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  • Planes
  • Elfinsafety
    Free Member

    You knows it! 😀

    Ekranoplans rock.

    Free Member

    TWO in one!!!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Lovely shot of a Halifax

    Free Member

    That’s an incredible looking plane, 5th – really puts the “stagger” into staggerwing. I’m ashamed I had to google it!

    Full Member

    So many stunning aircraft on here that I love, like the Skyraider, DH Comet, Supermarine S6B. Here’s another angle of one that klunk put up, at a slightly better angle, the Grumman F7F-3P Tigercat. Yummy!

    Free Member

    Supermarine S6B

    Ha! Except it’s not (unless somebody else has posted one) – check the URL.

    Free Member

    I used to live just down the road from here – that’s where they designed the Mossie (and the prototype is inside the hangar). Went regularly as a kid, hence why I still think of Mossies as being yellow! Well worth a visit if you’re in the area.

    Full Member

    How very British! A big house with a large shed and a load of war planes outside. Was that De Havilland’s design base or just Mr DH’s house? Has it got a website?

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    More Russian madness, according to the email I got

    The most amazing airplane in History….For the Airplane Buffs.

    Built in Russia during the 1930s, it flew 11 times before crashing and killing 15 people.

    The designer, Konstantin Kalinin, wanted to build two more planes but the project was scrapped.

    Later, Stalin had Kalinin executed.

    Evidently, it was not good to fail on an expensive project under Stalin.

    It’s got propellers on the back of the wings, too. You can count 12 engines facing front.

    The size would be equivalent to the Empire State Building on its side, with cannons.

    And you think the 747 was big… not only a bunch of engines but check out the cannons the thing was carrying.

    In the 1930s the Russian army was obsessed by the idea of creating huge planes.

    At that time they were proposed to have as many propellers as possible to help carrying those huge flying fortresses into the air, jet propulsion has not been implemented yet.

    Not many photos were saved from those times because of the high secrecy levels of such projects and because a lot of time has already passed.

    Free Member

    not quite the emipre state, but impressive none the less

    Free Member

    Interesting renderings, but the reality was a little less extreme

    Free Member

    Kuco beat me to it.

    Icon Aircraft

    Full Member

    I’ve been out the back door of this one a few times in years gone by;

    If we’re doing “otherwise perfectly good aeroplanes that I’ve fallen out of,” here’s mine:

    … only with not quite such a scabby paint job.

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