Could it be that bigotry pays? Separate schools, doctors, community centres, leisure centres, anything public money pays for gets built at least twice in NI,
I don’t have anything humorous or incisive to say about Rantzen’s more than likely ignorant comment, but I will take umbrage with the above.
It’s true that sectarianism led to a situation where it may seem there is two of everything, but if a moment’s thought were utilised it becomes apparent that regardless of the split society there would still be two schools etc, and from my own experience more than likely full to bursting point. It’s just that one is a Catholic school, one is a Protestant school, or one leisure centre is in a Catholic area and not 50% under utilised, and the other leisure centre is in a Protestant area, and neither is it sitting half empty or losing money.
I’ve not heard of doctors for Taigs and doctors for Huns, but I’ll take your word for it.