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  • More clever advertising that I don't understand…
  • CaptainFlashheart
    Free Member

    I love people who live in the UK (a capitalist society) who say they’re not affected by marketing…

    So you’ve never bought anything ever in your life then, or given money to a charity, or voted? Or made a choice about anything you’ve paid for ever? I presume everything you own has been made from scratch by you…?

    *Edit – Dammit! He’s psychic or something…! 🙂

    Free Member

    No – we buy things for what they are

    And which part of the marketing process does this miss out?
    Equally, this product that you’re buting for what it is. How did you find out about it? Who influenced what price to sell it for? Etc.
    You can not deny the level of influence that marketing depts have on your life TJ, it’s just being silly to do so.

    Free Member

    Anyone who says they’ve never had a purchase positively influenced by marketing is exceptional, naive, or full of it

    Free Member

    its a waste of money for EDF

    Do you know how much the energy market is worth?

    Free Member

    I think some marketing works negatively too. Like I never shop at Sainsbury’s cos of that cockney **** Oliver & I’d never ever ever to the power of a trillion, buy windows from Safe Style UK cos of that buffoon that harps on about ‘you buy one you get one free’

    I love the orange turd but we still don’t use EDF

    Full Member

    even HtS, a marketing cynic I gather, has spent precious personal time giving their new thing a name – what in the business is called ‘engaging’ with the brand…


    I’m sure they are delighted that I now associate EDF with small orange turds.

    Free Member

    What a product ‘is’ has been decided by a marketing department…

    Someone in the new product development team probably. Likely to have used market research to understand what customers wanted from it, and whether or not they liked the final product, before it goes on sale.

    ‘Singletrack’ is a brand. Go and ask Mark and Chipps if you don’t believe me…

    ‘Scotland’ is a brand – I see plenty of ads for Scotland positioning it as a beautiful country with amazing landscape and rich heritage (which it is) – produced by the marketing team of the Scottish Tourist Board. The Welsh and English tourist boards do the same…

    Advertising/marketing communications is not the same as Marketing. Marketing is the part of the business which focusses on customers’ needs and everything the business does that relates to meeting them: Product design, pricing, customer service, distribution strategy, PR, advertising.

    Good marketing is great, it helps us make choices.
    Bad marketing is cr&p – it justifies the cynics with their cynicism and gives all marketing a bad name. Personally I hate dishonest and manipulative marketing, like I hate anyone who’s dishonest and manipulative.

    But not all marketing is dishonest and manipulative. A lot of it, maybe, but not all…

    Free Member

    don simon – I know what I do and how I live my life and I tell you marketing has bugger all influence on me. You keep claiming it has influence on me – I know it does not. Some of us are not gullible fools, some of us can see thru the bullshit.

    And which part of the marketing process does this miss out?

    all the bollox about associating values with the brand because of its marketing, all the nonsense about fonts giving meaning and all the rest of of the bullshit. All this campaign says to me is that EDF are gullible fools who think the rest of us are as well.

    TandemJeremy – Member

    Brakes – according to the marketing folk on here you and me do not exist.

    Apparantly we are fooling ourselves and the universal symbolic language of advertising works on us without us realising

    Indeed – much marketing has negative value on me – make it less likely I will use the product.

    You seem to find it difficult to understand that many of us live like this

    Free Member

    I’m sure they are delighted that I now associate EDF with small orange turds.

    Probably don’t care tbh, just counting the thousands you’ve saved them in paid-for advertising by starting this thread! 😉

    Free Member

    brooess – Member

    What a product ‘is’ has been decided by a marketing department…

    No – what a product is is its intrinsic qualities. washing up liquid is washing up liquid.

    ‘Scotland’ is a brand

    No – Scotland is a country 🙄
    This is the fallacy you folk fall into – just because you believe all this nonsense doesn’t make it true. the emperor remains naked

    Free Member

    TJ, do you shave? What razor do you use?

    Free Member

    yes I shave. I have some blue disposables I bought. No idea of the brand. I also have a nice razer I was given decades ago. It takes an obsolete cartridge blade that is hard to find nowadays

    Free Member

    To those choosing to “discuss” with the Oracle of STW, don’t bother. He lives in a hair shirt, which he did not buy, of course, and has never made a decision on buying anything unless said decision was based on the product being made by an ethnically inclusive workforce in an anarcho-syndicalist commune.

    Free Member

    all the bollox about associating values with the brand because of its marketing, all the nonsense about fonts giving meaning and all the rest of of the bullshit. All this champagne says to me is that EDF are gullible fools who think the rest of us are as well.

    That my friend is more closely associated with advertising and the fact you can identify them by name clearly demonstrates that it works.
    Of the vast sums you spend on heating, you hopefully look for the best deal, be it price/ability to supply/quality or that you happen to have seen an advert that uses a turd. Which of the 4Ps have you not been touched by when making your decision?

    Free Member

    This is the fallacy you folk fall into

    Any chance you could try and sound just a bit more patronising TeeJ? I’m not sure you’ve put enough effort into that one. Tell you what, you’re finishing off a blinding week, even for your standards. 😐

    Free Member

    No – what a product is is its intrinsic qualities. washing up liquid is washing up liquid.

    Do you use washing up liquid?
    If so, why?
    Where do you buy it from?
    Why do you pay what you pay for it?
    Why do you buy it from where you buy it?

    You seem to find it difficult to understand that many of us live like this

    I think you’ll find there are fewer than you think. Perhaps you could go and Wiki some facts. Hang on, Wiki doesn’t exist, does it?

    Free Member

    DD – people are trying to tell me I behave in ways I do not. How patronising is that?

    How on earth am I supposed to react to continually being told by people who have never met me that I behave in ways I know I do not.

    Don simon – so the fact I now think EDF are gullible fools and have no respect for their customers and thus am less likely ever to use them shows advertising works? 😆

    Free Member

    Do you use washing up liquid?


    If so, why?

    Because without detergents its hard to get grease of dishes

    Where do you buy it from?

    wherever is handy

    Why do you pay what you pay for it?

    because thats its price

    Why do you buy it from where you buy it?

    because that was the shop I was in.

    I think you’ll find there are fewer than you think

    I know there is a significantly large part of the population but I also know that many people cannot accept this as I predicted early on in this thread and as the reaction of people shows.

    Free Member

    How on earth am I are people I’ve never met supposed to react to continually being told by people who have never met me me that I they behave in ways I they know I they do not.


    Free Member

    Don simon – so the fact I now think EDF are gullible fools and have no respect for their customers and thus am less likely ever to use them shows advertising works?

    Yep. It’s called brand awareness. For every TJ, there are a lot of people who will use them for a price comparison and might just buy from them.
    If you think it’s a worthy cause to simply ignore this, it’s not for me to call you a fool.
    You have products in your life. How can you possibly make any single buying decision without utilising marketing?
    The 4Ps are a fundamental part of bringing a product to market and to say you are not touched by marketing is delusional.
    If that’s what you believe, knock yourself out.

    Free Member

    the fact that advertising such as the ‘go compare’ and ‘we buy any car’ campaigns work so well is credit to the stupidity of the human race, not the cleverness of advertising agencies who just play the numbers game.
    it would be bold and perhaps a litle naive to state that you’re not influenced by marketing, you can’t avoid it these days and it will influence your decisions (positively or negatively) consciously or unconciously whether you like it or not.
    I buy my electricity from npower, not because of their adverts or because of their orange poo equivalent, but because on the uswitch website they came up as the cheapest.
    how did I find out about the uswitch site? not sure – probably came up on Google. is it, infact a marketing tool in itself? maybe.

    Free Member

    I think to be honest TeeJ, some people understand the differences between marketing, branding and advertising. You appear to lump them all into one pot together, which, I’m afraid whether you like it or not, is incorrect.

    I’m not going to say any more on the matter other than you need a break from the forum; as I said, you’re finishing off a blinding week in yet another argument about complete bollocks. You know that coming out with statements like “This is the fallacy you folk fall into…” is going to attract loads of people with an agenda which involves proving you “wrong”. Step away from it. Why do you need to convince everybody you’re somehow right? Let them think what they want.

    Take a break TeeJ. Have a KitKat.

    I am in no way affected by advertising.

    Free Member

    Y Darc is strangely lucid and correct on this.

    This is giving me the strangest…..

    Free Member

    ffs tj,

    your argument is weak and i am siding with don simon,which is bad, 😉

    there is NO way you, or anyone else buys purely on convenience of location/timing ,which is what you’re suggesting.

    Free Member

    your argument is weak and i am siding with don simon,which is bad,

    Hang on. 😕

    Free Member

    DD – I do understand the diffenrtecnce – but it all bollox – it really is.

    it would be bold and perhaps a litle naive to state that you’re not influenced by marketing, you can’t avoid it these days and it will influence your decisions (positively or negatively) consciously or unconciously whether you like it or not.

    Or just perhpas many of us do? It does not influence my decisions at all. I know this.

    The 4Ps are a fundamental part of bringing a product to market and to say you are not touched by marketing is delusional.

    You see don – I KNOW I am not influence by marketing to buy stuff.

    No idea what your 4 ps are.

    Why you folk who have never met me believe you can tell me how I behave and react to things show a huge arrogance. I know myself, I know how I act and react and I know marketing has bugger all influence on me.

    You have products in your life. How can you possibly make any single buying decision without utilising marketing?

    As I have repedetdly said – by buying what I need based on what the thing is.

    Full Member

    Probably don’t care tbh, just counting the thousands you’ve saved them in paid-for advertising by starting this thread!

    True 😀

    Hit the North VII – Feb 2013

    Free Member

    there is NO way you, or anyone else buys purely on convenience of location/timing ,which is what you’re suggesting.

    Its what I am telling you I do. Really. Other qualities as well – but eh qualities that are intrinsic in the product not anything that is affected by marketing.

    Free Member

    I also know you guys will never accept this is true. I know many folk like me.

    Free Member

    I like you TJ 🙂

    Free Member

    TJ how do you choose your washing up liquid then?

    Free Member

    TJ, those

    qualities that are intrinsic in the product

    , do you not realise that they are, at least in part, a product of the marketing process? The mere fact that the product you have bought, whatever it is, and those qualities that are intrinsic in the product, are even there for you to buy is as a result of marketing.

    No. You don’t do you? Your holier than thou stance will remain.


    Free Member

    You see don – I KNOW I am not influence by marketing to buy stuff.

    No idea what your 4 ps are.
    If you don’t even know what the 4Ps are you don’t even know what you’re arguing against.
    Take your washing up liquid and convenience store. Ignoring that the convenience store is more expensive than a supermarket, but hey, your paying for convenience. There’s two of your Ps right there. What will you do if the washing up liquid doesn’t do a good job of removing the grease? Buy the same brand again because it’s convenient? Or do something else? (That was another P just FYI).

    by buying what I need based on what the thing is.

    Which again is one of the 4Ps (of marketing) which you claim to both know nothing about nor be affected by.
    Marketing, it’s **** (the swear filter has prevented me from using the French Connection logo there 🙁 ) everywhere, I’m lovin’ this. 😀

    Free Member

    there’s nothing to be ashamed of being affected by marketing. come on tj, admit you’ve got your favourite little brand of product, all wrapped up in wholesome goodness. i know i have, we all have.

    it;s been cultivated, it’s not random.

    Free Member

    convenience of location/timing

    Where a grocery shop puts itself is a marketing decision, usually based on making it easy to reach by its customers. Why do you think corner shops are on corners? You wouldn’t put a grocery store that sells the kind of stuff people buy regularly and often impulsively somewhere that’s hard to get to, or you’d go bust!

    Tesco Metro/Sainsbury Local. Did they just ‘happen’ as an act of God or did the supermarkets realise they had a load more revenue waiting for them if they designed smaller format stores, positioned right where people go on their way home? There’s a huge amount of data analysis of purchasing patterns and people’s journeys and market research going into the decisions around location, size, product range etc etc. This all comes from the product development teams…

    Washing up liquid… well, where to start… it’s not a natural product is it, it’s created by its makers.
    So who decides what chemicals to make it from, in what proportions, so that it can actually wash dishes?

    The product development team. In the marketing dept…

    Full Member

    “Anyone who says they’ve never had a purchase positively influenced by marketing is exceptional, naive, or full of it”

    2 out of 3 ain’t bad…..and drink some cherry wine, uh-huh!

    Sorry, got my songs mixed up.

    Free Member

    If brands are so unimportant why did you look for a branded product here? And why did you get the hump when it wasn’t up to expectations?

    Free Member

    Ignoring that the convenience store is more expensive than a supermarket, but hey, your paying for convenience

    Who said I buy for a convenience store – I buy from the store that is convenient. 🙄 this is one of the points you seem unable to understand. I remeber I want washing up liquid – I buy it at a time and place convenient to me. could be from any one of a number of shops depending what is conveninet for me.

    do you not realise that they are, at least in part, a product of the marketing process?

    Do you not realise what intrinsic qualities mean? they are independent of marketing. washing up liquid remains washing up liquid no matter its marketing.

    Free Member

    washing up liquid itself is a marketing concept, you don’t actually need to wash your pots, Nanette Newman just tells you that you should, so you do

    Free Member

    I love squeak. He’s awesome. I’m still with British Gas though. Is that a fail?

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