And why are the GPs so averse to it?
Non serious: We all hate patients and if we don’t take thier calls, we can all bunk off earlier, obvs.
Serious: We have a total triage system, pats have to fill out a consultation form, and our GPs triage the patients to either same day, this week, safe to deal with in next 10-14 days. Doing it this way we can look at many many more pats requests, we see all the urgent ones more quickly and can divert pats who don’t need to see a GP (but will ask to see one anyway) to more appropriate services – minor injuries, prescription queries, travel queries, MSK etc etc. Our pats are older gen, and don’t like that they can’t just call up and get an appt, like they used to. I’d say something about the entitlement of that generation of folks, but that’s for another day, probs.
And why did they approve the questions?
I don’t think they really grasped the levels of determination of the patients. I’ve written loads of Pat surveys as well, and generally I think they’re mostly a waste of everyone’s time, but they are en vogue currently, so here we are.