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  • James Bulgers killers. Some questions.
  • oldgit
    Free Member

    It's probably the 'unknown' that the public can't come to terms with. You can't help feel that there's a sense of the getting away with it. I don't know? The Sutcliffes and West are all banged up and the worlds a happy place. There must be a reason apart from the ages that keeps this case going.

    Full Member

    I think I need to hug my 3yo after seeing the grainy images of them leading Jamie away again.

    Full Member

    There must be a reason apart from the ages that keeps this case going.

    it sells papers?

    Full Member

    TSk. Everyone knows its Hora

    Its reverse psychology. Give him the identity of someone with verbal diarrhea who's pathologically pre-determined to try and attract as much attention to himself as possible. Accessorise him with a yappy gay dog. Nobody would ever suspect.

    Sorry for letting the cat out of the bag Hora

    Full Member

    doesnt hora hate scousers?

    im married to one, so i cant be

    (if thats what you were implying)

    Free Member

    I thought Thompson was the one who was the quieter of the two and has gone on to show remorse including settling into a relationship with his male partner.

    So being a manbitch is showing remorse?!

    Free Member

    I thought Thompson was the one who was the quieter of the two and has gone on to show remorse including settling into a relationship with his male partner.
    So being a manbitch is showing remorse?!

    I meant he appears to have stability…..

    Free Member

    So being a manbitch is showing remorse?!

    Your CoE aren't you?
    Daily Mash[/url]

    Free Member

    Nope, just fairly nasty… 😛

    Free Member

    True. What seems odd is that we seem to find it so much more abhorrent when done by a child, who will normally have a less developed sense of right and wrong, than when done by an adult.

    I think it’s because we see children as ‘innocents’ – so when a child commits a horrific offence, people don’t understand how such a thing is possible, given it’s so far outside the norm. And it leads people to think, “If they’re capable of such monstrous actions at such a young age, what sort of adults will they be?”

    Free Member

    I think I need to hug my 3yo after seeing the grainy images of them leading Jamie away again.

    snap – wells me up everytime…

    Full Member

    I hate this case, it causes me aggro everytime it's on the news.

    Me, I don't think they should have been sent to prison forever and a day. I actually believe that actions you take aged 10 shouldn't be held against you for the rest of your life. Aged 10 I seriously tried to derail a train. Just wanted to see what would happen, didn't realise all the pain my actions would cause.

    The missus on the other hand thinks they should be sent to prison for life and life should mean life. Can't see my viewpoint at all and it comes up everytime they're in the news…

    Free Member

    The irony is that the knee jerk, life = life, vigilante, flog 'em and hang 'em brigade are directly responsible for them receiving the sentences that they did.

    The lynch mobs outside the court (Preston Crown Court) were disgusting. The hysterical, propagandist media reporting was designed to whip up a frenzy. Added to this, Michael Howard the Home Secretary at the time, instructed the court to jail the boys indefinitely at his discretion. An unlawful order as the Home Secretary does not have the authority to dictate to the Judiciary.

    The case was subsequently taken to the European Court Of Human Rights on the basis that it was impossible for the boys to have had a fair trial.

    Full Member

    i think rockitman has a point

    demonising these children is the easiest way of dealing with the crime

    as children we all did thing we werent proud of, i remember pushing a kid i didnt like in a load of stinging nettles, killing ants etc
    you add up all the petty incidents up and you (subconciously) realise that all of us have the potential to do 'evil'

    of course if these 2 killers are subhuman scum then its easier to dissosciate yourself from their actions

    Free Member

    The missus on the other hand thinks they should be sent to prison for life and life should mean life. Can't see my viewpoint at all and it comes up everytime they're in the news…

    I have the same arguments with my missus !! We have an agreement not to talk about it now. It was a terrible crime, but for once I agree with Gordon Brown !! Let the criminal justice department get on with the job their paid to do. I'm a bit of a " hanger and flogger " but with 10yr old boys you have to try.

    Free Member

    yip kimbers with you on that.
    the tone of the op makes me want to puke.

    Free Member

    poor upbringing – yet the parents weren't held accountable – the whole system needs an overhaul…. the parents should be held accountable for the little f*CKers actions

    Free Member

    So they should serve time for their child's actions….ridiculous.

    People choose their own course of action.

    Free Member

    A ten yr old?

    Free Member

    "Let the criminal justice department get on with the job their paid to do"

    Yep fully agree. If the due process of the law and criminal justice system had been allowed to have been followed at the initial trial then the boys would probably be serving much harsher sentences.

    I try to refrain from commenting on the facts of what these boys did, as I struggle to comprehend the enormity of it.

    Free Member

    Jackson – harsher than life?

    What on earth do you mean anyway – the judicial system set a tarrif and politicians tried to overturn it.

    Free Member

    Yes and the meddling of the politicians, spurred on by media and public out cry meant that there was a case to take to the ECHR because they couldn't have had a fair trial.

    They are not serving life now are they? This is because the ECHR over ruled our Judiciary and Home secretary.

    If lawful due process had been followed there would have been no recourse to refer the case to the ECHR.

    Free Member

    They are serving life – thats why Venables has been recalled. The EC actually overruled the political interference not the judiciary

    Without political interference it would not have gone into an adult court and they would have been treated as sick children not evil adults

    Free Member

    They actually overruled it all. They are not serving life imprisonment. (which is what many people, of the hang 'em, flog 'em persuasion wanted to see) – not me by the way. I actually think that they were dealt with fairly in the end.

    Is I said previously:

    If lawful due process had been followed there would have been no recourse to refer the case to the ECHR.

    No need to deliberately misunderstand my point in a transparent attemp to 'prove' your knowledge of the case 😉

    Free Member


    You cannot say with one sentence: "people are sheep" and then say: "People choose their own course of action" without being contradictory.

    If we are soul-less automatons, then our actions are guided entirely by our genes and experiences. Were those boys "programmed" too commit sadistic acts? And yet we feel as if we choose our actions and we believe they "chose" to be evil.

    So we take a path between fate and free-will: those boys had a terrible upbringing so we can partially blame the parents, though they escaped prosecution. But those boys' hands committed the crime so they are punished.


    Free Member

    you add up all the petty incidents up and you (subconciously) realise that all of us have the potential to do 'evil'

    of course if these 2 killers are subhuman scum then its easier to dissosciate yourself from their actions

    All children can be right little Bas*ards, we now as adults know that. Its simply about parents responsibility to teach right from wrong. Of course it depends on what parents were taught as Children…if at all.

    Full Member

    I dread to think what that disgusting pack of wolves who waited outside the court when the 2 lads were sentenced would have done if they had caught them. They were far worse than the 2 lads because they were 'adults' and knew what they were doing.

    Virtually all we know about this case is from the media, and we should never forget that they aren't giving us this info from the goodness of their hearts, they only print what sells and we all know the more it makes 'angry of Tonbridge Wells' spit out their Early Grey and shout this is unbeleivable the more money it makes

    There is far more to this story than we were led to believe. Very interesting the way the Norweigens handled a similiar case

    Free Member

    Just all dreadfully sad – so many lives ruined in all three families Bulger, Venables and Thompson. My little boy is 2 now and I get exactly the same feeling as those above, just need to check he's safe and give him a cuddle.

    Free Member

    I started as a PE teacher in an all boys school in Batley; working class, racial tension, lot of anger and hatred in the community. I also worked for the Youth Offending Team in Dewsbury at the same time, and saw a fair few of my pupils in both environments. I would agree that, with restorative justice programmes and the hard work of councellors, YOT teams, etc, that 90% of young folk that offend can be re-integrated into society as a neutral/positive influence or contributor.

    Having said that, there is a tiny minority of genuinely frightening children out there who start at a lower level of violence and start to excel at it. A boy at my school started off by breaking into the local petting zoo and cutting all the wings and legs off of the ducks and rabbits. He filmed it with his mobile and showed his fellow pupils. I believe he went away recently for some other abhorent crime.

    I believe in rehabilitation, but sadly the success rate is lower than you'd hope…

    Free Member

    Tunbridge Wells.

    Tonbridge is far less classy… 😉

    Free Member

    Everyone deserves a chance of rehabilittation and redemption

    TJ try just try and explane your thoughts to the parents of Jamie Bulger see how far that gets you.

    Sorry but your soft attitude to society like a disease to the folk of this country who want to live in a safe society, where there kids can go out and play without being in fear of there safety ( bit like we could as kids)

    Read "the Jigsaw Man" then come back

    Full Member

    so saladdodger is it not safe for kids now?

    or are you just sheepishly following the lead of media hysteria trying to sell papers

    On average, 67 children in England and Wales are killed at the hands of another person every year. In 2005/2006, 55 children were killed at the hands of another person in England and Wales.
    Coleman, K. et al (2007) London: Home Office.

    While the number of child homicides fluctuates each year, the overall child homicide rate in England and Wales has remained broadly similar since the 1970s.
    Creighton and Tissier (2003) Child killings in England and Wales. London: NSPCC Research briefing

    Full Member

    TJ try just try and explane your thoughts to the parents of Jamie Bulger see how far that gets you.

    And that is precisely the reason for all of this hate filled hysteria.
    People cannot accept that people (let alone childre)n are capable of such things, as a result people cannot rationalise these issues, look at the animal kingdom when it comes down to it (infanticide is not uncommon) and when it comes down to it the base levels that our brains operate on are not that dissimilar.
    Sadly stuff like this happens and our judiciary have rules and laws in place that are used to establish criminal responsibility, these boys at 10 were below that level wether you like it or not.
    The media is hugely responsible for all of this, without the media it would be a very sad event that hurt several families so there lives changed, why the entire country seems to need to react is beyond me, same as the diana crap that happened, get a grip people there are over 6 billion people on this planet and bad things happen

    Full Member

    Oh sod, looks like me and you are on the same side as usual Kimbers, see you on the uplift

    Free Member

    No Kimbers I am not saying that it is not safe for kids now, What I am saying is that parents do not feel that it is right / safe to let there kids out.

    Yes the media is very fast in this age compared to when I was a kid in the 60's and back then perhaps ignorance was bliss because news did not travel

    Are you a parent ???

    BTW I am a fan of a eye for a eye type of justice

    Read Jigsaw Man

    Full Member

    will this nice weather hold out long enough to take off the swamp things?

    Full Member

    Fingers crossed, but will see

    Full Member

    TJ try just try and explane your thoughts to the parents of Jamie Bulger see how far that gets you.

    I don't doubt for a minute that the reopening of all this in the sordid media frenzy that we are seeing is distressing for them.

    However, not rehabilitating these two does nothing to bring James back or ease their pain in any way either, nothing can do that, so, for the good of society it must always be the attempted.

    What bothers me most is why so many people somehow feel they should know why he's been recalled yet are seemingly completely unable to explain why they should know and what good it will do them or the Bulger family to know.

    Free Member

    best we check the weather forcast

    unfortunatly it is after the news 😉

    Full Member

    ok ill read it,
    no not a parent maybe my views will change when i am but i still dont think ill want death penalty or locking up of 10 yr old children till they die, whatever their crime

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