I’ve had 3 Passats on the trot now, racked up some huge mileage in them. Ideal for filling with stuff, chucking bikes or kayaks on the roof, going places. Economical and reliable too.
Current ones 7 years old and 125k miles. Hardly run in, but as I use it for business (going to meetings) the company insist I change it at 8 years.
Also it’s killing earth with its diesely nox emissions.
My mileage has reduced hugely in recent years as I work closer to home now (25k down to 12k a year) although if still like something reasonably economical. Space for loads is handy. Also considering going auto as fed up of shifting in jams.
So it’s either another Passat (1.4tsi ?) Or something else similar. Or join the arms race and get a SUV? Drove a mates skoda Kodiaq recently which was very nice. Long way up to get bikes on the roof though!