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  • News of the World RIP
  • ernie_lynch
    Free Member

    it would be a mistake to believe that one news organisation gives anywhere near an accurate picture of events.

    😕 Really ? All news organisations give inaccurate pictures of events ?

    All news stories you read in newspapers or watch on the TV or listen on the radio are inaccurate ?

    I would say the opposite – most news organisation give a fairly accurate picture of events.

    Do you have a generally conspiratorial view of the world MSP ?

    Full Member

    I will give an example from a few years ago, when the UK was hit with floods.

    The BBC was full of people wailing that there houses were wet and there lives were ruined ect, but failed to convey any facts about the movement of the floods.
    Sky news was giving out good information on where and when high water marks was going to strike along the rivers, and then jumping straight into blaming the (then labour) government for its lack of planning and preparedness.

    Both organisations reporting was flawed, and missing large chunks of information that was required to fully appreciate the events. But it was a perfect example of how both organisations reported a wide spectrum of events.

    Full Member

    It’s an interesting car crash. The paper doing the investigating reckons that the dog eat dog world within NI will cause the investigation to snowball. I had forgotten about our own beloved RIPA as well which will enable a lot of computer based evidence to be discovered.
    Idiot executive that tried to delete the e-mail archive should be sweating now. The company they use for back up services would appear to have the full one still and they’re unlikely to get in the way of a snowballing police investigation.
    If the Murdochs are declared not fit and proper to run a media outlet in this country, it will probably spread around the English speaking world.

    Full Member

    ernie, have a read of this:


    It’s about Fox news, so no massive surprises, but obviously Fox is owned by Murdoch and news corp, their standpoint has been upheld by the US courts and supported by the other big news networks.

    Free Member

    Thanks nedrapier, but I’m not entirely sure why you want me to read that :

    “In February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously agreed with an assertion by FOX News that there is no rule against distorting or falsifying the news in the United States”

    I don’t think that should really come as any surprise to anyone.

    If it is to challenge my claim that “most news organisations give a fairly accurate picture of events” I don’t think it does that.

    Have a look at this :


    It provides fairly accurate coverage of current events……..I’m sure you’ll agree.

    Free Member

    The BBC is blantant government propaganda, Ernie. This was never more so obvious than the run up to Gulf war II. While the British public were being fed Blair’s 45 minutes lie the French and German populations were getting regualar on-the-ground reports from Hans Blix and balanced view of the options. You didn’t get to see this prophetic speech at the time but French media showed it in full and Eins Extra showed enough to make it clear inspections were working and getting more thorough by the day.

    As for the reporting of the war we got Americans throwing hand grenades into people’s living rooms while you got your heros doing a fantastic job winning hearts and minds.

    Free Member

    If you were watching foreign telly, how do you know what was on our screens here in the UK?? 😕

    The BBC is blantant government propaganda

    Don’t be so silly. 🙄

    Free Member

    No comments from the Cleggster (who must be releaved that the spotlight is now off him and his incompetence) as he watches Cameron desperately trying to get back on the front foot whilst Ed Millibanana gets all over it like a cheap suit… Interesting week ahead.

    Free Member

    PS: And Vince Cable must now be having a quiet chuckle or two with himself.

    Free Member

    Have you learnt your diversionary tactics from Zulu-eleven Edukator ?

    What has the Iraqi war got to do with your alleged claim that France 3 said, quote : “Cameron demands the police investigate their own wrong doing” which is so obviously false ?

    You didn’t get to see this prophetic speech at the time

    Yes I did. I saw Dominique de Villepin’s speech to the UN on BBC’s News 24. I remember it very clearly because I was highly impressed by it – specially it coming from a conservative politician.

    So you’ve discovered that the BBC gives a lot of prominence to reporting what the British government’s position on current issues is, whilst French broadcasters give a lot of prominence to reporting the French government’s positions.

    What exactly is your point ?

    And do you fancy getting back on to the topic of Wappingate ?

    Free Member

    The BBC is blantant government propaganda

    thats a daft thing to say. it is IMHO , including the world service, one of the best respected world news service
    I note you post up all the “neutral” french news about the war showing how the invasion was not needed when the french opposed the war.
    Why was that “neutral” and not just government propaganda?
    You are really just saying you agreed with what they said tbh.

    Free Member

    You saw selected bits of de Villepin’s speech on News 24. Bits selected to suit the British governments’s agenda. News 24 is a rolling news channel and in all the years I watched never showed a complete 15 minute speech by anyone.

    The BBC as you rightly note reports the British government’s position on current issues. I’ve noted German and French channels make a point of presenting alternative views too and challenging government statements where they believe them to be untrue. It’s know as investigative jounalism. Something the NOTW was quite good at.

    I’m a little disturbed by the universal rejoicing on theis thread at the closing of NOTW. The gutter press it certainly was but it was also a source of information. It’s disappearance continues a trend of silencing the press. A legal system that makes it illegal to reveal things about personalities and the closure of threads on this forum, and now a controversial paper goes too. All you’ll have left before long is BBC government propaganda.

    Free Member

    You’re wide of the mark, “Edukator” (sic), the BBC doesn’t push the government line, it pushes the left-wing faction of the Establishment’s line.

    Not the same thing.

    Free Member

    Edukator – Member

    You saw selected bits of de Villepin’s speech on News 24.

    Thank you for trying to remind what I saw Edukator, but remember, I was there. I saw Villepin’s speech to the UN live on BBC News 24. It was an extremely important speech at the UN, at an extremely critical time in international relations, and unsurprisingly, the BBC broadcast it live.

    I’m a little disturbed by the universal rejoicing on theis thread at the closing of NOTW.

    Where’s this universal rejoicing on at the closing of the News of the World ? I’m certainly not rejoicing – a point which I’ve already made. I see no reason why 200 people should be sacked just to save Rebekah Brooks skin**. If Murdoch no longer wants ownership of the News of the World then he should have been forced to sell the 168 year old paper.

    **EDIT : I’m aware that it’s more complex than just trying to bury the issue by saying “NoW is no more”. It’s an attempt to deal with nuclear meltdown at Wapping by encasing and sealing NoW in a concrete sarcophagus to stop anymore toxic leaks. I don’t think this desperate measure will work though – the fallout will continue.

    Free Member

    On social and economic issues I’m inclined to agree Mr Woppit. France 2 is a similarly lefty-biased approach over here. That balances the right-wing approach of Bouygue’s TF1. I haven’t been able to get ITV for 25 years but I assume that provides viewing with a right-wing bias.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately, this one will run for some time longer. There is much more muck-raking to go through before this dies. It hasn’t reached the bottom yet.

    Free Member

    I haven’t been able to get ITV for 25 years but I assume that provides viewing with a right-wing bias.

    No it doesn’t.

    Free Member

    The BBC is blantant government propaganda, Ernie.

    Rubbish. I think the way Blair lied to us about going to war was outrageous, but in no way was the BBC supportive of it.

    But just as an aside, do you remember there being any sort of question over the behaviour of Dominique Strauss-Kahn in the French media prior to his recent arrest? (or even after?)

    Free Member


    The loss of a newspaper is almost always tragic

    If you remove “almost” from your above quote (thus showing unambiguous regret at the closure of the NOTW), I’ll remove “universal” from my comment about rejoicing, Ernie.

    Free Member

    the BBC doesn’t push the government line, it pushes the left-wing faction of the Establishment’s line.

    Explain please Woppit.

    Free Member

    I think my comment here very far from suggests that I am “rejoicing” at the closure of the News of the World :

    ernie_lynch – Member

    she was definitly not crying

    “Maybe she was stifling a laugh (you’re all getting sacked because of me, but I’m keeping my incredibly powerful and well-paid job) it can be difficult to tell sometimes”.

    Free Member

    Yes, Rightplace. Tristan Banon was interviewed in about 2007/8 on a national TV channel denouncing an attempted rape and a radio journalist claimed women hid whenever DSK enterered la Maison de la Radio, the home of France Inter. The press have reported DSK’s visits to a “club échangiste”. We don’t worry to much about who shags whom over here so it’s only the attempted rape that was of interest and as Tristan didn’t file a complaint at the time there wasn’t much to report.

    What consenting people do behind closed doors has little or no impact on their political careers here. Carla’s conquests include Jagger, Clapton and a socialist minister IIRC. We still don’t know who the father of Rachida’s child is and a openly gay men hold/have held ministerial posts.

    Full Member

    But just as an aside, do you remember there being any sort of question over the behaviour of Dominique Strauss-Kahn in the French media prior to his recent arrest?

    Yes. Clip from a show broadcast in 2007…with subtitles (tap on cc)

    Free Member

    To hear Dacre calling for “partial” news channels on QT the other night…Lordy, what a ****. The whole BBC left wing conspiracy thing gets trotted out every so often by those who’d love a UK version of Fox News. Frankly, it’s bollocks.

    Free Member

    It’s also not a conspiracy – those are usually difficult to spot. The BBC’s left-wing bias is just obvious. Not necessarily a bad thing, just obvious.

    Free Member

    My apologies…nobody mentioned “conspiracy”. I dreamed that up myself. But obvious “bias”? No, that’s obviously bollocks too.

    Free Member

    The whole BBC left wing conspiracy thing gets trotted out every so often……..

    And what better time to do it than when Rupert Murdoch is on the ropes………look everyone, isn’t the BBC dreadful !

    “Here is the flagship paper of an overweening media empire which helped hurl this country into war after war and then hacked the phones of relatives grieving at the loss of the very soldiers it had done so much to put in harm’s way.

    And then, with a straight face, “campaigned” for the armed forces’ covenant.

    Here is a rag which took genuine public grief at horrific crimes against children, manipulated it into dangerous and cynical campaigns to sell more papers, and all the while spied on the parents of the very murdered child in whose name it said it was acting.

    Here is a sewer which gushes forth filthy smears that disabled people and single parents are scroungers who refuse to take responsibility, while its gilded executives – the son placed in the top job by daddy – sack others to save their own.

    No-one should be surprised, because this is an outfit that vilifies migrants and Muslims while remaining in the grip of a foreign billionaire who scarcely pays tax in this country”

    George Galloway.


    And well worth watching, Dennis Potter in 1994, his last interview.
    “I named my cancer Rupert” “I you shoot the bugger if I could”.

    Free Member

    The BBC’s left-wing bias is just obvious.

    Explain please Woppit.


    Free Member

    Oh come on Elfie, leave Woppit alone will you ?

    Everyone has the right to believe in a myth carefully crafted by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, without feeling the need to explain themselves.

    Free Member

    No it’s ok Ern; I know he doesn’t actually have an answer and it’s just more of his right-wing schtick, but I thought I’d ask him anyway, because his subsequent silence will speak more loudly than any words he might type…

    Free Member

    Ib case people have forgotten how the BBC prepared the British population and put them in a war-inevitable frame of mind I’ve had a look at a few headlines from February and March 2003:

    Paying for an Iraq war

    Iraq after Saddam Hussein

    Iraq ‘moment of truth’ looms

    Iraq’s defiance ‘undermines UN’

    Iraq Exiles back blair’s stance

    Asylum countries of origin: Iraq

    Need I go on? The BBC demonised saddam, gave the impression Iraq was the root of all evil (including asylum seekers) and constantly talked of when Saddam was no longer in power after the war. Brits swallowed the lot and “supported the troops”.

    Free Member

    Maybe she was stifling a laugh (you’re all getting sacked because of me, but I’m keeping my incredibly powerful and well-paid job) it can be difficult to tell sometimes

    “Well, there’s good news and bad news. The bad news is that we’re shutting down the paper, and some of you will lose your jobs. Those of you who are kept on will have to report real news rather than celebrity rubbish, if you wanna stay. I know, gutting. On a more positive note, the good news is, I’ve been promoted. So, every cloud…

    You’re still thinking about the bad news, aren’t you?”

    Free Member

    I’m all in favour of the BBC being biased left-wards, myself. We do need balance, after all.

    Free Member

    The BBC demonised saddam

    Ooh, can we just make stuff up about stuff? Is that the game here?

    Free Member

    Nothing to do with this then?

    French media reaction to DSK

    Free Member

    Edukator – Member

    Ib case people have forgotten how the BBC prepared the British population and put them in a war-inevitable frame of mind I’ve had a look at a few headlines from February and March 2003:

    Paying for an Iraq war

    Iraq after Saddam Hussein

    Iraq ‘moment of truth’ looms

    Iraq’s defiance ‘undermines UN’

    Iraq Exiles back blair’s stance

    Asylum countries of origin: Iraq

    Need I go on? The BBC demonised saddam, gave the impression Iraq was the root of all evil (including asylum seekers) and constantly talked of when Saddam was no longer in power after the war. Brits swallowed the lot and “supported the troops”.

    You’re off your trolley mate.

    Free Member

    He’s French.

    Free Member

    Cheeky git. So am I Woppit.

    Free Member

    Racist. 🙁

    Free Member

    I’m not your mate, Ernie, off my trolley or not.

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