As a similar sized bloke, in a. similar situation, my thinking has been to avoid anything with a vastly different Actual Seat Angle Vs Virtual/effective seat angle, and a crazy short head tube.
For me, its a pretty short list that I am considering:
1) Bird AM9
2) Cotic Rocket Max
3) Geometron/Nicolai
4) Pole
Thats about it! Most everything else is too low at the front and/or has some ludicrous actual set angle which is a major issue for tall blokes with long legs. which rules out pretty much everything on the00’s list unfortunately.
Interestingly, I am also fat, so the AM9 is sitting in no. one position for me.
Let us know how you get on!
I’ll share my evidence of badly need ing to avoid bikes with a daft actual seat angle. Exhibit A, XXL Tallboy rental bike. Effective TT ended up being about 800mm, and as you describe, the saddle was somewhere over the rear axle. Horrendous!: