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  • The French are revolting!
  • Stoner
    Free Member

    En grève!

    do we think Juan has put his chestwig away for the day in a mark of solidarity?

    Free Member

    Go on the French!

    Now they know how to deal with the ruling elite that create the mess in the first place..

    Free Member

    Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys

    well, someone had to say it

    Free Member

    What are they protesting about? Do they know?

    Free Member

    Why not click on the link, Elefant, and find out? 🙄

    Ah, knowledge, eh? What a wonderful thing…

    Free Member

    Well spotted. I missed the link. Nothing very tangible it appears, just the ‘handling of the crisis’.

    Free Member

    they’ll roll over and give in any moment now,

    Free Member

    Have they spotted some Germans?

    Free Member


    Anyone got any jokes that aren’t 70 years old, and that might actually be funny?

    Meanwhile, people in Britain just sat in front of their tellies, moaning…

    Free Member

    Several things people are protesting about
    Most important is the 324 billions € of tax payer money the **** we french have as head of state has given to the banks.
    Then comes the endless reduction in public services.
    Then comes the fact people are getting poorer each day.

    Generally it’s against the this piece of shite called capitalism really.
    And so on and so on.

    Free Member

    Have they spotted some Germans?

    Not yet but I can spot a moron quite easily

    Free Member

    I work with some frenchies, and they pointed out that strikes in france are often about morals, working practices, ethics etc.. whereas the british just strike when they want more money.

    i was tempted to agree, but in the end i just told them to get on with their work 😉

    Full Member

    I wonder what this has cost the tax paying in lost revenue, overtime for Police and damage to property.

    Free Member

    I wonder what this has cost the tax paying in lost revenue, overtime for Police and damage to property.

    Probably less than the 324 billions €.

    Free Member

    Anyone got any jokes that aren’t 70 years old, and that might actually be funny?

    Over 90 years old.

    Free Member

    So Juan, basically, the same sort of things that are currently going on in Britain, except that the French workers are actually making their voices heard, rather than grumbling to themselves about it?

    Ah, thought so…

    Full Member

    Probably less than the 324 billions €.

    But more than was necessary.

    Free Member

    Capitalism, don’t you just love it.

    Now, where can I get a XTR chainset for less that £300 from?

    Free Member

    Capitalism, don’t you just love it.

    Wait until a board of complete strangers decide they want more money from the shares of your company and decide to make you redundant and delocalise in china.

    Full Member

    Are you sure that’s the French, I can’t see one cigarette, and not so much as a hint of a shrug… 😉

    Free Member

    nickc I though cigarette was a trademark of 14 year old pregnant english teenagers?

    Full Member

    nickc I though cigarette was a trademark of 14 year old pregnant english teenagers?

    Nope that’s a bottle of White Lightning and a mobile playing crap tinny music out loud.

    Free Member


    as they say, er, in France…

    Free Member

    Good to see the STW Old Conservatives out for their afternoon constitutionals…

    Full Member

    Rudeboy, does it hurt? Being wound-up as tightly as you appear to be day in day out.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Anyone got any jokes that aren’t 70 years old, and that might actually be funny?
    or any that they use at the right time? Surely that’s one to post under a picture of a frenchie running away?

    Free Member

    A joke’s all about timing… someone PM me when I can slip one in about ‘forming a government in the South’.

    Free Member

    Actually, where is the Good Captain today?

    Free Member

    I wonder what this has cost the tax paying in lost revenue, overtime for Police and damage to property.

    Whatever it is, I’m sure that the money the French government makes from EDF British customers will more than cover any costs.

    So you could say that British taxpayers will be paying the costs.

    Yeah the French are right mugs. I bet that they look at us with real envy as we sit back whinge like ****, and do nothing.


    Free Member

    Have they spotted some Germans?

    No, that’s funny

    Free Member

    “the French are revolting”

    Finally, someone realises!

    Free Member

    With reference to the Surrender Monkey jokes above, on QI the other night Stephen Fry{no less} quoted some statistical Academic study that showed France had won more conflicts than any other nation.

    So why do those otherwise entertaining chaps on Top Gear bang on about the myth of the French running away all the time, which leads to little Englanders on here doing the same?

    Can we not please get on with our lives rather than constantly referring back to the two world wars? {During both of which GREAT Britain didn’t exactly do that well until Uncle Sam jumped in}

    Free Member

    France had won more conflicts than any other nation.
    yada yada yada….statistics.
    This is only because they started more than any other nation. Breathing garlic over everybody and p1ssing in the street. Not suprised they get into a pagga or two.

    Free Member

    pagga? Pagger surely

    Free Member

    why, is that french for pagga?

    Free Member

    What’s with the Francophobia, anyway? Should we not be trying to appease our Yerpean neighbours, considering they are the largest foreign investors in this country?

    Free Member

    Can we not please get on with our lives rather than constantly referring back to the two world wars?

    Don’t mention the war?

    Give it another 100 years.

    Free Member

    Always thought it was pagger not pagga? Coq is french for Cock apparently.

    Free Member

    juan you have to admit the French policies for pensions and job security are nuts though, and completely unworkable.

    Mind you if I had similar rights I would fight like hell to keep them as they are so pro-employee and anti-employer that once they are gone they will never come back.

    For example, where I work a few years ago they shut down an office in Grenoble and laid everyone off as it was no longer needed, and the redundancy packages they had to offer to all the employees in order to close down this redundant office was 3 1/2years pay, and the French employees still bitched it was too small.

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