Home Forums Chat Forum People interfering in you for sale threads.

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  • People interfering in you for sale threads.
  • wysiwyg
    Free Member

    Would I be right in thinking what I choose to charge for an item is between myself and any potential buyers, or should I expect busy bodies sticking their oar in telling me something’s available from Germany for £1 more. The reason behind this PSA is that this is a community and I shouldn’t rip people off..

    If something’s too expensive it won’t sell and I’ll reduce the price accordingly until it does surely.

    Free Member

    You chose to claim how much it was from one retailer so I reckon it’s fair game to counter it.
    If you’d just put the price up and left it at that maybe not

    Free Member

    That’s usually standard practice for me if I’m selling something new, check what it is on CRC, no point selling it more, and they were always the cheapest. never look on rose tbh

    Free Member

    jota180 – Member
    You chose to claim how much it was from one retailer so I reckon it’s fair game to counter it.
    If you’d just put the price up and left it at that maybe not

    Agree with that.

    Free Member

    Would I be right in thinking what I choose to charge for an item is between myself and any potential buyers

    I’m unsure on this – I mean, yes it is between you and any potential buyers, but the potential buyers (and of course yourself) are part of a community (!) and it seems reasonable that those who may be more aware of prices and values inform those who aren’t…

    Free Member

    This is aimed fairly and squarely at me, as I am that busybody. 😀

    It was aimed as a headup to you as much as anything. Ok its only a £1. They’re actually £15.50 ish + postage, so the gap widens if the buyer gets several items + a guarantee.

    I apologise for the rip off comment, looking back that was a little harsh, sorry. 😳

    Free Member

    Would I be right in thinking what I choose to charge for an item is between myself and any potential buyers

    I think that’s the reasoning that people who quote grannies £2000 quid to have a roof tile replaced use. 😀

    Free Member

    Actually apology withdrawn, having just read this bit of vitriol from you. Nice.

    wysiwyg – Member
    I fail to see what the hell it’s got to do with you or anyone else what I choose to charge for anything I sell. If its too much don’t buy it. It’s not a bloody community, if it were if come round your house and wee in your shoes.

    Full Member

    I can see this from both sides, as a seller I want as much as I can get from an item as the proceeds usually go to fund more bike kit.

    But as a buyer I’d be very annoyed if I’d just paid for something 2nd had that I could have got for just a little more brand new, usually with a warranty etc.

    As mentioned above, I think that the forum should be a community where everyone is out to help each other.

    IMHO If people want to over charge / rip people off then they should sell stuff on eBay or pinkbike etc.

    Free Member

    … should I expect busy bodies sticking their oar in telling me something’s available from Germany for £1 more


    Odd thread title too 😉

    Free Member

    I’d like the support of “the STW community” to get the best deal I can and help research best prices etc. I think generally most will look what prices are however, personally I would buy in the UK rather than Germany. Bit expensive sending it back.

    Not a biggie on £15 but the buyer may be scrimping that together. Lets not fall out over it aye guys!

    Full Member

    Actually, I’ve seen a couple of these, where I’ve thought “does the seller realise…”

    But then I back off in the spirit of entreperialism(?). Personally I google before I buy 2nd hand to obtain a “mark” of the “new” price avialable. If you don’t do this and buy overpriced from classifieds thats your issue. People are entiled to make money / aim to get thier original spend back if they paid full RRP / yet a sale has happended in the meantime.

    The contract is between the buyer and the seller – no one else’s business.

    edit and if someone is trying to rip you off. you’ll know because you’ll have done your research right?

    Full Member

    The contract is between the buyer and the seller – no one else’s business.

    some sellers are quite happy to be told what the going rate is though, rather than keep cluttering up the classifieds with over priced stuff.

    Free Member

    you say it is a community yet you dont want us to tell folk how much something costs relative to what you are charging
    For all we know you got 20 from Rose bikes and are making a profit on them
    personally I e-mail the seller if it is a daft price but I have no problem with what happened on your thread.
    I rarely sell So i doubt i would be upset if someone pointed out I was way above the market price [ he could have just quoted the price for example] as it would help me get to a price it would sell at rather than post the same overprice ad every day for the next month

    Free Member

    The very fact that the rules below mentions “spirit” reinforces my view that this plaqce IS a community.

    The ‘spirit’ of our forum is one where users can turn their old, surplus or unwanted kit into extra cash to enable them to buy new bits to help them get out and continue riding. The Classified Forum is not a place where users can trade parts bought elsewhere and then sold at a profit.

    If this was a private forum then yes, the contract should be private. This is a public forum, and the community self police then all the better. There are people who rally round when rogue traders try and con people and long may that continue.

    The day people shrug their shoulders and say “tough luck” will be a black day for this forum.

    Free Member

    If you post something up in a public forum then anybody can weigh in with whatever they choose. I’d say you just suck it up.

    Mind you, you don’t seem to see as many posts saying “Blimey mate, that’s a bit cheap, do you realise the last one posted up went for £xx more, you need to raise your price a bit!”

    Full Member

    So I can understand i I bought say, a tire for £20 on sale and then tried to flog it or £40, I can understand.

    If I tried to sell it or £20 having used it once to get my money back, thats wrong?

    Free Member

    Vote community. More solidarity with the buyer than the seller.
    Despite all the other arguments, everyone here seems to want to help each other to enjoy biking. And that includes recommending best deals on kit.
    That trumps helping anyone make a profit, no matter how small.

    Free Member

    If I tried to sell it or £20 having used it once to get my money back, thats wrong?

    That would be fine, but so would somebody posting on your thread saying they are £20 new.

    Free Member

    You come across as a bit of an idiot.

    Its a public forum, what do you expect?

    Full Member

    If you don’t want people to be able to comment on your FS ads then use eBay or gumtree.

    My contributions tend to be after an items been advertised for weeks or if I like something but can’t have it.

    This is a community and anyone posting stuff for sale should accept that or go elsewhere.

    Free Member

    If I tried to sell it or £20 having used it once to get my money back, thats wrong?

    No harm in trying, I expect you’d be offering the same or similar levels of service as the retailer too.

    Free Member

    I like the fact that people look out for others on the classifieds, the way I see it is the only people that will get shirty are those with ulterior motives.

    All it would have taken is a drop in price by £1 yes 1 whole pound!

    I love the classifieds, have had many a builds finished by someone offering their unwanteds for a reasonable price.

    Free Member

    But whats wrong with as in my example I’ve bought an xtr chainset and have a Chris king bb trying to sell the new bb for as much as I can to offset the ck? If it were for sale by me at rrp then fair enough point the price out. It’s the fact it was a quid that’s wound me up. Still afaik half rrp and cheaper by a tenner than the cheapest uk shop I’d imagine. Bloody Germans.
    As far as I’m concerned if you were looking for an XTR bb you’d research the best price and make an offer surely. Calling a pound deficit a ripoff is just plain odd.

    Full Member

    He did apologise for the ripoff accusation.

    But then read your response about there being no such thing as community.

    Call it a score draw, maybe?

    Free Member

    Am i missing something

    The reason behind this PSA is that this is a community and I shouldn’t rip people off..

    wysiwyg – Member
    I fail to see what the hell it’s got to do with you or anyone else what I choose to charge for anything I sell. If its too much don’t buy it. It’s not a bloody community, if it were if come round your house and wee in your shoes.

    Free Member

    I don’t think he’s down with the whole shoe wee interface thing.

    Were going round in circles I was gonna accept and apologise for ranting then he retracted. I’m calling it quits.

    Free Member

    The reason behind this PSA is that this is a community and I shouldn’t rip people off..

    That should have been in quotation marks referring to the original post

    The reason behind this PSA is that: ” this is a community and I shouldn’t rip people off..”

    Free Member

    Is this how you were planning on getting yourself out of a lovely, deep hole you’ve dug for yourself?

    Free Member

    trying to sell the new bb for as much as I can to offset the ck?

    I missed that part of your original ad 😉

    Free Member

    But does it matter why I’m selling? I could be selling it to buy a bottle of JD to get smashed.
    So what people are saying is you should quote the source of any unused bits you’re selling, with the original price, as well as a reason why you’re selling and what you will spend the money on?

    Full Member

    Wysiwyg – stop diggin mate the holes deep enough now 😳

    Free Member

    I get the whole shoe + wee thing. That didn’t bother me tbh. What annoyed me was the “what the hell…..”. Just no need at all.
    Anyway would you take £20 for it? 😀

    Free Member

    OP quit whining, you were pwned, give up.

    Full Member

    I use a cunning approach, of trying to ask fair prices in the first place.

    Sometimes it’s not so clearcut though but in this case…

    Full Member

    davidjones15 – Member
    If I tried to sell it or £20 having used it once to get my money back, thats wrong?

    No harm in trying, I expect you’d be offering the same or similar levels of service as the retailer too.

    Thats a pathetic point to make. Everyone knows its secondhand and doesn’t come with shop/manufacturer warranties etc. If you raise that concern, make a lower offer which you believe the object in question to be worth.

    I have no qualms about off loading cheap used stuff at cheap prices (in fact I will be soon) which reflect their condition or age or the fact I just want rid. If I’ve bought new and made a mistake I’d try to get as close to the price I paid as I could and its up to the seller to bargain down if they feel they should. Its then up to the seller to accept or not.

    Hope bleed kit, used one no oil £15 anyone….. ? 😉

    Free Member

    I’m with the buyer too. If someone, including myself, ever offers something for too much money – point it out! Otherwise it’ll keep getting posted up again and again and the Classifieds fills up with overpriced stuff from grumpy “classified-only” users.

    If a seller starts throwing their toys out the pram, its a good indication of what they’re like to deal with.

    Free Member

    Thats a pathetic point to make. Everyone knows its secondhand and doesn’t come with shop/manufacturer warranties etc. If you raise that concern, make a lower offer which you believe the object in question to be worth.

    I’m more likely to simply walk away and buy something at a price I’m happy with, that’s how pathetic it is.

    Free Member

    I think if you just list a going price then perhaps yes the seller should be left to get on with it.

    However if you list a retail price as a guide you do leave yourself open to comments.
    Listing a new price sort of suggests you’ve done the homework for the buyer, and that you are listing the very best deal you’ll find on the net?
    For example if what ever it is you’re selling was to be put on a 1/2 price sale by CRC it would be more than fair to point that out wouldn’t it.

    Free Member

    I think you have just made people very reluctant to buy from you now and in the future.

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