Just to address a couple of responses to my initial post, saying that I was blaming the cyclist and/or jumping to conclusions.
The OP said left turning lorry. Even if it had not, based on the history of cyclists dying under heavy vehicles in London I would have bet my house on it being so, and indeed it proved to be so.
In terms of blaming the cyclist, I don’t think I said anywhere that it was their fault – technically it is clearly not. Merely that any cyclists who share roads with long heavy vehicles should have knowledge of the attendant dangers with regard to left turns. Being on the left of an HGV is – in my view – quite possibly the most dangerous place to be when cycling on the road, whether at a junction or not. This is not intrinsic, and comes either from bitter experience or from education. Preferably the latter.
And as for asking for ‘a little respect’. It’s out of respect that I say anything at all. This scenario is a primary issue for urban cycling, and it is with a weary sadness I read these stories time and time again, compounded by the victims generally being less experienced cyclists.