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  • The Wikileaks about the Afghanistan War . Opinions ?
  • ernie_lynch
    Free Member

    The International Council on Security and Development, which produced the map, briefs both military and civilian staff at NATO’s Headquarters concerning the security situation in southern Afghanistan. So I sure that isn't necessary samuri.


    Full Member

    The big mistake was probably going there thinking we could build a functioning state out of that crap hole. Better to leave them to it and let them sort themselves out when they're tired of living in a mediaeval war zone. At the moment, it seems they'd rather go on shooting each other.

    Free Member

    Ernie – I'm absolutely happy with the conclusion that Pakistan is behind the taliban insurgency. What I'm not clear about is that it makes sense for Pakistan to back the taliban so that they can actually win. Pakistan (and I'm indebted to Stephen Tanner for explaining this properly) has always sought what they call "strategic depth" in Afghanistan as insurance against an invasion of Pakistani territory by India. Because Pakistan is rather narrow, especially around Islamabad, and has its back up against the Suleiman range, and because India's conventional forces are both hugely larger and hugely superior, Pakistani strategists covet the ability to retreat into/across the Suleimans through the Khyber and Bolan passes into reasonably friendly territory. The ideal situation is one in which the passes are permeable for a retreating Pakistani force, but not for the Indians.

    However, an Indian invasion of Pakistan is vastly less likely (a) while there are substantial US forces in Afghanistan and (b) while Pakistan is able to cosy up to the US as a key ally in the WoT. Pakistan has benefitted massively from US support since 2001, in finanical and aid terms and also in military assistance. While I absolutely agree that Pakistan wants their preferred regime in Kabul and has the creeping horrors of one sympathetic to India being in power, they don't have any immediate interest in getting massively on the wrong side of the US.

    Free Member

    Is there anything to suggest that the IR SAMs are Stingers??

    Surely, anything supplied to the mujahideen in the 80s would be seriously past shelf life by now? The extract I saw on the BBC link just reference MANPAD (man portable air defence).

    Could equally be ex Soviet SA7 / SA14 / SA16 / SA18. SA14 has previously been reported as used in Baghdad by islamist insurgents, and SA16 / SA18 systems have been used by Chechen rebels.

    Free Member

    Lots of interesting opions here, makes for some good reading.

    Big Dummy, are you MI6 or something, you seem to know an awful lot. Is BD you codename ? 😉

    Some more articles here for those with time on their hands.


    Full Member

    well taking into account any guardian bias this kind of story makes for grim reading


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