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  • Petty annoyances
  • jon1973
    Free Member

    Battery operated devices that take an odd number of batteries.


    Full Member

    Just get two…

    Free Member

    I’m not playing ball with their cynical marketing tactics.

    The other thing is, they’re rechargeable batteries, and you can only charge them in twos.

    Free Member

    The train announcements for East Midlands trains.

    She says “The next East Midlands Trains Service is…”

    but she doesn’t combine the SS noise from the end of Trains and start of Service into one mouth shape, so it sounds like she pauses in between.

    It’s possibly the worst thing in the world!!

    Full Member

    The other thing is, they’re rechargeable batteries, and you can only charge them in twos.

    That’s not a device issue, it’s a crap charger issue.

    Free Member

    It’s still a petty annoyance. Taking 3 batteries is a device issue when batteries are always sold in even amounts.

    Full Member

    Petty annoyances,

    The BBC’s insistence (and others) on suffixing dots in domain names rather than prefixing them. Eg, “for more information see our website at doubleyou-doubleyou-doubleyou-dot, bbc-dot, co-dot, uk.” HULK SMASH!

    Full Member

    It’s still a petty annoyance.

    Sure. I’m just being petty about it. (-:

    Free Member

    This sums it up nicely.

    Full Member

    The blatantly fraudulent tactics employed by Mcvities to ensure when opening a packet of biscuits, you are forced to to expose (and naturally consume) around 4 to 5 biscuits when using their ‘helpful’ hobnob release mechanism.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Pedantry on STW

    Free Member

    Pedantry on STW

    The BBC’s insistence (and others) on suffixing dots in domain names rather than prefixing them. Eg, “for more information see our website at doubleyou-doubleyou-doubleyou-dot, bbc-dot, co-dot, uk.”

    If you are serious then you need help.

    Why would you prefix the dots? Is this some nerd IT problem?

    What is annoying is calling them “dots”, they are not just “dots”.

    Free Member

    “Other” people using “my” steam room 🙄

    Free Member

    Councils who, while claiming to be environmentally aware, refuse entry to those who choose to walk/cycle to the tip with a small bag of rubbish but will let you in once you drive the 2 miles there and back.

    Free Member

    The BBC self promoting programs on the bloody news

    E.G run a story on x (x being an issue no one else as reported on that day as it’s not bloody news) and they say something like “You can see more on this issue on program y tonight at 10 pm”

    **** off no bloody commercials!

    Free Member

    People… Not having the common courtesy to return a nod or “hello” when sharing common ground like out on the hill or the bike.

    Free Member

    People… Not having the common courtesy to return a nod or “hello” when sharing common ground like out on the hill or the bike.

    LOL roadies and MTBer’s on morning commute, I always let on and they look at me as thought I’ve just told them they smell of shit 🙄

    Free Member

    Parking on the road when u have a driveway.

    Free Member

    l let you in once you drive the 2 miles there and back.

    You need to drive there and back before they let you in? Why not just drive there then hide round the corner for 10 minutes and tell them you’ve gone home and come back?

    Free Member

    The BBC’s insistence (and others) on suffixing dots in domain names rather than prefixing them. Eg, “for more information see our website at doubleyou-doubleyou-doubleyou-dot, bbc-dot, co-dot, uk.”

    Why even bother with the “doubleyou-doubleyou-doubleyou-dot” bit?

    1.Everyone knows about it
    2.Most browsers stick it in there for you any way if you miss it off
    3.For something that’s only 3 letter long, it takes far too long to say.

    Full Member

    There are some www2. and www3. addresses out there

    Free Member

    so you could have a www, www2 and www3 version of the same domain name?

    Full Member

    Wonders how Cougar coped with Graham Dott’s old website doubleyoudoubleyoudoubleyoudotdottdotcom 😀
    Ps the domain is now for sale

    Free Member

    It’s not done for .coms is it.

    “monkeybusiness dot, com” sounds so wrong so why would they think
    “monkeybusiness dot, co dot, uk” is OK.

    Free Member

    Annoyingly, http://www.dotdot.com is not available.

    Free Member

    Parking on the road when u have a driveway.

    This, this, and thrice this.

    Full Member

    rp16v – Member

    Parking on the road when u have a driveway.

    Pik n Mix – Member

    Parking on the road when u have a driveway.

    This, this, and thrice this.

    and even worse parking smack opposite my driveway blocking me in as your too much a shit driver to park on your drive 10 meters away!!

    Free Member

    Thank god I’m not alone on this one lol
    Overshoot I get that as well in fact I can see it while sat here now grrrr mupppets

    Free Member

    jon1973 – Member
    It’s still a petty annoyance. Taking 3 batteries is a device issue when batteries are always sold in even amounts.

    Buy them in 12 packs

    Free Member

    Whistling at work. Just stf up and get on with your work. Even if you must whistle, don’t just whistle a few bars then fade off before coming back into a different tune.

    Free Member

    Parking on the road when u have a driveway.

    The reluctance to type y and o, yet being happy to type w, a and y when not really necessary. 🙂

    Free Member

    Buy them in 12 packs

    I think you’re missing the point. I wasn’t after a solution. Having to buy batteries in packs of 12 when you only need 3, for a device where the batteries last about a year, is still annoying.

    Free Member

    …pictures also available on request

    …never fails to annoy me.

    Full Member


    Full Member


    No, chuff off you argumentative twonk.

    Full Member

    Jamie – Member
    …pictures also available on request
    …never fails to annoy me.

    Also, see “www.pinkbike.com/bbcgnhjjgtgvbhujgfd”


    Full Member

    If you are serious then you need help.

    I do, I suffer from CDO.

    Why would you prefix the dots? Is this some nerd IT problem?


    What is annoying is calling them “dots”, they are not just “dots”.

    What are they then? RFC1034 (and many others) would disagree with you.

    so you could have a www, www2 and www3 version of the same domain name?

    Yep. You can have (almost) anything you like. There’s no technical reason for “www” other than most people did it and it caught on. “Web” used to be popular in the early days too. Historically, it was the machine name of the web server. There’s nothing to stop you from calling your web servers Dave and Brian, and having websites of dave.domain.com and brian.domain.com, other than people aren’t used to it.

    The BBC do this with some of their websites. If you go to news.bbc.co.uk for instance, it redirects to http://www.bbc.co.uk/news.

    (edit – amusingly, not only do most people expect websites to start with www, so does the parser on this website…)

    Free Member

    Joanna Lumley. 😡

    Full Member

    rp16v – Member

    Thank god I’m not alone on this one lol
    Overshoot I get that as well in fact I can see it while sat here now grrrr mupppets

    I often wonder if there is a set of magnets across the road that causes people to stop in just that point, 10 minutes after I posted the original comment a car parks there and goes into a house that has a space in front of their drive!!

    Think about it your visiting someone why not park across their drive?? Your visiting them so if they are out you won’t block them in & if they are in you are visiting them so they are not going to be blocked in are they!!

    Sorry but it really winds me up (can you tell)

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