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  • More clever advertising that I don't understand…
  • Junkyard
    Free Member

    people are affected by marketing to varying degrees.
    We would have a scale from not very to easily influenced.

    You may consider yourself to be free of it but no one trully is. there are hundreds of products I[and you] could name that I have never used and I guess if you forced me say something about them.

    take Hope…I still have some for you 😉
    why do i buy it ?

    Its British – so are Superstars – mmm why do I not buy them – fruits marketing?
    the replace stuff – do you think they do this to create a brand image as say a good company to deal with?

    I could go on but it would be falling on deaf ears

    When you reply in general could you try and not lump everyone in together.
    I assume their is a broad spectrum of opinion amongst those of us who know marketing has an effect even from those who try their best to be unaffected…No person is island though I am starting to believe you are actually impervious to some aspects of your surroundings.

    Free Member

    What’s the relevance of ” 🙄 ” ?
    So you’ve answered one question. Now let’s see if you can go for the rest.
    You’ve now chosen the Place to buy the product. Continue.

    Free Member

    this really is funny. The way you guys are so determined to tell me I do something I know I do not. You do not know me

    “Anyone who says they’ve never had a purchase positively influenced by marketing is exceptional, naive, or full of it”

    One out of three – and not really that exceptional. I know many others

    Free Member

    I don’t want to Piss on don simon’s Parade, but the 4Ps of marketing are…
    Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
    that’s right isn’t it?

    Free Member

    Do you not realise what intrinsic qualities mean? they are independent of marketing. washing up liquid remains washing up liquid no matter its marketing.

    I know I shouldn’t bite but this thread is hugely entertaining 🙂

    The liquid in a bottle with ‘Fairy’ on the outside is not the same as the liquid with ‘persil’ on the outside, is not the same as the liquid with ‘Ecover’ on the outside, is not the same as the bottle with ‘Sainsbury’ on the outside…

    So who makes the decision in these companies about what the liquid is made up of and what qualities they want it to have?

    Free Member

    Do you not realise what intrinsic qualities mean? they are independent of marketing. washing up liquid remains washing up liquid no matter its marketing.

    everyone knows this
    you enter the store whihc happens to be there when you need wahsing up liquid and you enter free of any marketting

    You look at the products and there are only two both the same price.
    One is brown and in a bottle shaped like a turd and called Diarrhoeal SHIT
    One is in a nice bright colour and tells you it is clean and and branded as fresh o clean…for those unaffected by marketing and other guff…it’s intrinsically better.

    Which are you buying ?

    God this reply should be good. 😀

    Free Member

    What’s the relevance of ” 🙄 ” ?

    the relevance is that you have shown your complete inability to even attempt to understand what I am saying. You continually make false assumptions abut me.

    Free Member

    wow, i’ve never been in a thread to tj,

    it’s quite like trying to reason with my nearly 3 year old daughter.

    she won’t be told she’s wrong, but she often is.

    she;s affected by marketing, but she doesn’t know it yet.

    Free Member

    TJ, you buy products. You you buy them for their intrinsic qualities irrespective of other qualities. Which is admirable. Are you aware that you might be able to buy the same product with these same intrinsic qualities for less money? I guess you are happy that you are apying more for a product that you could buy for less from somewhere else.
    That is the price of ignoring marketing.
    Talking of ignoring, you’ve done the usual trick of ignoring the questions that suit you and throwing in the snidey insults as it suits you.
    Is the root of ignore, ignorant? 😀

    Free Member

    You look at the products and there are only two both the same price.
    One is brown and in a bottle shaped like a turd and called Diarrhoeal SHIT
    One is in a nice bright colour and tells you it is clean and and branded as fresh o clean…for those unaffected by marketing and other guff…it’s intrinsically better.

    Do they perform the same function?

    Why do you say the second one is intrinsically better?

    Free Member

    TJ how do you choose your washing up liquid then?

    Free Member

    the relevance is that you have shown your complete inability to even attempt to understand what I am saying. You continually make false assumptions abut me.

    Wah! Wah! Wah! Can you lay off the personal insults TJ? You don’t half get nasty when it suits you….

    Free Member

    Is the root of ignore, ignorant?

    Now, if we’re on to etymology, that’s up my alley.

    The two words are intrinsically linked, it is true.

    TJ’s still a troll. Arguing for the sake of it, trying to provoke a reaction, even when he knows that the position he has taken is untenable. Either that, or he’s an idiot. I trust it is the former.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    yes I shave. I have some blue disposables I bought. No idea of the brand. I also have a nice razer I was given decades ago. It takes an obsolete cartridge blade that is hard to find nowadays

    So you buy the blue ones? Their marketing works then – they created a simple ‘brand’ with very easy to recognise packaging.

    Clever aren’t they?

    Free Member

    Clever aren’t they?

    No, silly. The Product is intrinsically better when weighed up against the Price and the Place it was bought from, Promotion had bu66er all to do with it.
    3 out of 4 ain’t bad for a non believer.

    Free Member

    So you buy the blue ones?

    Nope – they are the ones I bought that time. Not knowing what they are I doubt I will buy them again although they worked well. I think they may have been bought in italy but i canot remeber. I have never bought them before

    NO CFH – I simply live my life in a way incomprehensible to many folk on here.

    Don – just go back a mo. I said – “the shop that was convenient to me at the point I made the decision to buy” – you said expensive convenience store.

    that is you making assumptions about me and what I do that are false and showing you failed to understand the basic point I was making

    with that- I will bow out

    I know you guys will never accept that there are people like me to who brands, marketing and advertising are almost completely irrelevant.

    Free Member

    I have some blue disposables I bought. No idea of the brand.

    Assuming you like them and want to buy more, how will you know which ones to buy when they run out.
    Assuming you don’t want to buy them again cos they rip your face to shreds, how do you know which ones NOT to buy?

    Free Member

    you’re Proud of that one are you dom

    Free Member

    So you buy the blue ones? Their marketing works then – they created a simple ‘brand’ with very easy to recognise packaging.
    Clever aren’t they?

    Exactly, no cheaper to make, but made to look cheaper to give a feeling of value to those who are. Buying them.

    Free Member

    Right so we can have two pages of you pin dancing on the question and never answering ..its obvious why you dont want to answer TJ – no one is picking diarrhoeal shit in that example not even you. That is as near as a win as anyone can get with you [refusal to answer]No matter how big the hole and how clear the example the spade will be active for the next few hours
    Enjoy and night all
    I’m oot

    Free Member

    So, a basic question unanswered.

    Free Member

    I know you guys will never accept that there are people like me to who brands, marketing and advertising are almost completely irrelevant.

    You buy things. The fact that those things are available for you to buy are DIRECTLY linked to the marketing process.

    That you choose to ignore that and try and claim that it is irrelevant, is rather telling. My trust, as stated in my earlier post is fast disappearing.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Don – just go back a mo. I said – teh shop that was convenient to me – you said 0expoensive convenience store.

    remove the expensive convenience store and answer the other bits.
    I will be brakes, good innit? 😉 It kind of demonstrates a Point quite nicely for the hard of thinking.

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member

    Right so we can have two pages of you pin dancing on the question and never answering ..its obvious why you dont want to answer TJ – no one is picking diarrhoeal shit in that example not even you. That is as near as a win as anyone can get with you [refusal to answer]No matter how big the hole and how clear the example the spade will be active for the next few hours
    Enjoy and night all
    I’m oot

    Junkyard – I asked two relevant questions that are information I need to give yo an answer.

    answer me those two questions and I will give you my answer

    Free Member

    Junkyard – I asked two relevant questions that are information I need to give yo an answer.

    Yeah Junky? Why should TJ answer any question before having his relevant questions answered?
    I’m with you 100% TJ.

    Free Member

    i’m gonna go buy some rapha stuff.

    only cuz i’m on that webpage. by accident.

    not cuz i’v been influenced or anything.

    Free Member

    I know you guys will never accept that there are people like me to who brands, marketing and advertising are almost completely irrelevant.

    This thread is not about marketing, it’s about TJ’s identity about being an outsider.

    Free Member

    What other questions do yo want me to answer Don that I have not? Give me them and I will do one final post answering them ( unless junkyard gives me the info to answer his question)

    Free Member

    Go back and read TJ.
    Ignore =ignorant.

    Free Member

    how about this one:

    TJ how do you choose your washing up liquid then?

    Free Member

    don simon – Member

    Go back and read TJ.
    Ignore =ignorant.

    Seriously don – I do not know what other questions you want me to answer that I have not – make it simple for me.

    Free Member

    Nope – they are the ones I bought that time. Not knowing what they are I doubt I willbuy them again.

    No TJ, you used the example of a simple blue razor to show you are not effected by brand, wrongly assuming that only describing them as ‘blue’ proved that you aren’t influenced by marketing as you just picked up the plain ones, but there was a decision made, either consciously or sub-consciously to chose them and you noticed the packaging enough to give them brand recognition – whether or not it means you will buy them won’t matter to them, their packaging clearly works because even you recollected it.

    Full Member

    Why do you think corner shops are on corners?

    Because otherwise they’d be “shops”.

    I’m clevar, me.

    Free Member

    No MF – that simply is not true. Yo are making a series of assumptions about my behavious that are false

    No TJ, you used the example of a simple blue razor to show you are not effected by brand,

    Wrong – I was simp.y answering the question as to wht razers I sused. I thought about it and remembered they were some blue disposables. Nothing else was implied – straight exchange of information

    wrongly assuming that only describing them as ‘blue’ proved that you aren’t influenced by marketing as you just picked up the plain ones, but there was a decision made,

    wrong – making assumptions about what I did and what information I was conveying. I described them as blue as that is the only description I have of them without going and looking tey nmight be a heliy marketed one,l they might not. isimply do not now or care

    either consciously or sub-consciously to chose them and you noticed the packaging enough to give them brand recognition

    Wrong o I simply picked them off the shelf _ I have a suspcision they wer ethe ony ones available

    – whether or not it means you will buy them won’t matter to them, their packaging clearly works because even you recollected it.

    Wrong. I remeber in picutres hence I remeber the colour of them

    Free Member

    Do they perform the same function?

    i set the scene

    you enter the store whihc happens to be there when you need wahsing up liquid and you enter free of any marketting
    You look at the products and there are only two[ WASHING UP LIQUIDS ]both the same price.

    have you ever used either? NO so you dont know do you as you are free of marketing but they are both on aisle marked washing up liquid.

    Why do you say the second one is intrinsically better?

    One is in a nice bright colour and tells you it is clean and and branded as fresh o clean…for those unaffected by marketing and other guff…it’s intrinsically better

    that is the label[ i used the word brand to show even the name was marketing] – who know what it means and certainly not you as you are free of marketing…I mean you dont even recognise the font 😉

    Free Member

    That the lot don?

    There’s two of your Ps right there. What will you do if the washing up liquid doesn’t do a good job of removing the grease?Buy the same brand again because it’s convenient? Or do something else?

    I have never noticed any failure of a detergent to work. detergent is one of those things that just works. so its rather a hypothetical question but clearly I would not buy it again as its intrinsic qualities would have proven to be faulty

    (That was another P just FYI).

    If brands are so unimportant why did you look for a branded product here?

    In relation to the hope hub? I was wanting that particular hub as it could be dismantled to provide me with a spare for another hub I have again bought for what it was.

    Is the root of ignore, ignorant?

    I have no idea – i guess so.

    Full Member

    TJ – Ortlieb Panniers 😉

    Free Member

    Sorry Junkyard – I don’t understand your point I dont think

    I assume that you are saying I have no information other then the packaging to go on to make my decision – contents identical bar colour and name – price identical?

    then my choice would be purely random if I really had no information to differentiate them but its a somewhat far fetched hypothetical situation

    edit – or maybe you mean this
    “fresh o clean…for those unaffected by marketing and other guff…it’s intrinsically better” is the name of the product / label on it?

    In which case my answer remains the same – I look at the contents, I look at the price, with nothing to distinguish them my choice would be fairly random. what its called / labelled / branded as is irrelevant to me – I am interested in what it is

    Tiger6791 – Member

    TJ – Ortlieb Panniers what about them? Good intrinsic qualities, I don’t own any.

    right – obsessive arguing – I must stop. I can feel the banhammer

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