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  • i dont wanna sound like a rascist but……………………..
  • hora
    Free Member

    ton, if they are oriental ones I'll buy them off you

    Free Member

    In your example, is the latter the USA? Their legal doctrine is not copy/pasted from the bible (like Saudi is from the Koran) so I don't see what you mean can you clarify 😆

    Free Member

    enfht – Member

    druidh where do you want me to start ??

    Seriously. Explain to me why executives of the Church of England are automatically made members of one of the UK's law-making bodies and how that differs from your muslim bogeymen.

    Free Member

    executes a mentally ill person because the Bible tells them to

    Where does the Bible mention about executing a mentally ill person??

    Free Member

    Since when are the CoE legal overseers in the UK? Not quite Iran is it?

    Full Member

    Isn't the death penalty based on the "eye for an eye" bits of the Old Testament? It certainly doesn't do anything to prevent crime, or compensate its victims.

    And I don't recall anything in the Bible about capacity, mens rea or any of the other reasons why you might not automatically hold someone responsible for a crime that they lack the ability to understand – these are all legal concepts that have grown up over the intervening years.

    Enfht, believe it or not, Saudi Arabia is not the extent of the Muslim world, nor the model society that all Muslims want to live in.

    Free Member

    I still remember being pressured to sing in Primary school assembly and my Parents being called in. The Teachers (**** tools) tried to make my parents think they had brought up a bad child as I didnt want to sing. ****.

    Funnily, I havent danced with Satan nor have I committed anything illegal. As above, Organised religion is wrong.

    Full Member

    Hora, that sounds like the first and last time you ever shunned attention. 🙂

    Full Member

    what I don't agree with is people who make out they are champions of freedom, then claim in the same breath that religions should be suppressed. It's the same as people who believe that humans rights apply to everyone, except criminals.

    Getting a bit OT here, but I don't agree that certain criminals who show no respect for other people's human rights should be given any human rights themselves.

    PS – the most racism I have ever encountered has been between groups of Asians of different religions at my university. I think it was Seikhs vs Muslims, pretty much every time a certain club night was on at the SU night club. Got to the point where the Police used to attend everytime it was on.
    Oh, that and being called f-ing white honkey (not sure on the spelling of that one) on an almost weekly basis on the way home from school.

    Free Member

    Hora, that sounds like the first and last time you ever shunned attention.

    😆 but true 🙁

    Free Member

    MrA you're talking yourself around in circles. I agree that UK law is not based around the bible, but that's not what you said earlier so what exactly do you mean? I also agree that Saudi was the wrong example so take your pick from the other Muslim nations who are now choosing to adopt Sharia at the expense of their own secular values

    Free Member

    I must say I agree with whoever said that all religions are a bad idea. There's too much killing, hatred and bad stuff that happens in the name of religion.

    Unfortunately, all religion seems to be abused or used as a way of oppressing people by those in power. I know it can be used in a good way too, but do you really need a few books to tell you how to be good? I can tell you that. Be Good!!! 😉

    Free Member

    I must say I agree with whoever said that all religions are a bad idea

    Totally agree, well said. We should start a crusade to rid the world of religion, let's start in the middle east

    EDIT: Let's not call it a crusade 😆

    Full Member

    I agree that UK law is not based around the bible

    That's not what I said at all. Bits of it clearly are.

    If you think all Muslim countries are hard-line religious dictatorships, you are a bit thick. There are a handful of countries in the world that fit this description, and you've mentioned about half of them already. There are plenty of others, such as Turkey, which have an overwhelmingly Muslim population but are still secular states.

    Free Member

    I'm not suggesting that at all you're still putting words in my mouth. Many islamists would argue that Sharia has nothing at all to do with dictatorships. Interesting you mention Turkey, their current government are really upsetting the secularists so Turkey is a actually good example. Islam has many aspects which will become very problematic for the UK as the Muslim vote increases. If people interpret this as racist then they are really mistaken.

    Full Member

    Oh yes, we're not racist, we're just concerned that they're going to undermine society. Exactly the same argument as Enoch.

    as the Muslim vote increases

    Yep, they're outbreeding us you know. 🙄

    Full Member
    Free Member

    When I first heard about the Rivers of Blood I was angry. Then I read it.

    Just admitting this worries me on a few levels. Then again this is a mountain bike forum.

    Inter-marriage would be the only way to truly assimilate different cultures. Its never going to happen though.

    Full Member

    My god Dobbo, you're right, there's 2 million of the buggers! And most of them are under 4! The question is, how do we deal with all these fundamentalist toddlers, before it's too late? 🙂

    Free Member

    Integration, respect and an acceptance from all would be nice!

    Free Member

    vote cannibalism!

    Full Member

    My god Dobbo, you're right, there's 2 million of the buggers!

    What are you on about, I'm right, it's nothing to do with me I linked to a story, sorry if it doen't tie in with your side of the argument, take it up with the Times then the Office for National Statistics. And the fact they are 4 has nothing to do with anything. The "Yep, they're outbreeding us you know." text for the link was a quote from you incase you hadn't worked that bit out.

    Yep, they're outbreeding us you know.

    The under 4 years old would tend to back up your previous statement.

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