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  • MRP Ramp Control Fox 36
  • chrishc777
    Free Member

    Has anyone got one of these yet? My 36 suffers with lack of small bump compliance. Its amazing charging through big stuff at speed but on smaller stuff it is really harsh and lacks grip.

    Some research suggests tolerance issues in the airspring, as I didn’t buy the fork new I can’t warranty it so it seems the MRP cartridge replaces and possibly improves most or all of the airspring.

    Its not cheap though so any experience would be helpful!

    Free Member

    Nearly cheaper to send to Mojo for fettling…and at least with them you’ll get a service too

    $179 plus shipping and duty is a lot to pay for aftermarket stuff that might not do what you want it to

    Free Member

    I have the same issue. How much do you weigh? I thought it was just my Ethiopian physique.

    I’m not sure the ramp control is the answer to my issues, I think a revalve tailored to my weight would be a better route.

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure the airspring is the issue, damping seems fine so a re valve won’t do anything to help. The ability to change positive and negative pressures would help alot rather than relying on the transfer rod which seems to cause alot of issues

    I’m 78kg kitted up so not heavy but not Ethiopian either!

    Full Member

    Unless I’m missing something the Ramp Control doesn’t affect the top of the stroke much, it controls how progressively the fork moves through the later part of the travel.

    So perhaps not the solution you’re after.

    It is a brilliant bit of kit though.

    The cost of it for a 36 is mental! Cost £40 for my Pike.

    Free Member

    Where did you get your pike one from? £40 seems cheap to me.

    Free Member

    It costs more for the 36 because there’s alot more to it than just a plug in cap as far as I can tell

    Free Member

    submarined – Member
    I think a revalve tailored to my weight would be a better route.

    Possibly not for small bump issues where breakaway forces have a lot to do with it (try a 36 Van in comparison)

    Free Member

    I am suspicious that it’s the compression circuit causing the harshness for me rather than stiction in the airspring.

    The reason it’s a lot more for the 36 is that, as said above, it replaces a chunk of the airspring. It blocks the transfer port I think and provides a method of adjusting the negative air spring via a new valve at the bottom of the fork leg.

    Full Member

    It was fitted to a Pike as part of deal on frame/fork/wheels. Looking at MRP’s website they might have increased in cost substantially since then across the board.

    Free Member

    2018 airspring has been reworked with a larger volume negative spring as well – maybe have Mojo retrofit that and the MRP thing – to give you both a larger and adjustable negative air spring.

    Free Member

    IIRC the cost of the air spring is significant, as the airspring stanchion design is different to accommodate it = new CSU…

    Full Member

    ehrob – Member

    Unless I’m missing something the Ramp Control doesn’t affect the top of the stroke much, it controls how progressively the fork moves through the later part of the travel.

    It’s all inter-related though, changing how it acts elsewhere in the travel could well change the pressure which’ll affect the reaction off the top.

    Don’t quote me but I’m reasonably sure the more recent air spring will retrofit into recent 36s- there’s been 2 revs since mine were made, tbh I’m perfectly happy with the performance but I do wonder if it’d be worth it.

    Free Member

    IIRC the cost of the air spring is significant, as the airspring stanchion design is different to accommodate it = new CSU…

    Weeeelllllll Super Alloy Racing’s PSP Spring Kit is out in June according to MRC Trading. Coil with a hydraulic bottom out bumber.

    Free Member

    The ramp control is for spring progression, the kit for the 36’s is more expensive because it also contains a mod to convert them in to dual air forks so you can tune positive and negative pressure independently which will affect the small bump/chatter compliance.

    MRP in the US are selling just the negative mod on its own for $50: http://www.mrpbike.com/shop/#!/FulFill™-Air-Spring-Conversion-for-Fox-36/p/84443343/category=20803113

    I have been on to them to get them in the UK already!

    2018 airspring has been reworked with a larger volume negative spring as well – maybe have Mojo retrofit that and the MRP thing – to give you both a larger and adjustable negative air spring.

    You can’t (without a new CSU) as the 2017 and earlier forks don’t have a dimple to equalise negative pressure.

    Free Member

    Dimple, you say?

    Excellent news on the airspring part! I may be in for that.

    Free Member

    You can’t (without a new CSU) as the 2017 and earlier forks don’t have a dimple to equalise negative pressure.


    …..is the 2018 one going to clog up with grease like the Pike and Lyrik then?

    Free Member

    Probably, but it is now cheaper to manufacture (sorry, I mean lighter and fractionally easier to add tokens).

    I’d prefer the older ones with the MRP dual air conversion, but that’s probably not for 95% of people!

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure the airspring is the issue, damping seems fine so a re valve won’t do anything to help.

    The Mojo fettle that I had done wasn’t on valving – it was on the airspring. They lengthened the visible travel (as seen from the stanchion) to 180mm and adjusted the airspring to only give ~165mm travel by fettling the insides. Small bump compliance is excellent, travel is great and it’s balanced really well with the rear shock now

    Anyway – it worked for me.

    Free Member

    tmb I’ve heard of that mod, you reduce travel but don’t restrict the spring. Apparently it works but you risk the piston coming out of its hole. Although if Mojo did it to yours I assume its not really much of a risk. Easy to do and zero cost most importantly.

    MRP do just the dual air conversion for 30 quid… But only in the US

    Postage is 30 quid, cartridge about 35. Anyone up for buying some and splitting postage cost? Seems a massive upgrade for what could be less than the cost of a new tyre…

    Free Member


    AWK DoppelKammer system is available for the Fox 36 now! 😮 It gives you two positive air chambers like the Manitou IRT and the Ohlins – so you can get more sensitivity and better midstroke support. Combine that with the MRP dual air system and/or the 2018 fork.

    Not sure whether it will work with the 2018 model though – as it looks like it’s been designed to work without that bleed port in the stanchion. Hence the crazy price increase as well.

    Free Member

    For only 330eur!

    Free Member

    I did say crazy price increase 😛

    Still think a coil makes sense if you’re looking for outright grip and sensitivity.

    Free Member

    AWK kit looks very nice – but I’m 100% sure the valves would hit my downtube!

    Free Member

    For only 330eur!

    Surely there must be a market for Ti springs?

    Free Member

    There probably is. Tbh, I’m not sure why no one has done it yet.

    Free Member

    To add to the options, Push are allegedly very close to bringing out a coil conversion for the 36 which also uses a Marzocchi style air assist for progression/adjustment.

    Free Member

    I was running a 2017 36 at 170mm travel with a large negative air spring, it improved small bump sensitivity a lot. I am now running a MRP in a 160mm 36 with a standard air spring. First ride yesterday and it was very good. I didn’t tinker with the pressures at all, just added a extra 2 clicks of ramp mid ride. If I get chance and can be bothered at some point then I will try it without the ramp control cartridge. I will add though that I was out in a new bike so maybe suffering from newbikeitis!

    Push have dropped a CAD drawing over on PinkBike of a new item out shortly, looks more like a damper than a air spring though.

    Free Member

    Dunno, doesn’t look like a damper to me. I reckon it could be an assay for a proper dual rare spring?

    Free Member


    I was referring to that old picture, supposed to be the 36 coil coversion, but that could be wishful thinking.

    Free Member

    I am after some advice for my setup. I am still getting to grips with tuning of forks. I have been running fox floats on my last 3 bikes. I liked the feel of these until I recently got a pike on a new ride. This is a 130mm travel and came with 2 tokens in but I have gone for a third. The feel of this took some getting used to but I know much prefer it. I have just put my full suspension trek back together with 2015 140 floats on it and oh my god they feel weird now. They shoot through the travel and it has no mid stroke support. Can I fit volume spacers to them to reduce this? Or is it worth fitting an MRP or possibly the later type spring? I have been increasing the pressure but it is now sacrificing the small bump compliance. Going back to the newer type of springs what is the difference and is there much improvement to be had by swapping this out alone?

    I know this a lot of information but how do I make my fox more like my pike I think I am trying to get at.


    tmb I’ve heard of that mod, you reduce travel but don’t restrict the spring. Apparently it works but you risk the piston coming out of its hole. Although if Mojo did it to yours I assume its not really much of a risk. Easy to do and zero cost most importantly.

    MRP do just the dual air conversion for 30 quid… But only in the US

    Postage is 30 quid, cartridge about 35. Anyone up for buying some and splitting postage cost? Seems a massive upgrade for what could be less than the cost of a new tyre…” [/quote]

    I may be interested in a shared postage cost.


    Free Member

    I’m ordering the cartridge, anyone want one then?

    Free Member

    Not been on line so hope I have not missed the boat. What were the costs for the cartridge again?

    You can mail me mryanATblueyonderDOTcoDOTuk if you prefer,.


    Free Member

    MRP Fox 36 by philsherwin[/url], on Flickr

    MRP Fox 36 by philsherwin[/url], on Flickr

    Fitted my MRP dual air conversion last night, it was fairly simple but I needed a really tight clamp to get the foot nut off the air piston rod (used my drilled out wood clamp I made for getting the shim stack off my Monarch and had to supplement it with a golf grip clamp too!)

    I run my 36s at 150mm and I had previously removed one neg plate spacer and the top out bumper to increase the negative chamber volume. I left it in this configuration, then pumped the positive to 50psi and the negative to 60psi which sucked the forks down to 150mm ish.

    As you would expect when balancing the travel using the negative pressure, just the weight of the bike is enough to lose a good 5mm of travel. They should be super soft on the top – I’ll do a bit of setup tonight to check that config works, then test ride tomorrow night.

    Full Member

    Just marking this so I can find it again.

    Free Member

    Initial impressions seem good – First ride last night, running no tokens (previously 1 orange and 1 blue), and ~12psi more in the positive chamber than before. I started with 3 clicks more LSC but backed 2 out. I seem to still have a bit more small bump compliance but more mid stroke support keeping the forks up a bit higher and I just about got full travel once or twice too.

    This was at the Wrekin so all steep and lots of g-outs/drops to fireroad but no real high speed chop testing.

    Free Member

    P.S. Ison replied that they are not getting the air spring conversion parts alone, only the full Ramp Control kit. You will have to order from the US if you just want the spring parts.

    Free Member

    Update: Ison will shortly have the FulFill valve kits in stock (£39.99).

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