To be honest I dont know why im writing this on here, but im just sat in hospital with my partner and 6week old girl.
Everything last night was fine George (Emily twin) went to bed and was fine at 2 wen I left to sleep on sofa but was woken by screaming from mum.
I tried so so hard to resuscitate him which (seemed a life time ).
To be honest I thought I had seen it all in afghan but today that thought of him being like thats going to kill me..
After a rubbish new year things were looking up everone was doing well happy etc I had just treated myself with an order of a frame and now this..
I still have two other children one of which is autistic so dread trying to explain to him so any imput on that will be a great help.
Yet again sorry to have put a morbid topic on I just needed to let it out (not sure why really)
But that was my day send me some good cheerful ones