Home Forums Chat Forum Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross

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  • Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross
  • DrJ
    Full Member

    Car parks where there is no phone signal to use PayByPhone. I’m looking at you, Craster.

    Full Member

    Biffers who wear Under Armour clothing

    Full Member

    Car parks where there is no phone signal to use PayByPhone. I’m looking at you, Craster.

    And where it declines your card on the day you forget any change, in the pissing rain. Ilkeston.

    Biffers who wear Under Armour clothing

    Fat-ist. One day we will rise up and sit on you.

    Full Member

    @flicker – hey man, you do you. its a free world.

    But for me, using a thick, fairly durable plastic bag for a bathroom bin liner doesnt make sense. Use it for carrying your shopping home…. thousands of times. Then get a flimsy small bin bag for your bathroom bin (or a flimsy carrier bag from a shop, just not a hardy dirable one), that although will take a thousand years to decompose, it wont take millions like the tesco one.

    Free Member

    People who litter the countryside/roadsides with tat in the name of a memorial

    So much this. And it’s getting worse.

    Full Member

    MS Teams on my work laptop which is still proclaiming to be ‘new’ 4 months after it updated.

    Full Member

    What instead of which

    meh, overuse of which instead of that is which winds me up the most

    Full Member

    MS Teams on my work laptop

    Home use MS Teams app.  Mrs Fazzini had to attend a workshop last night and they hosted it on Teams. Mrs F doesn’t use Teams at work ever, and I’ve never needed to use personal Teams. OMG its awful. No functionality like work-based version. Synchronisation with Outlook non-existent even though its meant to sync. I’m almost ready to forgive my work Teams…

    And while I’m on a technological vent, spelling auto-correct. If I wanted to type ‘complaint’ I’d bloody well type it. I’m typing ‘compliant’ for a damn good reason.

    Full Member

    I’ve installed the MiPark app now, it seems to be the most common parking app

    I’ve never, ever parked anywhere that used MiPark. Ringo, OTOH, is almost ubiquitous. So that’s another thing – there is absolutely no value to the consumer in having a random selection of parking apps cluttering up your phone. See also authenticator apps for 2FA – I had to install another one yesterday.

    Full Member

    It’s possible I may have mentioned this before.  Being pestered to write a review for every single thing you ever buy on line, every service you use, even the bloody apps on your phone.  This morning it was a bag of coffee from an online roaster.  It’s nice coffee and the service is good, but there are only so many times I’m going to tap that out before I switch to ‘stop being so effing needy’!

    Yesterday it was android auto, an app I use almost every day but which feels the need for me to validate its existence on an annoyingly regular basis.

    Full Member

    With you on this. You’ll get a review if I choose to write one. Asking for one will result in no review or a highly sarcastic one.

    Full Member

    Fibre installation in my house last week. Cable came up out of BT ducting then they had a choice, feed it though BT hole in my wall or run it along then straight up into a new hole. But no, instead they ran it at a jaunty angle to which is neither horizontal or vertical. It will now annoy me every time I see it. Given that it is right next to my front door, that will be often.

    <hr />


    Full Member

    Being pestered to write a review for every single thing

    I’ve started getting “review your upcoming Amazon delivery.”  HowTF am I supposed to review something I haven’t received yet?!

    Full Member

    Fibre installation in my house last week.

    I’d get them back out to that, if only for having unprotected fibre on an external run.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I had a review disallowed because ide reviewed the quick and good service of the retailer not the actual item. I was for something mundane like paperclips

    Full Member

    Reviewers that review the seller and not the item.

    The amount of times that I’ve looked at reviews to see if the item’s actually any good and it’s full of unhelpful garbage like “quick delivery”, “slow delivery”, “the seller refused my refund” etc etc, aargh. Utterly unhelpful and even more annoying when it’s (eg) Amazon and 15 different people are selling the same thing so you don’t even know which seller they’re referring to.

    There must be at least 100 different idiots doing this.

    (No offence 😁😉)

    Free Member

    The fact my water company is considering increasing our water bills by 50% to cover the cost of them doing their job properly because they’ve given most of the money we’ve been giving them for decades to some investors as dividends and lining their own pockets leaving us wading thigh-deep in shit.

    Full Member

    So anecdotally our patients tell us they want to phone up and make [what’s referred to as a blind] appointment with a GP. We don’t allow them to, but they keep on asking for it, so the Partners say to me, send out a survey and see what the patients actually want, I tell them “be careful, they’ll ask for blind appt making” but we agree a set of questions, send out survey…non-surprise result comes back.

    This is now my fault for sending out the survey….If you didn’t want to know the answer.. don’t ask the question…

    Full Member

    I may have mentioned this before and I’m not overly sure that it’s disproportionate but,

    In a phone queue to speak to to someone, after five minutes of IVR going “sorry, I didn’t get that,”

    Doo doo do doo doo click your call is important to us, we know you are waiting click doo doo do doo doo click your call is important to us, we know you are waiting click doo doo do doo doo click your call is important to us, we know you are waiting click doo doo do doo doo click your call is important to us, we know you are waiting click doo doo do doo doo click your call is important to us, we know you are waiting click… 

    Four fox hake, just play the damn hold music rather than making me go “ooh!… oh” every fifteen seconds.

    Full Member

    This is now my fault for sending out the survey….If you didn’t want to know the answer.. don’t ask the question…

    I’ve had this in jobs before..”I told you this would go tits up when you asked me to do it…”

    “oh, well you should have put more effort into asserting your point so stakeholders understoood the risks better”

    Err, no I get paid to do my job, and that doesn’t include trying to convince you of anything, I just tell it as I see it and it’s your call, that’s why you’re the boss..

    Next time I’m more assertive – it’s: you’re being agressive/not a team player/acting as a blocker/not seeing the vision, etc..

    Oh do **** off.

    Full Member

    Yeah  mine were like [paraphrasing] “Could you not have asked the question in a more round about way that told us what we wanted to hear?”

    Me; and the point of this would have been..?

    Full Member

    My dog there, fails to grasp the fundamental concept of fetch.

    As it is, I throw the ball, he runs after it, he then lies down until I come to him, whereupon he’ll then get up and walk 20 feet from me and drop the ball. 🙄

    Full Member

    I’ve had this in jobs before..”I told you this would go tits up when you asked me to do it…”

    ^^ all too familiar.

    Me: “If you don’t fix this and there’s another fault, it will result in catastrophic failure.”


    catastrophic failure

    “And this is my fault how, exactly?”  There’s only so many times you can bang your head against a brick wall before you get into the mindset of kicking it over the fence and going to deal with something someone cares about instead.

    Full Member

    There seems to be a lot of confusion around percentages these days.

    Full Member

    And apostrophes.

    Free Member

    Full Member
    And apostrophes”

    Yup. All of the little ****. Burn them.

    Full Member

    Why has everyone started pronouncing new as “noo”?

    Full Member

    Hotel beds

    Tucked in so tightly that you have to kick and fight to get in which then untucks the bottom sheet as well.

    Then wtf are all the cushions and odd bits of cloth all over the bed for?

    Full Member

    When you arrange a call on your mobile phone then the hospital randomly decide to call you on the landline even though they have never done that in the past.


    Full Member

    And apostrophes.

    With apologies to Colin McRae, I’m in the camp of ‘when in doubt, leave it out.’  I’d rather read “your dogs happy” than “your dog’s are happy.”

    Hotel beds

    This 1,000% *

    It’s always baffled me.  What is the point in making up a bed which is fundamentally impossible to sleep in, meaning that the first thing you have to do is strip the entire ****ing thing yourself and start again.  Who do they normally have staying, Paper Mario?

    (* – 😁 sorry)

    Full Member

    When you arrange a call on your mobile phone then the hospital randomly decide to call you on the landline even though they have never done that in the past.

    People who still have landlines.  How very 20th Century of you.


    Full Member

    I’ve installed the MiPark app now, it seems to be the most common parking app
    I’ve never, ever parked anywhere that used MiPark. Ringo, OTOH, is almost ubiquitous. So that’s another thing – there is absolutely no value to the consumer in having a random selection of parking apps cluttering up your phone.

    Conversely, I’ve never seen, or heard of the Ringo parking app, it’s certainly not ubiquitous around here. MiPark, on the other hand, is. Which means there’s clearly a point in having a number of parking apps on your phone, just in case, like. It’s also now necessary to have the app for parking in the car parks in Chippenham, because some snivelling little shithead vandalised the cash boxes on all the machines, despite cash being removed regularly.
    The same thing happened to the parking machines in the NT car park in Lacock. 🤷🏼😖

    Full Member

    So anecdotally our patients tell us they want to phone up and make [what’s referred to as a blind] appointment with a GP.

    What is that exactly? GP lottery?

    And why are the GPs so averse to it?

    And why did they approve the questions?

    (I’ve written hundreds of patient surveys)

    Full Member

    Shop bought trifles.

    Namely the disproportionate amount of cream to custard to jelly to fruit.


    Full Member

    When one* cuts a new chain to match the length of the old chain but forgets that one** has also put a larger chainring on one’s*** bike.


    **also me

    ***nobody else to blame here

    Full Member

    People using myself instead of I. It really is a petty grievance but makes me automatically assume the person doing it is an idiot. I will forever judge them as such regardless of what else they do. There’s just no need for it. Go listen to De La Soul you fools!

    Full Member

    And why are the GPs so averse to it?

    Non serious: We all hate patients and if we don’t take thier calls, we can all bunk off earlier, obvs.

    Serious: We have a total triage system, pats have to fill out a consultation form, and our GPs triage the patients to either same day, this week, safe to deal with in next 10-14 days. Doing it this way we can look at many many more pats requests, we see all the urgent ones more quickly and can divert pats who don’t need to see a GP (but will ask to see one anyway) to more appropriate services – minor injuries, prescription queries, travel queries, MSK etc etc. Our pats are older gen, and don’t like that they can’t just call up and get an appt, like they used to. I’d say something about the entitlement of that generation of folks, but that’s for another day, probs.

    And why did they approve the questions?

    I don’t think they really grasped the levels of determination of the patients. I’ve written loads of Pat surveys as well, and generally I think they’re mostly a waste of everyone’s time, but they are en vogue currently, so here we are.

    Full Member

    We have a total triage system, pats have to fill out a consultation form, and our GPs triage the patients to either same day, this week, safe to deal with in next 10-14 days.

    Great idea. Can’t say I’ve ever heard of a Primary Care triage system before but it seems logical

    Free Member

    Calling “garden leave” “gardening leave”. You can sit in it, you don’t have to dig it.

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