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  • Is May about to call an election?
  • Pigface
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    Really?, their own polling has shown them that they are likely to loose too many seats to the lib dems and their majority is too small to risk it


    Maybe shes realised that brexshit is going to be such a mess that she wants out

    I reckon May found a message from Jesus inside her eatser egg telling her to call off brexit?

    Full Member

    Ooh some context.

    Thanks Kimbers.

    Free Member

    If she did I reckon she’d be out of a job.

    Fingers crossed….

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    If wishes were horses…

    Free Member

    I think she called the OP by mistake

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    Announcement of imposition of emergency powers in response to impending nuclear war in North Korea? Surely plans for an election would have been leaked before now.

    Free Member

    Maybe shes realised that brexshit is going to be such a mess that she wants out

    I get this impression too. She was utterly incompetent as home secretary, and massively out of her depth as PM. Once the honeymoon period has ended, the right wing press will start to hammer her.

    Also, do not underestimate the Tory Party’s adeptness at throwing their own under the proverbial bus once things start to hit the fan.

    Free Member

    There is going to be a press call at Downing Street which I think is unscheduled and people are suggesting that it could be her calling an election,

    Or we are going to attack North Korea.

    Full Member

    Announcement of imposition of emergency powers in response to impending nuclear war in North Korea? Brexit

    more likely. It will become a criminal offence to criticise Brexit in any way.

    Once the honeymoon period has ended, the right wing press will start to hammer her.

    Showing no signs so far, they’re all still in rapture over the thought of ‘taking back control’.

    Also, do not underestimate the Tory Party’s adeptness at throwing their own under the proverbial bus once things start to hit the fan.

    The real shit is still 2-3 years away…..

    Free Member

    Yay, more arguing!

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    the £

    its like brexit all over again

    Full Member

    He’s ready to sweep to victory, and lead us all to the sunny socialist uplands comrades…..

    Full Member

    Or we are going to attack North Korea.

    We could send our aircraft carriers….

    Free Member

    11.15 is the time all the pundits are saying election.

    Free Member

    either that or Free and Fair erections in May

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    That graph looks very dramatic but examine the vertical scale, only dropped .0050

    Free Member

    Well, a quiet post bank holiday day here, not much work, i was gonna hit Gisburn… i might hold on till half 11…

    Free Member

    My guess would be something to do with NI, election very unlikely in my view, no matter how enticing, complicated with current rules.

    Full Member

    She did a Gordon Brown, dithered and missed her window.

    I suppose she could gamble on this being the best moment, as the ‘opposition’ is a total shambles, and its all downhill from here as the incoming Brexit shitstorm unravels.

    Full Member

    Ooh please be a royal baby.
    Or a royal wedding. We all love a wedding.

    Full Member

    dead royal?

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    The re-opening of workhouses?


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    election very unlikely in my view, no matter how enticing,

    Im not sure how enticing it would be seeing Farron hoover up all those seats, hes just a bit creepy

    Full Member

    She’s going to announce a new 28.25″ standard for wheels.

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    Liam Fox to be fired into space to plant a pair of Union Jack boxer shorts on the moon?

    Free Member

    Workhouses were reopened around 2014, Binners, do keep up!

    Free Member

    IIRC she can’t call an election, she either has to introduce new legislation to allow it or manipulate some sort of ‘no confidence’ situation first?

    [edit – or get 2/3 of MP’s to vote for it]

    How quaint, that for a fairly minor and reversible matter such as who runs the country you need a 2/3 majority. I’d have said 52% would be enough……..

    Free Member

    Im not sure how enticing it would be seeing Farron hoover up all those seats,

    Any losses to LibDems would be pretty insiginifcant compared to the likely gains from Labour, but it is unlikely to happen.

    Full Member

    I hope it is an election. Time for the 48% to get their early revenge.

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    UDI for Englandandwales.

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    theotherjonv – Member
    IIRC she can’t call an election, she either has to introduce new legislation to allow it or manipulate some sort of ‘no confidence’ situation first?

    nope labour have said theyd vote for one she needs a 2/3rd majority for that, the SNP would love it as theyd get even more of a boost at home from a (sadly agree with mefty)- likely – tory victory

    of course she did promise that she defo wouldnt call an early election, but whats one more lie in the age of brexshit?

    stepping down due to illnes?, shes not the healthiest looking these days, Im not sure the stress of brexshit has done her any favours

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    The religious observance of Easter to be made compulsory from next year, including self-flagellation with birch twigs, and fish on Good Friday.

    Transgressors to be given a severe talking too by Boris

    Free Member

    She probably can’t, because of the fixed term parliaments act. Not without a supermajority in the commons. Normally that would be impossible, but Corbyn is such a **** that he will probably support it.

    Alternatively she could pass legislation to amend/suspend/repeal the act with a simple majority but the lords would likely tell her to piss off and stop playing silly buggers.

    She might be quitting, more likely a “oh brexshit” statement.

    Free Member

    Resign, put Gove in charge and your get your 2/3 very quickly

    Anyway I thought she was just out to talk about ‘arry getting a new job

    Free Member

    I hope it’s-

    -an election
    -abolition of the royal family
    -the public flogging of Gove, Farage and BoJo followed by all three of them having to hand deliver begging letters written in their own blood to the EU to please take us back, please, we’re very sorry we were lying arseholes and there’s not really £350 million for the NHS every week after all.

    Full Member

    She probably can’t, because of the fixed term parliaments act. Not without a supermajority in the commons. Normally that would be impossible, but Corbyn is such a **** that he will probably support it.

    I reckon he’d definitely support it, but all his MP’s* would vote against it

    * apart from Dianne and John, obvs

    Full Member

    She’s going to announce a new 28.25″ standard for wheels.

    Why was I thinking that too? Albeit 29.6′ .

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