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  • Natural Riding is Much Better Than Trail Centres?
  • NorthernStar
    Free Member

    I don't know about everyone else, but I'm starting to tire of the whole manufactured Trail Centre thing.

    Sure, for a quick blast around without thinking about it too much then they still serve a purpose, but for me there's no real challenge there anymore. It's all starting to feel a bit fake. They are all pretty similar at the end of the day however much 'north shore' you sex it up with.

    I've done a lot of these centres too. Most of the centres in Wales, several in Scotland and plenty of places in England from Thetford to Whinlatter. Several mates have only ever ridden at trail centres and maybe they think that this is what mountain biking is all about?

    So I have been doing much more natural riding this year and it's totally different kettle of fish. Off road routes in the Peaks and Lake District are far more of a challenge. We did Snowdon at the start of the year (just before the ban takes hold) and this was great – proper riding over real testing terrain.

    So for the rest of this year I will be mostly steering clear of trail centres and instead will be picking natural lines down big mountains.

    Surely proper mountain biking is not trail centres, but getting out there into the wild? Does anyone else feel the same thing?

    Free Member

    Does anyone else feel the same thing?

    No, you are literally the first person ever to express such sentiments on a mountain bike forum, well done.

    Free Member

    You stole JoB's log on and I claim my £5.

    Serious answer: both have a place and you are probably preaching to the converted.

    Free Member

    Not better. Just different. 🙂

    Free Member

    I don't get the same feeling of exploration/adventure at a trail centre.

    If I'm going to ride say 20 miles, I'd like that 20 miles to be spread out over an area a lot bigger than a couple of square miles switching back and forth.

    Although the terrain generally more interesting/challenging due to it being manufactured, I don't get the same feeling of satisfaction looking back over an open moorland or rolling hills and think "wow, I rode from all the way over there".

    Try trailquesting (did I mention I ride trailquests ?).
    It's not for everyone, there's no coloured arrows to tell you which way to turn out of the car park and warn you how big the bumps are, so it would be a bit daunting for most trail centre riders.

    Get an OS map of your local area.
    You don't have to go the Peaks or Snowdon, there's probably a good selection of bridleways within a few miles of where you live.

    Full Member

    This is why I love STW.

    I'd leave my own sarky comment, but I don't want to feel churlish so I'll just enjoy reading the others instead.

    Free Member

    Don't think either one is better. I ride and enjoy both. I'm just glad I have the choice of so much different riding.

    Free Member

    Padowan – where the heck are you riding? This is a new one on me.

    'Although the terrain generally more interesting/challenging due to it being manufactured'

    Free Member

    Much as I spend most of my time riding around the peak district, it has been said to me before that there aren't any 'proper mountains' in the peak. So rules me out as a 'proper mountain biker' I guess.

    ps I spend on average 2 long weekends at trail centres most years, and really enjoy them.

    Full Member

    Both are good.

    I like going to a trail centre so I can just turn up, blast round and know there'll be a bacon roll & mug of tea at the end.

    Other times I like to get out with a map, get a bit lost, scare myself on unknown trails etc….

    Free Member

    I like trail centres, I just can't be arsed with stopping and looking at a map.

    Free Member

    its about time for this thread again…..

    pulls up a chair….

    anyone for a biscuit?

    Full Member

    trail centres are a great resource that provide more places to play on a bike. what's not to like?

    Free Member

    Can I be the only person who's never been to a trail centre? Surely not!

    Free Member

    I've never been to a man-made centre sans Swinley (does it even count?). I dislike the idea although there must be a point in their existence.

    Free Member

    KINGTUT, would you like a cuppa?

    Free Member

    Crumbs – has this really been discussed before? I must have missed it! Trail centres versus natural riding you say????

    Free Member

    I think both trail centres are natural trails are total crap I prefer natural centres.

    Free Member

    The very UN-natural Mabie

    IMG_0012[/url] by simon ralli[/url], on Flickr

    Hideously artificial!!!

    August 30th[/url] by simon ralli[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    I love trail centres, but I also love doing natural trails. I did have a while of not being to bothered about trail centres, but that was because I'd been doing them to death. Now its just an occasional thing and I probably enjoy them more like this.
    They've got their place, and knowing theres little chance of someone coming the otherway, you can really let go and go as fast as possible.

    Free Member

    Hairychested – Member

    KINGTUT, would you like a cuppa?

    You what now?

    EDIT: Ah I see, one teaspoon of no cal sugar substitute please.

    Free Member

    The fact is, most xc mincers are scared to admit that they really struggle with trail centres. 1 foot drop offs and 3 foot table tops are a daunting prospect when your used to pootling down a smooth, grassy hill side with your seat up your arse.

    I was gutted when trail centres started becoming more popular, the insurge of xc mincers – take a look at whinlatter, its completely ruined by all the braking bumps there. I hope all you xc mincers go and get lost in the mountains where you belong and leave the challenging trails (trail centres) for me to play on.

    Full Member

    My friends will tell you that I have a very open mind towards trail centres, eh Bushwacked? 😉

    Free Member

    Don't go to trail centres that often but I enjoy then when I do, it's all riding your bike so all good imo

    Free Member

    I've never been to a man-made centre sans Swinley (does it even count?).

    Yes, Swinley does count. It's a trail centre in every sense of the word. And not a very good one at that. It used to be great, but it's all but ruined now 🙁

    Free Member

    Trail centers are shite, end of.

    Give me Home Roast Beef rather than a big fat greasy Mc-Dees any day. Trail centers are boring. Made to flow to cope with the amount of traffic going through, made to be "all weather" Yawn-A-Rama! Challenging? Pffft get out in the Peaks & Dales where weather changes the challenge, you can do the same loop 5 times and each time its different. Be it the weather or some movement in rocks, drops etc. Mother nature at its best!

    I went to Dalby in April time and it was the last time and will be the last time I goto a trail centre. No fun really. Glentress was my first one a few years back and it was fun, but the novelty has warn of. For me anyways.

    Were are all different and thats good. I know people who love them, like them, and like me, will stay clear of them.

    Free Member

    Don't get me wrong – I used to love trail centres. Just having done a lot of them then they kind of all just blend into one.

    As for natural riders being classed as XC mincers – I don't think so. Have you seen some of the natural riding in the UK? Some seriously knarly stuff around – all done without full face helmets or soft kneepads.

    Free Member

    Not better. Just different.

    Exactly. You can do both you know..

    And of course, there's balls all natural about most "natural" trails anyway.

    Free Member

    Thats the bit that made me chuckle. Goto Trail Centres full of mincers in full body armour and full facers, then going like miss daisy!

    Free Member

    I enjoy riding trail centers and natural trails, but the thing that's starting to put me off centers a fair bit, is how busy they are. I don't want noise and crowds when I'm out on the bike and yobs skidding and pulling wheelies and endos all over the car park, getting on peoples' tits. I only really get to ride on a Sunday, so can't generally go at quieter times.
    The upside is that non-manmade trails seem to be getting a bit quieter these days.

    Free Member

    Natural > Anything else.

    Get a spade and put it there yourself, no traffic jams on your own secret trails!

    Free Member

    Goto Trail Centres full of mincers in full body armour and full facers

    Can you not read?

    1 foot drop offs and 3 foot table tops

    As I said, we're not pootling down a grassy field (like most on here)We're taking on proper trail obstacles. Armour is a good idea for this sort of riding.

    Free Member

    Yes I can read. I can also see. When Ive been to Trail centres its full of mincers in full body armour pootling down red routes as if there is a 50ft drop.

    Youre obviously off to some mad Gnarly centre DUDE!

    Free Member

    I would also like you to visit some of the bridleways of the Lake District & Yorkshire Dales where there are natural drops, loose rocky terrain and especially the Lake District where there is some serious rocky sections that are sharp edge.

    SimonFBarnes will back me up here as will everyone else who doesnt mince in TrailCentres


    Free Member

    'natural' trails are shite:

    mile after mile after mile of arrow straight featureless motorway.


    Free Member

    At least we have trail centres to get bored of.
    They are in addition to the natural riding that has always been there.
    For those of us who don't live somewhere hilly, they pack in more fun per mile than the alternatives.
    Sounds like the OP never rode his bike anywhere other than trail centres before his recent enlightenment.

    Full Member

    I don't like them because I can't ride them.

    Berms and graded surfaces just seem to freak me out, plus whatever this 'flow' is that so many trailcentres apparently possess, its not mine.

    Free Member

    i think you need to approach local riding with a different view. Its not just about hurtling down fast paths and jumping and all that stuff. Its also about exploring little-known places that youve lived near your entire life and sometimes about beasting yourself as hard as you can to get fitter.

    Free Member

    Natural Riding beats boring Trail Centre

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