Thats a good load trout! 🙂
The dual wheels stop the front end lifting if overladed i imagine?
The BOB trailers do this until underway if overloaded
Hauled some wood off the coast today with the FatBOB trailer!, some nice Oak washed into John Muir Bay from the recent Tyne river spate after the heavy rains 🙂
Hauling wood is a great work out and free heating for the house!
Hauling beach firewood with the fat BOB trailer! 009[/url] by coastkid71[/url], on Flickr
Hauling beach firewood with the fat BOB trailer! 014[/url] by coastkid71[/url], on Flickr
Hauling beach firewood with the fat BOB trailer! 017[/url] by coastkid71[/url], on Flickr
Hauling beach firewood with the fat BOB trailer! 007[/url] by coastkid71[/url], on Flickr
5 loads!
Hauling beach firewood with the fat BOB trailer! 020[/url] by coastkid71[/url], on Flickr