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  • Megan Stammers runs off with teacher
  • hora
    Free Member

    who fell in love with their teacher, got married, stayed in love, and is still happily married?

    Children should learn their life lessons with other children. Someone with more experience can cohere, guide and manipulate thus keeping someone hooked. Whereas a relationship with another immature fizzles out, leads to a new, then the child in question learns about themselves and matures without hinderous…or interference.

    I’m more inclined to think a child who sees an older person becomes more cynical in their outlook in life as a result.

    Free Member

    Hora, all these things you say are examples of a distorted society, repression comes out in many forms, in a healthy society these things just would not happen, they would never get to that stage, but that is not possible under a system built upon inequality, exploitation.

    Free Member

    … but that wouldn’t be very sensational would it?

    They are probably more concerned with the potentially negative and harmful consequences to a child, than situations that have resulted in harmless consequences. Which seems very reasonable to me.

    Free Member

    Slightly OT however I watched a South Park episode once that featured NAMBLA. I didn’t realise that NAMBLA is REAL. FFS.

    Free Member

    I know its a bit OT, but in many parts of the world girls are married off at 14, don’t hear screams of institutional paedophilia, of course cultural norms are very different, but these are all human constructs.

    In some states of america you could get a long prison sentence for engaging in oral sex, yet go to california and some get paid to do it on camera…….

    Full Member

    I don’t think it’s unreasonable either, and as I said, I can quite see how a teacher could and should lose his or her job for it. What I can’t understand is why it is a criminal offence.

    A 21 year old teacher could meet a 17 year old girl in a nightclub. They both quite fancy each other, and as long as shes not a pupil at his school, they can fool around with each other to their hearts’ content and no-one would bat an eyelid. If she is a pupil at his school, he could go to prison for doing what they both happily consent to doing. It seem a bit draconian.

    But they’re different contexts entirely because the teacher is not in a position of special responsibility and the pupil is not specially vulnerable to him. It’s different between having sex with a psychiatrist and having sex with your psychiatrist.

    I agree about the difference of context between the two situations, and, as I have said, abusing a position of special responsibility should lead to the loss of that position, i.e. you should be fired and probably never employed in a similar position again.

    However, I don’t think it should be a criminal offence to have a consensual sexual (or indeed, non-sexual) relationship with someone who is deemed by law to be capable of giving that consent.

    Obviously, in this particular case, the girl’s below the age of consent anyway so my point doesn’t apply.

    Free Member

    It’s more than a bit OT rudebwoy, it’s completely OT. Long prison sentences for engaging in oral sex in the US has absolutely nothing to do with rules governing teacher-pupil relationships.

    Free Member

    A 21 year old teacher could meet a 17 year old girl in a nightclub.

    Totally different in the context. The teacher (regardless of age) is seen as (hopefully) in a position of authority and to an extent power over the boy or girl in the classroom. Going to school is either seen as boring, annoying or daunting – its entering the building etc.

    Someone seeing someone they fancy in a dark night club is a totally different scenario and they wouldn’t ‘fall’ for that person in the same way if it was prolonged, over time and marking their work, complimenting them on their homework etc..

    Free Member

    In some states of america you could get a long prison sentence for engaging in oral sex.

    No you couldn’t 🙄

    Free Member

    Ernie, my point was these are all ‘rules’ as you call them, made by people, that they differ to staggering degrees depending on which part of this planet you happen to find yourself is my thrust……

    Full Member

    Totally different in the context. The teacher (regardless of age) is seen as (hopefully) in a position of authority and to an extent power over the boy or girl in the classroom. Going to school is either seen as boring, annoying or daunting – its entering the building etc.

    Someone seeing someone they fancy in a dark night club is a totally different scenario and they wouldn’t ‘fall’ for that person in the same way if it was prolonged, over time and marking their work, complimenting them on their homework etc..

    I know, as I said above.

    I’ll put it simply. We all agree (I think) that it is wrong for a teacher to have a relationship with a pupil, even it is is a consensual one (and I’m talking pupils over 16).

    Is it so wrong that the teacher should lose their job? I think so.
    Is it so wrong that the teacher should not be able to teach again? I think probably.

    Is it so wrong that the teacher should go to prison? I think not.

    Free Member

    Over 16 – I agree.

    Free Member

    This is part of the problem, these lines in the sand called rules, at what age are you responsible? some are when young, some never. In holland they take a more pragmatic view, they judge each case on its merits, notwithstanding some basic tenets, the rest is a very subjective area

    Full Member

    I don’t bloody know. It seems teachers can’t do right for doing wrong. One minute they want them to work longer hours,. The next they’re conducting a witch-hunt because this guys been kind enough with his time to help this poor girl out, who was probably just getting a bit behind with her French GCSE coursework.

    I wish they’d make their minds up

    Free Member

    4 pages and nobody has mentioned her mother’s ridiculous hair! I just wanted to snip that silly dangly fringe bit off!

    And what is it about people from that certain rung of the social ladder – they love undignified public outpourings of emotion, don’t they!

    Free Member

    Well hes covered the written side now theres just the..

    Free Member

    And what is it about people from that certain rung of the social ladder – they love undignified public outpourings of emotion, don’t they!

    Best to keep a stiff ..er lip ?

    Free Member

    It’ll all be fine once we live under sharia law…

    Free Member

    I’m with binners, he’s just going the ‘extra’ few miles to help her practical french…..

    Free Member

    rudebwoy – Member
    Best to keep a stiff ..er lip ?

    The mother blubs, the father stammers and the Chief Inspector is Tingley… Would be rude not to!

    Full Member

    And what is it about people from that certain rung of the social ladder – they love undignified public outpourings of emotion, don’t they!

    and they’re not even scousers.

    Full Member

    I remember we had a girl in our school who took up with an older fella (outside of the school, not a teacher, a reasonably well off professional of some sort in his late 30s I think), she was intelligent and relatively mature in the way she behaved I suppose, carried on into the 6th form to do her A-levels (Although she was the only 6th former who dressed like their Mum and drove a BMW paid for by her “Boy friend” at the time)…

    Looking back it was a bit like she was “playing grown-ups” only on a rather more serious scale. She never finished her A-levels as she wound up pregnant and dropping out at 17…

    My Missus is 5 years older and if I ever want to annoy her I point out that had we gotten together when I was 15 she’d have been arrested, although from reading the legalese above that might not have been the case?

    anyway I think its all about timing, Nowt wrong with a 15 year age gap between two adults, but at 15 no matter how mature, confident or self assured someone might be they lack the experiences and understanding that comes once you spend a bit of time properly fending for yourself away from your parents IMO…

    As for her teacher? He’s an idiot pure and simple, his action go far beyond himself and his pupil and imapct on both his and her familys… Teachers know how these things work better than ever now, irrespective of the details he’s burned for life now, and the effects on those around him will be devastating…
    However it all pans out, Megan will probably wake up at some point in the future and realise just how tradgic and small this man really was/is and that it’s hard to have a “Mature” relationship” with a person who starts relationships with children…

    Full Member

    Hora, all these things you say are examples of a distorted society,

    Hora, all these things you say are examples of fertile young imaginations.

    Exactly, word for word, I could say the same story. And I’ve heard the same story from other people. So if it’s true then either we all went to the same school, it’s a massive coincidence, or there’s an epidemic of voyeur nonces and lesbians in the High School Physical Education sector.

    Full Member

    It’ll all be fine once we live under sharia law…

    Indeed. At 15 she’d have been married off years ago 😆

    Free Member

    And what is it about people from that certain rung of the social ladder – they love undignified public outpourings of emotion, don’t they!

    I know what you mean. Imagine being so insecure you have to live your life behind a mask of faux outrageousness with emotional and way OTT statements just to get attention.
    It would be tragic eh.

    Free Member

    Binners, you know your not allowed to critise that subject in any shape or form.

    Full Member

    In reply to an earlier post; if she had been over 16 WHEN it started he would be sacked and stuck off the GTC register,her parents would/frequently sue the local Authority for allowing it to happen. This is based on outcomes from similar recent examples. Obviously that is the least of his problems now.

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member
    I know what you mean. Imagine being so insecure you have to live your life behind a mask of faux outrageousness with emotional and way OTT statements just to get attention.
    It would be tragic eh.

    Way OTT? Insecure?? Nonsense. Just find it rather distasteful watching poor people blubbing on TV. It put me off my port! Whatever happened to Dunkirk spirit?

    Full Member

    Well its not a criticism. Outraged Daily Mail readers should applaud it, as if we had sharia it’d be a non-problem. As she’d have been highly unlikely to ever encounter a teacher in the first place 😉

    Free Member

    Anyone else rather disturbed by the comments last night / this am…

    …Police having trouble tracking them in France / Europe because of the lack of CCTV / ANPR network.

    Whatever the rights / wrongs of this specific case, I find that almost casual observation to be very worrying

    Free Member

    or there’s an epidemic of voyeur nonces and lesbians in the High School Physical Education sector.

    We had a voyeur nonce PE teacher but the female PE teacher was too busy being shagged by the other male PE teacher to be molesting the girls. There was never any suggestion the voyeur one had touched any boys mind you, just that he was keen to make sure we actually had showers. The other teacher (the shagger) didn’t care as long as we took our towels and went into the shower block but I don’t know whether that means the first one was just trying to do his job properly or a pervert.

    Full Member

    not sure what you mean rkk, are you worried about the lack of CCTV in france?

    or did the french police have a nonchalant attitude?

    Free Member

    Whatever the rights / wrongs of this specific case, I find that almost casual observation to be very worrying

    What do you find worrying about it ?

    Free Member

    rkk01 – How would you suggest tracking people in a country twice the size of the UK if they don’t use the autoroute and stay out of bigger towns?

    Full Member

    At our school, the PE teacher was more likely to rattle your legs from underneath you with a sliding tackle from behind, than be interested in what you looked like naked. Brian-Glover-in-Kes stylee

    Free Member

    I thought that rkk01 was getting at the fact that we, in the UK, have accepted CCTV as somehow being normal!

    Full Member

    Normal, yet almost completely useless

    Free Member

    Police having trouble tracking them in France / Europe because of the lack of CCTV / ANPR network.

    Whatever the rights / wrongs of this specific case, I find that almost casual observation to be very worrying

    Whereas everywhere else in the world finds our use of it in this country quite worrying.
    Well not every country, I imagine North Korea’s quite envious 🙂

    I thought that rkk01 was getting at the fact that we, in the UK, have accepted CCTV as somehow being normal!

    Ah, fair point.

    Full Member

    …Police having trouble tracking them in France / Europe because of the lack of CCTV / ANPR network.

    Whatever the rights / wrongs of this specific case, I find that almost casual observation to be very worrying

    Disturbing because we are as a nation heavily observed and tracked by various agents of the state? Or because the rest of Europe are (relative to the UK) rather “Behind” in their ability to spy on and track people?

    Your statement leaves it a bit open ended….

    Free Member

    Our “funny” PE teacher was like that. Rugby and football he’d play (shirts and skins obviously) and not only did he play to win, he was also prone to dishing out red-hands on the team playing skins (you know, massive open hand slap to the chest or back).

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