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  • Scottish independence- where do you stand?
  • scotroutes
    Full Member

    I’ll just mention the name Mike Russell and leave you to do the rest.

    Free Member

    UKIP supporters want to leave the European Union therefore racist.


    Full Member

    This from the previous page is hysterical .
    It’s all true as well.

    Free Member

    Very surprised when back home to Inverness to hear most of the family saying no to independence, far cry from what everyone used to say when I lived there.

    Free Member

    saleem – Member
    Very surprised when back home to Inverness to hear most of the family saying no to independence, far cry from what everyone used to say when I lived there

    But will they vote? Odds are the one’s that are for it are more likely to vote. While the one’s against won’t bother. Or am I just being hopeful!

    Free Member

    They’ll vote, thats for sure.

    Full Member

    SD-253 There is no doubt that some people really do feel their way of life is threatened,or that the EU is taking away their independence and some of those people have turned to parties like UKIP to express their concern. Its not their policy of having a referendum on EU membership that makes UKIP racist but the utterances of Mr Bloom, and their policy on immigration. UKIP in my opinion will do nothing to improve life for ordinary people and may well make it worse
    The SNP said in their white paper

    “Scotland’s differing demographic and migration needs mean that the UK immigration system has not served our interests,”

    in other words Scotland needs more immigrants. Supporting independence does not make a person or party racist.Knowing that many Scots find the term Jock irritating you chose to use it imo that shows you are not serious about wanting to put forward those views you claim to hold. Perhaps you should practice some self censorship in order to put your opinions over more effectively.

    Free Member

    Scotland needs more immigrants

    *waves at the Scottish contingent

    Free Member

    Just for the record.

    As far as I’m aware, the actions of ‘Moderators’ on internet forums pose no infringement on free speech.

    Somebody owns this website site, and its not you. It’s their right to control what is posted.

    If you wish to post missguided inflammatory bile. You’ll need your own website forum. Or you could nip over to the Mail.

    Free Member

    If we send all the Scottish Diaspora back North, will that solve the population problem?

    Free Member

    If we send all the Scottish Diaspora back North, will that solve the population problem?

    Not if they send the English Disapora back in return.

    Full Member

    I’d quite like to keep the English diaspora here if they want to stay :-)…but were not having T Blair.

    Free Member

    Michael Gove?

    Full Member

    athgray:-potty mouth

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    Free Member

    in other words Scotland needs more immigrants.

    Toss. It doesn’t say that at all.

    Full Member

    Very surprised when back home to Inverness to hear most of the family saying no to independence, far cry from what everyone used to say when I lived there

    that’s coz us Invernesians are an informed clever bunch 🙂

    Full Member

    What does it say then Konabunny?

    Free Member

    “Scotland’s differing demographic and migration needs mean that the UK immigration system has not served our interests,”
    in other words Scotland needs more immigrants. Supporting independence does not make a person or party racist.Knowing that many Scots find the term Jock irritating you chose to use it imo that shows you are not serious about wanting to put forward those views you claim to hold. Perhaps you should practice some self censorship in order to put your opinions over more effectively.

    Have I got this right Scotland wants more immigrants? Are you real? Or is it that Scotland wants more non English immigrants? I actually doubt they want or need more immigrants. I would suggest that the UK should not have a population greater than 30 million.

    Free Member

    SD253 you do know that the last time the UK had a population of 30 million was in 1860. What’s the case for a return to that number? And how would you implement a reduction plan, who goes and who stays?

    PS BTW there are also more people who have left these shores to go live elsewhere than have actually came here. So the whole immigration thing balances itself out really(it’s known that immigrants are net contributors to the economy). I saw something the other day, currently there are around 5 mil British nationals living abroad and around 4 million immigrants have came to the uk.

    Free Member

    Gordimhor: it says

    Scotland’s differing demographic and migration needs mean that the UK immigration system has not served our interests

    It doesn’t say

    Scotland needs more immigrants

    Free Member

    . piemonster – Member
    Just for the record.

    As far as I’m aware, the actions of ‘Moderators’ on internet forums pose no infringement on free speech.

    Somebody owns this website site, and its not you. It’s their right to control what is posted.

    If you wish to post missguided inflammatory bile. You’ll need your own website forum. Or you could nip over to the Mail. well there is a new excuse for censorship! As it happens I have never read the Mail and constantly suggesting I have is yet another attempt at censorship. IE his views should be ignored because he reads the Mail. As if Mail readers have no right to a view whatever it maybe. Typical middle class political correct everybody is entitled to a view as long as it agrees with ours. Opps did I go to far? Please don’t report me to the moderator I promise I will keep my opinions to myself in future. That way only your opinion will be read and the working class will kneel in front of you and know what it is right and wrong. After all what do we know we are just thick working class scum!

    Free Member

    .seosamh77 – Member
    SD253 you do know that the last time the UK had a population of 30 million was in 1860. What’s the case for a return to that number? And how would you implement a reduction plan, who goes and who stays?

    PS BTW there are also more people who have left these shores to go live elsewhere than have actually came here. So the whole immigration thing balances itself out really(it’s known that immigrants are net contributors to the economy). Saw something the others day. Currently around 5 mil British nationals living abroad and around 4 million immigrants have came to the uk.. I don’t believe the population of the UK should be 30 million I was just quoting David Attenborough who believes that natural population of the UK should be 30 million. Now call him a racist

    Free Member

    [/quote]PS BTW there are also more people who have left these shores to go live elsewhere than have actually came here. So the whole immigration thing balances itself out really(it’s known that immigrants are net contributors to the economy). I saw something the other day, currently there are around 5 mil British nationals living abroad and around 4 million immigrants have came to the uk.

    just as a matter of fact there is a huge amount of working class who get no where near minimum wage because according to the Labour party mass immigration has reduced working class income. On the good side (irony) the middle class have cheap labour reducing there cost of living so that evens it out! PS let me be more precise vast amounts of the working class get nowhere near minimum wage. Of course you gain enormously by that… Lucky you!

    Free Member

    You never quoted anyone. You suggested it. Attenborough is wrong if he said that, you got linkage? Curious to see his actual wording, I know he has issues about overpopulation, that I don’t agree with.

    Free Member

    Of course you gain enormously by that… Lucky you!

    :mrgreen: I’m as working class as you can get. HeeHaw wrong with immigration. Newsflash not everyone in the world wants to come here.

    Free Member

    A lot of Scotlands young bright folk move to south or abroad for work. Our Nurses and Doctors all go to australia. Some come back.

    Most of the clever migrants I have met have been amazing and are often professionals we should be keeping. Teachers working in bars etc.

    There are a few not so desirable ones however. But they pick your scottish strawberries. and live in terrible housing owned by Asian Slum Landlords next door to middle class low paid Scottish semi professionals like me. No migrant would work in the arts. Not paid enough.

    The anti english extremism is total bollocks. Even my parents are talking about it increasing with independance and they brought me up as the most tolerant balanced reasonable person ever. Totally media led. They think war over Faslane and a Gibralter/ Northern ireland situation is imminent.

    Maybe we will get some English/French/Swiss/Alpine owned MTB Holiday companies operating in Scotland?

    Free Member

    konabunny – Member
    Gordimhor: it says

    Scotland’s differing demographic and migration needs mean that the UK immigration system has not served our interests
    It doesn’t say

    Scotland needs more immigrants


    You could read that sentence which every way you want, “differing” could mean we want more or we want less.

    Being Welsh I don’t have that much of a say in this, but I certainly think there are plenty of lose ends and inaccuracies to be tied up before anyone should consider independence it a viable option.

    Free Member

    .seosamh77 – Member
    You never quoted anyone. You suggested it. Attenborough is wrong if he said that, you got linkage? Curious to see his actual wording, I know he has issues about overpopulation, that I don’t agree with

    no your right just waiting for someone to imply that I am racist because of my views on population.. Didn’t take long!

    .seosamh77 – Member
    Of course you gain enormously by that… Lucky you!
    I’m as working class as you can get. HeeHaw wrong with immigration. Newsflash not everyone in the world wants to come here.

    yes no doubt your great granny lived in a shoe and therefore you are by association working class. Again irony

    Full Member

    SD-253 With an ageing population and shrinking population of working age,Scotland needs more immigrants of working age. This is from the FT
    I would welcome immigrants from anywhere.
    Konabunny The whole aim of coalition immigration policy has been to reduce net immigration. The article in the FT says that a policy allowing more immigration would be an aid to economic growth in Scotland. The Scottish government has set population growth targets which it will not achieve because of aUK immigration policy which takes no account of the situation in Scotland.

    Full Member

    SD-253, I get paid £6.31 an hour. You?

    Free Member

    SD I don’t know if you are racist or not, I do think you are a tadger though!

    Full Member

    konabunny/wiggles. It is generally accepted by both sides of the Indy debate that iScotland will want to allow in more immigrants than rUK. In fact, one of the scare stories is that this will result in a need for border guards at Carter Bar (neatly ignoring the fact that Eire and the UK currently have different immigration policies and a shared travel area without any problems)

    Free Member

    .konabunny – Member
    Gordimhor: it says

    Scotland’s differing demographic and migration needs mean that the UK immigration system has not served our interests
    It doesn’t say

    Scotland needs more immigrants

    Since when does the UK set the rules for immigration? And do please tell me how Scotland is affected by UK immigration rules. Surely Scotland can get the immigrants it needs from within the EU? Or are you saying you need non EU immigrants? Your answer IF it is forthcoming will be interesting!

    Full Member

    Immigration policy is not currently devolved to the Scottish Government.

    Free Member

    .scotroutes – Member
    SD-253, I get paid £6.31 an hour. You

    . I don’t believe you, if you did you would understand just how badly effected the working class are by mass immigration. AND wages which are far below £6.31 an hour. My wages? I live of you I have a Army disability pension. So I can only gain from mass immigration but I have morals. I don’t like to see people working 12 hours a day 6 days a week to get the equivalent of what you get for 36 hour week.

    Free Member

    scotroutes – Member
    SD-253 »
    Since when does the UK set the rules for immigration? And do please tell me how Scotland is affected by UK immigration rules.
    Immigration policy is not currently devolved to the Scottish Government.

    you haven’t answered the question why does Scotland need immigrants from outside the EU?

    Full Member

    Immigration law is reserved to the UK government, not devolved to the Scottish government. As I already mentioned Scotland needs immigrants of working age from anywhere.

    Full Member

    Who has said it needs immigrants specifically from outside the EU?

    Free Member

    .seosamh77 – Member
    SD I don’t know if you are racist or not, I do think you are a tadger though!

    . No idea what that means guessing it means working class scum who doesn’t know his place? Forgive me if I got that wrong!

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