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  • Serious IT help needed!
  • DezB
    Free Member

    Blimey, I’ve not seen this thread before and probably could’ve helped.
    My previous job was net security and virus stuff (I’ve actually had about 4 people sacked for net abuse 🙁 )
    Glad I wasn’t needed and that it’s all worked out ok in the end!
    Some companies do have morons in the IT depts, that’s for sure.

    Full Member

    Great thread. Warms the heart to hear the Help Zed got.

    Best wishes Zed.

    Free Member

    Good to hear!

    while I agree that not logging the full URL is a complete failing (and that the staff don’t seem very good at their jobs), we found when we started logging full URL’s rather than just domain hits, the disk space required to capture and store that information jumped tenfold and a large investment was immediately required to cope. They may have tried and hit this issue.

    Agreed it would take some logging, but ultimately if you DONT log full urls you CANT claim someone viewed a particular image, which makes the logging effectively useless unless porn-only domains are visited. In which case, and assuming people are not stupid enough to visit porn sites at work, all of their logging is pointless from this perspective.

    Free Member

    A quick fag packet calculation would suggest you could store about 2000 million full URLs + ip address + date on a 60 quid drive, which sounds like quite a few web accesses to me.
    BTW great news zed!

    Full Member

    I can’t believe I have just read this thread over the last couple of days!!

    Zed I don’t know you, but I am so proud of you for actually listening to the advice offered, acting on it and really fighting back. That won’t have been easy when your stress levels were probably through the roof!! I’m going to have a glass of wine for you right now 🙂

    Guys, again well done for giving Zed the confidence to see this through x

    Free Member

    WoW. I thought my life had drama. Glad everything worked out Zed. Some amazingly useful people on STW, balances out the lying thieves. I’d buy you all a beer if I could afford it (it’s the thought that counts right?)I’m going to sleep on a warm feeling of fuzzy.

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