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  • Rockshox Reverb size question.
  • justatheory
    Free Member

    I’m going to buy a Reverb but not too sure what length to opt for. My current seat post is 420mm but doesn’t go all the way down, so I was leaning towards the 380mm with 125mm of travel.

    I’m 6,2″ and was wondering if I’ll have enough adjustment.

    Full Member

    Well why don’t you take some basic measurements ? Put your seat in the normal fully up position & measure how much of the post’s exposed. I could have used either the 420 or 380 but the 380mm post was adequate & in well past the minimum insertion line 😆 The fully up position on the Reverb’s obviously going to be in the same place as your normal seat height. It’ll be easy to work out if the 380’s going to be enough.


    Free Member

    I’ll do that.

    I’m so lazy.

    Free Member

    If I’m only short but I have a seat tube with no stops can I just run either?

    I’m really struggling to find a 380 in budget but I have the offer of a 420 and I’ll just insert right down to the collar.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Because im going to the collar I’m guessing the length doesn’t matter as the drop is still 125mm right.

    Free Member

    The drop will be 125mm, as long as you buy the 125mm drop version….

    My concern with buying a reverb with the collar right at the seat tube cuff would be that you have little room for error – if you use a slightly higher profile saddle, you may need to drop the post a little for it to feel comfortable to pedal – that will definitely be a PITA.

    Buy the right size you need, instead of compromising, i’m guessing you’re looking at buying from Merlin for £220? as they only have a 420 in stock? Buy German for £42 less, the servicing is still done by Fishers in the UK – so if anything goes wrong just send it direct.

    Free Member

    I’m only 5ft7 and I know the 100mm drop one would be better but it’s so much more expensive. I could easy have an inch sticking out on the 125mm but the too height will be too high so I’d have to adjust for peddling every time.

    Free Member

    5ft 7 and a bit here. I have a 380mm reverb fitted to my Orange 5, 16 inch frame and there is just enough room to get my crud catcher clamp around the lower post and have about 10mm of room between the crud clamp and seat clamp. I find I now run the seat slightly higher than when I couldn’t drop it. It has 125mm of drop and you can stop where you like on the way down. It is much easier if the maximum up is the highest you want you seat.


    Free Member

    It works out about £200 from bike-discount.de for a 100mm drop. That’s still cheap, and cheaper than from the UK.

    I would really recommend against having to drop the seat everytime, that’s going to be really annoying. There’s a few posts about it on mtbr threads, and those users have regretted it.

    Free Member

    Isn’t the 420 only different in that the black bit below the collar is longer? So a 380 or 420 wouldn’t make any difference except how much is in the frame.

    Free Member

    There will be more to loose inside the frame seat tube with the 420. Not a problem unless your frame has a pierced seat tube design like a Giant Reign, especially in smaller frame sizes.

    Free Member

    I asked the same question on the Evans Cycles website.
    Answer given is below:-

    I’ve taken a few measurements for you from the 380mm post that you may find useful:

    The 380mm Reverb post measures aprox 375mm from the base of the post to the centre of the saddle rails.

    Subtract the 80mm minimum insertion of the post that must be kept inside your frame (or whatever your frame manufacturer says should be the minimum seatpost insertion in their frame, whichever is greater) which leaves you with aprox 295mm max height, from where the post comes out of the frame to the centre of the saddle rails.

    Regarding other sizes, the measurement from the base of the post to the centre of the saddle rail is always aprox 5mm shorter than the complete post length for all size Reverbs, and all have an 80mm minimum insertion (unless your frame manufacturer states more for their particular frame, use whichever is greater)

    Hopefully this helps??

    Incidently, I am 5ft 9in, and went for the 380mm post with 125mm drop and that is working great!!!

    Free Member

    My bike has a uninterrupted seat tube so I think 420 will be fine.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the above – very useful.

    Free Member
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