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  • Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross
  • ossify
    Full Member

    I agree with kayak ^^^ in general BUT when I’m trying to turn right off the main road, across the rush hour traffic coming the other way and someone flashes me across without checking their nearside mirror and there’s a cycle lane full of schoolchildren right next to them and they’re blocking my view of it THIS makes me angry. And they sit there with a gormless look on their face, not understanding me pointing at the child they STILL haven’t noticed zooming past on their left side, thinking I’m the brainless one, then this is what makes me angry and I don’t remotely think it’s disproportionate.

    …I lost control of that sentence at some point. Hopefully it gets the point across :-p

    In short, I think flashing is ok IF AND ONLY IF both parties use common sense and check all around first… flashing is a warning, end of story. Someone using flashing to let you out? They are still essentially saying “look at me” so that’s still a warning of sorts, if someone flashes me first look to check what they mean, then check it’s actually safe because they probably haven’t checked around them, then go if safe (and don’t just sit there to make a point).

    Wow I’m rambling today.

    Free Member

    In fact can I add dimwitted drivers of wide, posh, new cars who seem to think that they don’t have to pull over on to the verge and up against the hedge. Don’t fancy it? ‘

    Often wonder what happens when two bloaters meet, I get the feeling they are reliant on meeting normal width vehicles.

    So to this list, although it’s probably not mildly cross – over wide cars.

    Full Member

    I’m looking at the driver where possible and I’ll go if I’m comfortable, whether they’ve flashed or not.

    Username checks out. (-:

    If we’re following the letter of The Highway Code then a flash of lights means the same as the horn – it is to alert other road users of your presence.  If anything, flashing out another driver should mean the exact opposite of “I’m letting you out.”

    In practice though, everyone knows what it means, you’d have to be particularly obtuse to claim otherwise. And yes of course it’s on the driver who is being let out to still check that it’s safe, you wouldn’t blindly stroll into a building on fire because someone held the door open and said “after you.”

    Back when I passed my test THC stated that when you have two cars coming in opposite directions wanting to turn right at a crossroads, you’re supposed to pass and go round the back of each other.  In ~35 years of driving I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone do that unless the lanes are explicitly marked as such on the junction.  If you tried to turn that way you’d cause chaos, especially if there was more than one vehicle waiting to turn.  Sometimes reality and the rules don’t align exactly (it seems THC has acknowledged this now and updated the rule to offer options, Rule 181).

    Free Member

    In practice though, everyone knows what it means, you’d have to be particularly obtuse to claim otherwise. And yes of course it’s on the driver who is being let out to still check that it’s safe, you wouldn’t blindly stroll into a building on fire because someone held the door open and said “after you.

    Well of course, but I’ve seen more than a few near misses (and a couple of actual hits) where people have just pulled out after someone’s flashed them. I work on the assumption that you’re an idiot and I’d rather be pleasantly surprised to find you aren’t than vice versa.

    For the same reason I don’t always pull out of a side junction if a car coming from the right is indicating to turn into the road I’m waiting to pull out of, people change their mind at the last minute or are so dim they haven’t noticed their indicator is still on from 3 miles back. Sadly for a large minority of drivers the act of driving isn’t currently in the top 10 things they’re thinking about.

    Username checks out. (-:

    You’ve lost me there…

    Back when I passed my test THC stated that when you have two cars coming in opposite directions wanting to turn right at a crossroads, you’re supposed to pass and go round the back of each other.  In ~35 years of driving I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone do that unless the lanes are explicitly marked as such on the junction.  If you tried to turn that way you’d cause chaos, especially if there was more than one vehicle waiting to turn.  Sometimes reality and the rules don’t align exactly (it seems THC has acknowledged this now and updated the rule to offer options, Rule 181).

    It happens, but it’s very rare.

    I got whinged at yesterday as I wasn’t prepared to sit in a box junction with my caravan and completely block a roundabout, just so the clown behind me could move a few feet forward, people are morons.

    Full Member

    Stolen from another thread:

    Tap rhythmically on my desk when doing admin on the PC? Check

    You wouldn’t live long doing that within earshot of me.. see also repeatedly clicking retractable biro pens.

    Free Member

    People who say I’m going to the Dolomites and the alps.

    They’re the same thing…. the Dolomites are part of the alps, not a separate mountain range….. and there’s a great many out crops deposits off Dolomite rock and several national parks in Italy with Dolomite in the name.

    Besides that, the area around Rosengarten and Drei Sinnen is full to the brim during the tourist season where you’ll spend longer sitting in traffic or waiting for an overpriced cappuccino than you will walking to the hut from the car park… but there lots of other, equally impressive bits that are off the tourist trail.

    Full Member

    An old school tumble dryer used to take hour and a half to dry a large loaf of clothes. This is the conversation I have with current one

    Me: How long to dry my clothes please?

    TD: 3 hours

    Me: it’s just a half load

    TD:3 hours

    Me: nothing heavy all fairly light

    TD: 3 hours

    Me: selects 2 hours

    Td: your clothes are ready sir, damp as you requested

    Me: it’s just one sock grrrtrrrrtrrrrrrrrrgggggfhhyhhh

    Full Member

    Selfish freshers walking three abreast down a pavement,like the human version of a snowplough blade.

    I am that rock in the river,the rock that says ” EXCUSE ME ”

    :-) ;-)

    Full Member

    People who walk about looking at their feet or at a phone. How hard is it to look where you’re actually going.

    Free Member

    Colleagues who don’t understand they have two ears and one mouth that should be used in that ratio.  Don’t ask a question then talk over the person answering.

    Full Member

    Speaking with colleagues this morning. You have asked, and I have answered. That you don’t like the answer is not my fault, a problem, or a way of making your life difficult, I am not ‘doing it on purpose’ or any other school playground tactic that you choose to employ to make yourself feel better about the reality you’re choosing to ignore.

    …And breathe

    Full Member

    Appliances with complicated controls with too many buttons, the ones that are ‘smart’ just why?

    Free Member

    I remove my Apple Watch to prepare food, etc.

    I figured that if I put it into low power mode whilst it’s ‘resting’, I could conserve its battery.

    but to do this, I  have to press three buttons in sequence, and also remember to bring it out of low power mode when I reattach it to my wrist (phew).

    surely Apple could come up with a short cut?

    Full Member

    My least favourite “flashing to make you do something stupid on the road” is on the motorway where someone you think is passing you jumps on the brakes 1.0 metres short of your rear bumper and frantically flashes is if to encourage you to pull out into no space whatsoever, and then sits there until you do actually catch up with the slower vehicle in front and now you’re stuck. And if the other driver had carried on at the speed they were doing they’d be over the next hill by now. lose-lose.

    And have you noticed the main offenders for flashing their lights are those who have the pointlessly powerful dazzly lamps, is it to show off that their boss let them have an upgrade from the standard repmobile?

    Full Member

    Selfish freshers walking three abreast down a pavement,like the human version of a snowplough blade.

    I am that rock in the river,the rock that says ” EXCUSE ME ”

    I just stand still and wait for them to work it out.  You want to walk 17-abrest, fine, but don’t expect me to jump into traffic in order to satiate your idiocy.

    Free Member

    Shallow pockets. I have some nice New Balance joggers but the pockets are approximately half a iPhone deep. So every time I sit down the contents of my pockets redistribute themselves all over the floor/sofa/car/etc. FFS would it have cost that much more to make them a bit deeper or god forbid put a zip on them. I now have a non negotiable requirement on any new joggers or shorts to have zip pockets.

    Full Member

    Describing things as “cheeky”. In what sense is, for example, having a drink of beer “cheeky”. It obviously isn’t. It’s just another stupid affectation.

    Full Member

    I annoyed my self today by using the term “golden”, as in “you’re golden you don’t have to do this task”.

    Worse, I did it twice.

    Full Member

    Describing things as “cheeky”

    What about footpaths? Is it ok to call them cheeky trails?

    Full Member

    Undeniably cheeky

    Full Member

    Colleagues openly complaining/stating that:

    They cannot get promotion opportunities as they keep failing the maths tests;

    They cannot work out their new monthly salary after the just announced pay offer;

    They cannot calculate the percentage of days they have been in the office to meet the hybrid working target.

    Most of you know where I work. FML.

    Free Member

    Motorcyclists who don’t know the difference between filtering and barging in. Whats the point of squeezing past me at traffic lights if you are just going to sit in front of me taking up as much room as a car but with a louder exhaust.

    Full Member

    Appliances with complicated controls with too many buttons, the ones that are ‘smart’ just why

    I’ve yet to discover why the dishwasher would need an app.

    Full Member

    People driving around leaking diesel. It should be treated like driving on bald tyres.

    Full Member

    I’ve yet to discover why the dishwasher would need an app.

    Because if someone will buy something, someone else will sell it.

    Full Member

    People driving around leaking diesel. It should be treated like driving on bald tyres

    Yeah. Someone on a group I’m in shared a crazy pov video the other day of him going down hard on a roundabout on his Royal Enfield bike. Really really nasty stuff.

    Full Member

    I’ve yet to discover why the dishwasher would need an app.

    If you’re on a tarrif like Octopus Agile then it’s useful to be able to turn stuff on when electricity is cheaper, so having appliances online (and with a public API) enables you to do that using home automation. Once a manufacturer has added the online capability it’s a small step to make an app, so I’d say the app is a side effect of it being online rather than a necessity.

    But then you get some manufacturers who don’t support any third party access so you can’t do the automation side of it which means you’d have to check the next day’s electricity prices yourself then use their crappy app to attempt to schedule your appliance to start, which it then fails to do and makes you disproportionately cross.

    Not sure why any of them need AI though!

    Full Member

    …him going down hard on a roundabout on his Royal Enfield bike.

    Niche content right there!

    Full Member

    …him going down hard on a roundabout on his Royal Enfield bike.

    Niche content right there!

    See also

    Because if someone will buy something, someone else will sell it.

    Full Member

    I’ve yet to discover why the dishwasher would need an app.

    My airfryer has an app, too. So now the Chinese know when I’m cooking chips ?‍♂️

    Full Member

    Dear Facebook,

    Please allow me to unfollow EVERYTHING I DONT FOLLOW IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!

    Best regards,


    I have kinda found a workaround; Facebook kept furnishing my feed with a sanctimonious quote from John Cleese about people being offended, which eventually triggered me into commented something along the lines of go away you silly old twit but in a way which breached FB community guidelines. On the plus side I haven’t seen a single John Cleese quote since, result!

    Full Member

    Jackets that don’t have a hanging loop. Absolutely does my nut in.

    Dear Facebook,

    Please allow me to unfollow EVERYTHING I DONT FOLLOW IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!

    Best regards,


    Yep. “Suggested for You” – you know what Mr Zuckerberg, I can save you a job there. I’ve already selected a load of stuff and a load of people who’s

    posts I’m interested in, how’s about you once in a while you show me them, eh?

    Full Member

    People (mostly my mother) saying we’re going UP to Wales. Being generous, only the very tip of Anglesey is North of where they (she) lives, possibly. My late father was a lorry driver too.

    Free Member

    On that note people who say coming up to London, I once pointed out it was a long way south of where I lived at the time only to be told that one always comes up to London, oh do **** off!

    Full Member

    People that ‘climbed Snowdon’ at the weekend.

    Nah man. You walked up a path.

    Free Member

    Folk cooking on you tube shorts just copying all what’s been done before and describing look at this big boy or bad boy they have produced on a plate

    All wanting to sound like Gordon knobend Ramsay

    He’s actually worth watching when he’s taken his tablets to calm down

    Then there’s Marco Pierre what’s his name oh  boy what’s he on ?

    Full Member

    People (one in particular sitting near me right now) wearing so much perfume they stink out the train.

    It stinks.

    Full Member

    License plate surrounds—especially ones with something at the top and bottom. Oh, and anything that compares children to pets or tells me the driver believes in sky fairies. Get ****.

    Full Member

    People (one in particular sitting near me right now) wearing so much perfume they stink out the train.

    It stinks.

    Person sitting near username checks out.

    Full Member


    It’s given me a headache

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