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  • Interesting new take on turntables…
  • CountZero
    Full Member

    Considering how vinyl seems to keep increasing in popularity, and the sharp differences between turntables that allow direct connection to digital systems, and the classic, phono-only t/table, this could be the ideal bridge.
    The people behind it have the credentials and the nouse, the construction seems sound, Rega arm n’all, and it’s digital capabilities look good, I’d be interested in what the massive think, particularly those here with actual music/studio experience.
    Not cheap, but then it can’t be, if it’s going to work properly.

    Free Member

    was really hoping for a conveyor belt on a turntable thread 🙁

    Free Member

    Is this the one that will sync vinyl played to spotify accounts?
    People need to put down their mobile phone if they want to hear ‘HiFi’.

    Although I kind of miss the ‘tea drinking ceremony’ of records – still think lossless digital sources will always win out.

    Full Member

    The platter doesn’t support the full area of the record. I’m out.

    Free Member

    It seems completely pointless. If you’re going to convert the analogue signal from the vinyl into digital and ping it about by Bluetooth you might as well just use digital files/streaming/cds in the first place.

    Looks like it’s just for people who want to be trendy and be seen to be playing vinyl.

    Free Member

    It seems completely pointless. If you’re going to convert the analogue signal from the vinyl into digital and ping it about by Bluetooth you might as well just use digital files/streaming/cds in the first place.


    Utterly missing the point other than appealing to people with more money than sense, which may be the point given the market for most hi-fi turntables is based around the kind of people with more money than sense that you really don’t want to get stuck talking to in the pub buying stuff that makes vinyl sound incrementally less shit.

    Or more succinctly:

    Although I kind of miss the ‘tea drinking ceremony’ of records – still think lossless digital sources will always win out.

    Telling people how good vinyl is is like boasting about how fast your Ferrari is, then finding out the person your talking to is a Fighter Pilot.

    Full Member

    I’m fairly certain these exist already by other manufacturers. A mate has just got one that connects to a sonos connect and there onwards to all his sonos stuff.

    His reasoning was that all his traditional turntable amp/ speakers etc has been ‘tidied’ away, so this was a viable way to keep playing records in a wifi’d music house.

    edit – this is different.

    Free Member

    I find the Pono playerless unconvincing.

    Free Member

    I find the Pono player less unconvincing.

    As a long time Neil Young fan I find it amusing that the king of lo-fi is such a fussbudget about audio quality. My copy of Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere sounds like it is playing underwater. In a good way.

    Full Member

    It does sound like a specification based on things overheard in a conversatio about Hi Fi

    Surely its either

    Vinyl, valve pre amp linking via quality interconnect to your facourite amp and speakers.

    Or its blue tooth from a covenient digital source to your space friendly integrated amplifier speaker system

    This sounds a bit like a 4 inch tyred, single speed, gravel bike. All things to all people but perhaps missing the point

    Free Member

    looks like they have mounted the arm on an ideal resonating soundbox-can’t be good can it?

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