I heard some fairly bigoted opinions being expressed yesterday about those on strike.
Opinions that those expresing them would be quite happy to accept, come straight from the Daily Mail.
Now, I am quite happy that many people disagree with the strike (or agree with it for that matter) – but find it all rather depressing when those opinions are willfuly ignorant of the real issues or facts that are under consideration.
Sadly, Clarkson plays to a considerable body of ignorant “middle England”. Unfortunately, comments like these, on prime time TV, just serve to validate the opinions that these people hold.
So – whilst he may not be actually inciting some lunatic to go out and shoot strikers, he almost certainly will be reinforcing outdated social stereotypes within a social grouping that could do with a dose of more up to date thinking…
FWIW, I think the comments a year or two ago about lorry drivers killing prostitues was far more heinous, especially given the timing… but you do have to give a certain “audience leeway” for comments made on TG