Home Forums Bike Forum Skelwith Fold Route Query

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  • Skelwith Fold Route Query
  • carlossal
    Free Member

    Hi all
    Just a quick Lake District route question. Anybody know the status of this track leading past Holmeshead Farm near Skelwith Fold ? Here. It is shown on 1:25000 maps as "Other Routes With Public Access". Is it permissible to cycle along it or should I take a longer route to avaoid any hassle ?

    Ta in advance


    Full Member

    It looks like a road, so I'd ride it. The worst that could happen would be a shouting at by the farmer or being chased by a farm dog. Go for it!

    Free Member

    I've ridden it a couple of times, but it was years ago, so my memory is a bit dim. No probs with the inhabitants. It's mostly quite vague as it's rarely used (or so it looked)

    Free Member

    I used it years ago on trail bikes…ahem

    I still use it on Mountainbikes and have had no problems with the farmer,I have contacted a friend with ROW knowledge and he says it has been downgraded from a Road (status Boat,Byroad unkown to me) to Bridleway, on the councils definative list of streets.

    Its quite a wet one but satisfying to clean it,no pun intended. 😉

    Full Member

    Did it a couple of years ago NW>>SE. Pretty grotty – mud, ruts, not very interesting at all, and easy to stray from.
    I certainly wouldn't suggets you look for the delightful singletrack through the woods to the east instead……….

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