Control your kids? Anyway, they’ll only do it once. Either you’ll give them a thick ear or common sense will kick in.
Unsure if I’m being trolled here or if you’re actually serious… sincerely hope the former!
Poe’s Law does make things difficult sometimes.
The obnoxious tw*t who, without fail, walks into the (quite small) work gym, and without ever asking, proceeds to set the other radio at the cardio end of the gym to (a) capital dance and (b) maximum volume. This is when one, two or many of us are already quite happily listening to literally anything else, on the first radio in the weights end, which we can no longer do because yours has drowned it out. Dick.
Then he walks into the half I’m/we’re in and uses the weights for half an hour. Dick.
Time for some not-so-subtle passive-aggressive radio wars!
Turn yours also all the way up.
Saunter over and turn his down again.
Start shouting to each other as if you can’t hear each other talk over the radio.
Start a synchronised dance routine to his music.
Hide the other radio before he comes in.
etc 😉