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  • Stupid things that are stupid….
  • DrP
    Full Member

    I was getting angry thinking about the batman/superman film again, and the fact that the tracker device he shoots at the van has a FLASHING RED LIGHT on it.




    On a secret tracker device.



    Free Member

    The flashing red light on the secret tracker in a film about an alien with super abilities who wears his y-fronts outside his pants is hardly the most stupid in that example 🙂

    Free Member

    Did it beep too? Another stupid favorite

    Free Member

    That’s how batman knows it’s working, Durrrrr.

    Full Member

    Tyre squeal on dirt tracks in films.

    Full Member

    The flashing red light on the secret tracker in a film about an alien with super abilities who wears his y-fronts outside his pants is hardly the most stupid in that example

    Well, you see, this is something that I can kind of live with..
    I mean – films ‘set up’ their reality and you accept that.
    I ‘accept’ superman exists in that film. I ‘accept’ wonderwoman exists.
    This is the story that we choose to accept.

    If, all of a sudden, bees flew out of batman’s mouth, that I WOULDN’T accept because at no point has that been offered as a premise to the film…!!


    Full Member

    If you actually went to see that film, given the ridiculous premise of it to begin with, then quite frankly you deserve to be annoyed

    Full Member

    Motorcycles that look like a four stroke, but sound like a two stroke.
    With 15 gears.

    My wages.

    The laxative effect of Ensure liquid feed on our most challenging client.

    Free Member

    I was going to get angry with you getting angry about this but then I found out your Mums called Martha so its all good now.

    Full Member

    Batman Vs. Superman as it should have happened:

    Free Member

    When the LED on my phone keeps flashing to let me know the battery is getting low. Because constantly flashing a light is really gonna help with battery life..

    Free Member

    Stupid is as Stupid does… 😀

    Free Member

    That Tesco bike is great. Spec says V-brakes, picture shows discs.

    Free Member

    spekkie – Member
    Did it beep too?

    Oh no, that’s what EVERY COMPUTER DOES in EVERY FILM when it displays stuff on the monitor!
    Googling something in a film? blp bleep dit dit dit bleeeep up comes the results!
    Do they think nobody out there in the real world has seen a damn computer??
    That’s what I call STUPID.

    Free Member

    When the LED on my phone keeps flashing to let me know the battery is getting low. Because constantly flashing a light is really gonna help with battery life

    The flashing LED will probably use a tiny amount of energy.

    If you have got a couple of hours of standby left, it will probably shorten it by 10 seconds or something.

    Free Member

    With 15 gears.

    Like the Mini in Bourne Identity (the second one I think) – he changes gear constantly. And even more annoying is the constant camera shots showing him change gear too – like it is such an achievement to know how to change gear (yeah I know, the Americans will probably think it is one of his more impressive skills).

    Full Member

    this solves the issue

    Full Member

    I always get angry at the LCD counters and blinky lights/beeping on bombs in films.

    Why the hell a super villain would do that and not just make something that would just sodding work is beyond me. Unless he’d contracted that bit out to a sub-standard henchman.

    Free Member

    We shall be in my father’s lands by sunset

    Kent to Nottingham via Hadrian’s Wall?

    Full Member

    TV programmes like NCIS/CSI etc. where they can seemingly do any search from any screen on any computer. They just type a few characters and the computer calculates the trajectory of a bullet/finds the current GPS location of a mobile phone/brings up the personnel file on a rogue agent/ex-military person.
    Can I have one of those computers, please?

    Actors who are carrying and drinking out of an obviously empty coffee cup. We can tell, the movement is different! Just put some coffee in it!

    The ability of CSI computers to find enough detail in 12 pixels of a zoomed image to ‘enhance’ into a hi-res image of the perp….

    Work related – if you have a drawing open in our 3D CAD package you can open the model/assembly associated with it using 2 mouse clicks….but if you want to open the drawing with the model/assembly already open you have to go the normal File>Open route. Why? It’s STUPID! If it works in one direction, it should work in the other…..!

    Microwaves that beep at 100dB repeatedly. STOP IT!!

    Mercedes foot operated ‘hand’ brake.

    Weeds. STUPID THINGS. Stop Growing!!

    ahem…….perhaps I shouldn’t have any more coffee today!

    Free Member

    Movies – Unlimited bullets in guns
    In general, People ( i have recently sold my house, the amount of stupid people and idiots who came round was just amazing) 😕

    Full Member

    threads on the chat forum. 😛
    people who dither when driving. people who drive at 40 in a national speed limit zone. people who don’t Capitalise correctly.

    Full Member

    The Eiger Sanction.

    Full Member

    people who drive at 40 in a national speed limit zone, then continue to drive at 40 when entering small villages with clear 30mph signs…



    Free Member

    Jekkyl WhAts WRonG wiTh Capitals DOnE ranDOm.

    Full Member

    lotus seed pods.

    Full Member

    Standard TV locking car sound effect.

    No car has ever made that sound, is it an industry in joke that they keep using it?

    Silent Witness? Constantly bleeping bloody witness more like.


    Free Member

    Whilst we’re talking about ‘comic book’ films…

    If, by magic, mutation or intergalactic adoption I could “leap tall buildings with a single bound” or whatever else, I wouldn’t feel the need to dress like a dickhead to do it.

    Seriously, why do they all feel the need to dress like the Kiss Army to cock about doing whatever they do.

    God, I can’t wait until the Comic back-lash comes and they stick them all back in their box for a few decades and make some other kinds of films for a bit.

    Full Member

    On a similar vein…
    If I were exposed to massive doses of mutating radiation, I doubt I’d develop Xray vision, mega strength, or stretchy arms.

    More likely I’d feel nothing, but after several years get worse and worse headaches until a radiation induced brain tumour was discovered.
    Instead of super strength, I’d lose the vision on the left side, and rely on a carer.

    I suppose that wouldn’t make a good film though, would it. Hmm.


    STEALTH EDIT… if only covering the audit trail was this easy….mwa ha haaa

    Free Member

    How the forensic “labs” are always really dimly lit.

    Full Member

    swavis – Member

    Tyre squeal on dirt tracks in films.

    The Mission Impossible:2 car/bike chase where he upshifts about a million times on his speed triple and yet still can’t outrun a pickup truck full of fat blokes. By the time he’s in 300th gear he should have been moving at about 5000mph.

    Full Member

    how come in comics and movies the baddies always look like baddies. eg, Darth Vader or the green goblin. If I was a baddie I go about being dead nice and wearing jeans.

    Full Member

    GP’s who can’t spell ‘vein’.

    Full Member

    Red wire, green wire, blue wire?

    If I was a baddie bomb maker I’d use black wires and put labels on them whilst I was making it. I would then peel the labels off before leaving it somewhere for Mel Gibson to find.

    Also, I’d probably have some sort of feature so that the bomb went off when the massive LED display got to 8 seconds.

    Further also. I’d put the bomb up somewhere high so that Mel Gibson would have to defuse it stood on a box and we’d all see his stupid built up short man vanity shoes before he got turned into a pink mist when the clock reached 8 seconds.

    Even more also. I’d use armoured cable that Mel couldn’t get through anyway with his wire cutters whilst stood on a box in his daft shoes immediately prior to being transformed into a pink mist.

    And breathe.

    That “Plip-Plip” noise that car remote central locking makes only on TV. It bothers me.

    Free Member

    Northwind – Member

    swavis – Member

    Tyre squeal on dirt tracks in films.

    The Mission Impossible:2 car/bike chase where he upshifts about a million times on his speed triple and yet still can’t outrun a pickup truck full of fat blokes. By the time he’s in 300th gear he should have been moving at about 5000mph.

    Ah, the same Speed Triple that switches from almost slick road tyres to very knobbly off-road tyres and back again every other shot?

    Free Member

    In movies and TV EVERYTIME a character walks away having parked their car they press the button to lock it: and it goes “WOOK WOOK” from the alarm. FFS! cars stopped doing that around 1989.

    In real life the incessant announcements on commuter trains about no smoking – we stopped smoking on trains oh I guess around 1989! Then the conductor just repeats everything the automated announcer says.

    Edit: Just beaten to it by a Spider.

    Full Member

    More likely I’d feel nothing, but after several years get worse and worse headaches until a radiation induced brain tumour was discovered.

    You have me worried now. When I’ve been x-rayed there has been far more effort made to shield my crotch with pants shaped nad-guards than give any protection to my brain

    Edit: and I have no discernible super power

    Full Member

    Car chase films; infinite gear changes.

    BrrrrrRRRR-bbbrrrrrRRRRRR-brrrrrrrRRRRR etcccCCC

    Free Member

    People on forums that don’t read what others have said before posting their contribution…

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