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  • Is May about to call an election?
  • ninfan
    Free Member

    Another “town dwelling leftie” here….who happneded to go grow up on a farm, go to agricultural college & worked in farming for 10 years..

    You don’t know what you’re talking about.

    I suggest you actually read what I said

    Free Member

    I suggest you actually read what I said

    Indulge me & explain it for the audience..

    Free Member

    Foxes were much more of an issue when I lived in the town. They ripped apart 3 of our ducks when we didn’t get them in one evening.

    Since living in the country (and now having chickens instead of ducks) foxes are nowhere to be seen. I have probably seen 2 in 16 years. They stay away from people and only come out in the dark so as long as your birds are away before it is dark it is fine.

    As for fox hunting, that still seems to go on. I rode into the middle of an obvious hunt a few weeks back and they were not happy to see me.

    But in reality, hunting is such an irrelevance to 99.9% of people I am not sure why it even gets any air time…

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    O ye gods I fell for trolling again. Must remember names…

    Free Member

    I suggest you actually read what I said

    Why on earth would any of us bother to do that?

    Free Member


    The previous page contained such coherent arguments against hunting as:

    If people want to dress like arseholes and have jolly japes around the countryside on their horses…
    Upper class twits prancing round the countryside like dicks…
    The red coats, horses and hounds, horns echoing,..
    Well getting dressed up and charging across the landscape on horseback with your mates is important ..

    Which sit in the factual bracket of how mountain bikers should be banned because they all wear day glow Lycra and run over ramblers – people making these arguments are only revealing their own ignorance, shed loads of hunts out there that have nothing to do with horses (and that the burns inquiry accepted were an effective form of control too) – I’ve hunted with hounds loads of times, Never been a horse there.

    Free Member

    So that’s your argument in favour of bringing back hunting with dogs?….

    Shame the Gov & the RSPCA disagree with you…. but hey ho, that’s experts for you!

    Hunting facts..

    BOTTOM LINE: IT’S INEFFECTIVE & INHUMANE. That’s about all you need to know..

    Full Member

    after listening so someone or other from labour being grilled on the radio over how they are going to pay for an education pledge, why isn’t Chairman May being grilled repeatedly over how she’s going to pay for a hard brexit?

    Free Member

    That wasn’t the finding of the (government commissioned, independent and extensive) Burns inquiry, nor does it explain why you were so offended when I pointed out hunting had nothing to do with people being on horses (because your reaction was a visceral townie thrashing out against something you thought I was saying rather than to what I actually said)

    Free Member

    I’ve hunted with hounds loads of times, Never been a horse there.

    Beagling. 😆

    Free Member

    That wasn’t the finding of the (government commissioned, independent and extensive) Burns inquiry, nor does it explain why you were so offended when I pointed out hunting had nothing to do with people being on horses (because your reaction was a visceral townie thrashing out against something you thought I was saying rather than to what I actually said)

    Nah, I just don’t like you.

    As for being a townie? I spent 10 years as a farm manager & a childhood on a farm.

    Proper townie me not understanding the cuntreeeee wayzzzzzzz……

    Full Member

    Ninfan – round here there is/was a mounted hunt. I’m only talking about what I see with my own eyes and what I hear from people who ride round hear. My wife rides though not with the hunt.
    Towny by birth, but not where I live now.

    It might help you to read what I wrote. Fool.

    Free Member

    round here there is/was a mounted hunt

    Ah, ’round here’


    Thanks for proving my point

    @mrlebowski – but you live in a town now, right? 😉

    Free Member

    but you live in a town now, right?

    Yes, & your point is?….

    Free Member

    So, when I put all this opposition down to town dwelling lefties, turns out I was right in the first place 😀

    Free Member

    Can you identify the exact first point and everyones position on it and the criteria for right and wrong. You do have a habit of trying to twist everything after all…. Still not commenting on if sessions needs sacking for misleading us congress I see.

    Free Member

    criteria for right and wrong.

    Whoops, looks like we are back on the moral arguments

    I refer you once again to buggery, abortion and religious slaughter – Morality is in the eye of the beholder.

    Free Member

    Not at all, just your usual criteria for deciding what you actually said

    Full Member

    You do realise the horse bit isn’t the issue?

    It’s the ritual torture and slaughter of a random wild animal.

    The “hunters” could be riding penny farthings for all that aspect matters.

    But still, you keep trolling away. It’s an admirable way to make a living.

    Full Member

    Ah I see we are into the standard ninfan approach of pedantry and whataboutism.

    I pointed out hunting had nothing to do with people being on horses

    Yes you did.

    And I pointed you to the “Introduction to Fox Hunting for Kids” booklet from the Countryside Alliance (those infamous town-dwelling lefties) which is inconveniently full of pictures of people on horses.

    Free Member

    Does that booklet prepare them for being daubed with the blood of the fox on their first hunt (when it dies by something other than being ripped apart by hounds)?

    Free Member

    You do realise the horse bit isn’t the issue?

    It’s the ritual torture and slaughter of a random wild animal.

    So why are there so many posters ranting on about toffs on horses?

    Makes you think that it’s really got nothing to do with animal welfare, and it’s really all driven by childish leftie ‘class war’ tactics

    Like it always was

    Free Member

    So why are there so many posters ranting on about toffs on horses?

    I didn’t rant about toffs on horses.

    Full Member

    Does that booklet prepare them for being daubed with the blood of the fox on their first hunt

    No but it does have a handy section explaining to children why the ban on fox hunting is wrong.

    Why did the Government bring it in?
    • Some people do not understand how a hunt works and why it is needed
    • Hunting was wrongly thought of as a ‘posh’ activity and some MPs saw banning it as part of a ‘class war’
    • Some people see hunting as a cruel sport
    • Some politicians thought that a hunting ban would get more support

    What are the problems with the Act?
    • It is confusing, for example it is legal to hunt a rabbit with dogs but illegal to hunt a hare
    • It is difficult to police and wastes valuable police and court time
    • It does not protect the fox from suffering and under the Act, more foxes are in fact be being killed
    • It makes it difficult for farmers to protect their livestock
    • It is class war and creates a divide between country and city people
    • It bans a valuable wildlife management process

    Oh and a word search.

    Free Member

    Horses are more photogenic than blokes on foot on a Yorkshire moor,

    Hunting supports employment and maintains country skills

    Full Member

    So why are there so many posters ranting on about toffs on horses?

    I havent mentioned toffs on horses

    I just think its unnecessarily cruel

    has anyone mentioned toffs? – I think its all in your head ninfan, the only people chucking insults about are you (though ‘townie dwelling leftie’ is only an insult from your perspective)

    tbf I did compare jamba to Alan Partridge for his ‘usual fox behaviour’ comment 🙂

    Free Member

    Tory toffs on horses gets ninfan aroused.

    Free Member

    Makes you think that it’s really got nothing to do with animal welfare, and it’s really all driven by childish leftie ‘class war’ tactics

    Well it may make you think that but that is because you put anybody that cares about anything other than themselves down as a leftie.

    Full Member

    I hope the hunting debate rolls on and on as it might just remind the general public exactly where tory priorities lie.

    Free Member

    So where was Anthony Wedgwood Benn on this scale then, an actual titled Toff, and a leftie..

    Free Member

    One could almost conclude that May wants and is trying her damnedest to throw this election?

    Full Member

    So the woman who once accurately described the Tory party as the ‘Nasty Party’, as that is how they are perceived, now proposes her support for having posh people chase a defenceless animal around, then get their dogs to tear it apart.

    I suppose it could go down as a sort of reverse epiphany 😆

    Full Member

    I want to know whats in the kids fox hunting wordsearch!

    Free Member

    One could almost conclude that May wants and is trying her damnedest to throw this election?

    That thought occurred to me as well.

    Full Member

    Perhaps the solution is to put it to a referendum?

    I suspect the result would be rather more decisive than Brexit.

    Will of the people and all that eh?

    Full Member


    • Some people do not understand how a hunt works and why it is needed


    • It does not protect the fox from suffering and under the Act, more foxes are in fact be being killed

    So hunting’s needed to keep fox numbers down? But under the act, more foxes are being killed?

    Difficult to see who’s got an issue with the ban? Other than the people who just enjoy it.

    Or is the issue that the wrong foxes being killed? The nice ones, not the nasty ones? How does a hunt decide which is which?

    Full Member

    Don’t be facile, Graham, it’s far too complex a subject to expect the general public to grasp sufficiently well to make an informed decision.

    Free Member

    No charges over election expenses (imo sa expected, simple issue of classification / which box to pur a number in)

    Que endless ranting from never-Tory voters

    One way to change the subject from fox hunting anyway 🙂

    Perhaps the solution is to put it to a referendum?

    I’d support that, I also suspect it would be a clear no. As I have said before I like the Swiss Referendum system

    Free Member

    Great news – got away with it The Crown Prosecution Service said it had examined files from 14 police forces and while there was evidence of inaccurate spending returns it did not “meet the test” for further action.

    Full Member

    “meet the test”

    The test being that you need proof of motive… breaking the rules isn’t enough, it needs to be shown to be provably deliberate. Claims of ingorance of the law is a valid defence here, unlike most laws. You can be fined, but not via CPS/courts… they can’t touch you unless you’re on record as planning to break the rules, basically,

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