Tis the season for replica kit wearer’s to come out and play now innit.
I tend to view it as a sign of being a bit of a “fair-weather roadie”.
They’ve mostly hidden indoors all winter and now they’re out and about in their overpriced Sky jerseys, gross generalisation of course and not everyone fits that stereotype, but there’s at least a grain of truth to it…
The most miserable lot IME are generally those in a big club group, half of the “experienced” rider’s sick of trying to herd cats, the less experienced riders sick of being berated and bored, they always seems like the most miserable lot when you pass them… but at least their tops all match… smaller clubs, or just a few mates out for a ride together seem to be the happiest bunch, regardless of attire…
Does any of it it really matter though? not really, I’ll give them all a nod and a smile while I trundle on by in my £5 Decathlon top and bargain bin DHBs, I’m sure they think I’m some sort of pauper, but at least we’re all out doing what we want…
We can all sneer at everyone else if we want, but nobody’s really any “better” are they…