, but what he’s doing here is getting you to explain properly the answers to some of the fundamental flat earthers points about how things don’t make sense, rather than just going “because it is”.

    Anyway, regarding the air moving thing, the air above the earth moves at the same speed as the earth because frictional forces acting on the bottom of the air layer drag it along. It’s only slowed down by the frictional force from the layer above moving slower. But at the top of the atmosphere there is no resistance to slow the air down, so it will be accelerated by the layer below. Working back down, even if you started with all the air at rest, it would all eventually be accelerated up to the speed of the earth because of the lack of any resistance at the top edge to stop it doing so.

    With the train, as suggested the boundary layer is dragged along at the speed of the train, but the difference with the earth is that there is lots of earth and other things not moving at the speed of the train where the boundary layer of air is stationary – this serves to slow down even air quite near the train. Of course it’s all far more complex than this with turbulent effects, but clearly totally different to the air moving with the earth.

    How did I do Charlie? Any obvious holes in that?

    Free Member

    How did I do Charlie? Any obvious holes in that?

    Absolutely, perfectly correct for the 1st paragraph!

    In the second, you appear to agree with Malvernrider that the atmosphere moves with the earth? The third seems entirely reasonable, but start at the surface of the train and it is not so different to the earth

    Free Member

    Charlie I have a question for you.
    In a plane when it accellerates, you feel the thrust pushing you back in your seat, how come the air inside the plane doesn’t all rush to the back too?

    Free Member

    Charlie I have a question for you.
    In a plane when it accellerates, you feel the thrust pushing you back in your seat, how come the air inside the plane doesn’t all rush to the back too?

    There must be the teeniest of tiny pressure increases at the back end of the plane during acceleration. The air won’t need to move much though, so there won’t be a noticeable ‘rush’ of air.

    edit: Jenesuispascharlie, but whatever.

    Full Member

    try putting a helium balloon in a car. When you accelerate it moves to the front, brake it moves to the back

    Full Member

    That’s all well and good, but does a lorry full of roosting pigeons weigh the same as a lorry full of flying pigeons?

    Free Member

    Depends if it’s two different lorries etc surely? Likelihood is a lorry doesn’t weigh the same as a(nother) lorry, pigeons or no.

    Full Member

    but does a lorry full of roosting pigeons weigh the same as a lorry full of flying pigeons?

    What is the additional weight of the oven needed to roost the pigeons? Or is it present in the other lorry but not switched on?

    Full Member

    I think the answer is; the weight would change every time the pigeons flapped

    Some-one actually worked this out didn’t they?

    Free Member

    Depends how specific you are about the term ‘weigh’ but if you mean overall reaction force at the road/lorry interface, then on average ‘yes’. Assuming there are enough pigeons.

    Full Member

    Nice article about “Awake Dating” a dating site for conspiracy theorists.


    Some quotes:

    “I need to take this desire into a more spiritual realm. Then it might happen and hopefully we can live out the next ten years before the global extinction together.”

    and the other thing is being aware that there is a global genocide taking place to depopulate the earth.”

    both are avowed anti-vaxxers—believing that vaccinating children against common diseases like measles actually engenders the spread of disease

    Should we really be encouraging these people to breed?! 😀

    Free Member

    In a plane when it accellerates, you feel the thrust pushing you back in your seat, how come the air inside the plane doesn’t all rush to the back too?

    I expect it does. But there isn’t that much of it so it probably doesn’t increase much.

    However, a train is much longer than a plane. If you find one without doors between the carriages you can feel a breeze towards the front of the train as it brakes into a station.

    Full Member

    Anyway, regarding the air moving thing, the air above the earth moves at the same speed as the earth because frictional forces acting on the bottom of the air layer drag it along. It’s only slowed down by the frictional force from the layer above moving slower. But at the top of the atmosphere there is no resistance to slow the air down, so it will be accelerated by the layer below.

    Then there are jet streams moving at 2-300mph…

    Free Member

    Which is not only significantly slower than the speed of the earth surface at the equator relative to the centre of the earth, it’s orders of magnitude slower than the speed of the earth around the sun, and another order of magnitude slower than the speed of the solar system around the centre of the galaxy.

    Free Member

    Which is not only significantly slower than the speed of the earth surface at the equator relative to the centre of the earth, it’s orders of magnitude slower than the speed of the earth around the sun, and another order of magnitude slower than the speed of the solar system around the centre of the galaxy.

    Well, we don’t need to worry about anything outside of our atmosphere really, do we?

    Full Member

    somewhatslightlydazed – Member
    …That’s a point – airlines like to fly on a great circle as its the shortest point between any two places on a globe. If the earth was flat, their routes would actually be larges curves. So they’d be wasting a lot of fuel.

    Are the airlines in on this conspiracy?

    Of course they are. That’s why they are laying all those chemtrails.

    Free Member

    really, all they need to do is go straight up, past the bit which is moving at the seed of the earth, then come back down when the world has turned.

    Full Member

    This guy does a nice line in amusing flat earth debunking using basic geometry and logic. (Warning: swearing)

    If nothing else, read the comments for an insight into the FE mindset. 😀

    Full Member

    Yeah someone mentioned that on the Fake Moon Landings thread Cougar, so I’ll make the same reply here:

    Love his quote there: “I don’t believe in science. I know about aerodynamics and fluid dynamics and how things move through the air, about the certain size of rocket nozzles, and thrust. But that’s not science, that’s just a formula. There’s no difference between science and science fiction.”

    Amazing stuff. Hope he survives.

    I’ve met some of the https://copenhagensuborbitals.com/ team. Their stuff looks considerably less shonky than his and they are still not at the stage where they can put a person in it safely.

    Free Member

    just read BBC’s take on it. So he’s going up to 1800 feet which will enable him to prove the earth’s flat.


    would a cheap air ticket and a window seat not suffice?

    Free Member

    1800 feet?

    I can see a hill out of my window which he could walk up in an hour and be higher than that?

    Full Member

    if there’s a hill to walk up, then it’s not flat 😉
    that’s not going to help his argument.

    does copenhagen suborbitals still exist?
    the guy that founded the rocket organisation, and then made a submarine clearly needs some help.

    1800ft though.
    that’s higher than the guy from Hyde (whom I have had the misfortune of meeting more than once) managed on at least one flight. not sure which one I like best… the rocket that nearly reached the height of the trees? the one that chased worms on Dartmoor? the one where they dug a bunker in morecambe bay for the the launch controller (looks good on telly) but measured the cable wrong and had to dig another bunker 10m closer? or the one that washed out to sea?

    some people need attention. I say give it to them, especially if it’s going to be entertaining 😉

    Full Member

    does copenhagen suborbitals still exist?

    Well there were a bunch of them at Maker Faire UK last April with rockets parts and such. So I assume they are still going.

    Seemed like nice guys.

    Free Member

    the guy that founded the rocket organisation, and then made a submarine clearly needs some help.

    It’s a bit late for that, I reckon

    Peter Madsen, 46, faces a murder charge over the death of [Kim Wall], whose headless, dismembered torso was found floating off Denmark’s capital city 10 days after she boarded the inventor’s self-built submarine for an interview.


    Full Member

    I’m a convex earther, just to bring a second line of absurdity to proceedings. If it’s flat how come I have to ride up hill on my bike and why do I keep falling down holes?

    Free Member

    And globally, why are there more upholds than downhills?

    Full Member

    And why am I always cycling into the wind?

    Answer that globetards! 😆

    Full Member

    Explain all the waterfalls flatards!

    Full Member

    It’s a bit late for that, I reckon

    Apparently he’s not been part of them since June 2014 after some fall outs with other members:

    Our statement on former Copenhagen Suborbitals member Peter Madsen

    Free Member

    Yeah, why don’t miners fall out of the bottom? Eh?

    Explain that Disctards

    Full Member

    So he’s going up to 1800 feet which will enable him to prove the earth’s flat.

    If he went higher he would see it’s clearly not and that would never do.

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member

    And why am I always cycling into the wind?

    Answer that globetards!

    This resonates with my experiences. Compelling argument….I’m going to have to look into this 🙂

    Full Member

    I want to know why Australia is called down under. Explain that one. If there’s a big ice wall surrounding us, how come it can’t be seen from anywhere. I’m sorry to say I’m rather sceptical of this flat earth theory.

    Free Member

    Apparently he’s not been part of them since June 2014 after some fall outs with other members

    Indeed, I read that earlier. My comment was in response to Andy suggesting that Madsen needs help. Not that he doesn’t currently need it, of course, just that it might have been more useful before he invted that journalist onto his submarine.

    Full Member

    Why don’t planes keep flying off the edges?

    Full Member

    The ice walls obviously! Duh!

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