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  • Hebden Bridge Trouser Company
  • Jamie
    Free Member

    Innocent own coke?

    They are doing well.

    Full Member

    Speculation, then?

    That’s speculation on your part. I have limited information but it’s still more than you have.

    Free Member

    Is the situation not as described in the FB post by the MD guy from Shorties then ?

    Full Member

    You’re seeing now a veteran of a thousand trouser wars,
    My energy is spent at last, and my trousers are destroyed,
    I have used up all my seams, and I’m helpless and bereaved.
    Forsooth i am dead,
    But my trousers remain red

    Free Member

    I have limited information but it’s still more than you have

    Are you saying the factory guys take on events is an untruth?

    Free Member

    I think what Cougar is saying, as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know.

    Full Member

    Is the situation not as described in the FB post by the MD guy from Shorties then ?

    Are you saying the factory guys take on events is an untruth?

    I’m saying it’s one side of a story. I’ve no idea whether it’s partially or wholly true or not. (Moreover, nor does anyone else here at this point, but yet they’re all too quick to reach for pitchforks.) I’ve explained what I currently believe to be the case in an earlier post, but again I’ve no way of verifying that.

    Full Member

    I think what Cougar is saying, as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know.

    I’m not sure about that.

    Free Member

    I’m saying it’s one side of a story. I’ve no idea whether it’s partially or wholly true or not. (Moreover, nor does anyone else here at this point, but yet they’re all too quick to reach for pitchforks.) I’ve explained what I currently believe to be the case in an earlier post, but again I’ve no way of verifying that.

    Nothing stopping Brant or Ed coming on here or other social media channels to set the story straight is there? The silence is deafening, although they’ve been in touch with STW and thereby had adequate chance to reply. Historically they’ve always been fairly keen to engage through SM when there has been a chance to promote their brands, so there’s a definite element of ‘live by the sword, die by the sword’ in choosing to now go silent.

    Free Member

    18 pages in one day about a trouser company? Is this peak STW? Is it all downhill from here?

    Edit- now I see it’s an old thread resurrected! Never mind, it’s still an argument about a trouser company! 🙂

    Free Member

    one day


    Full Member

    To me it sounds like a breakdown in communications and the guy in factiry A with the grievance wasn’t getting any response through his traditional communication channels so he went to SM with it like anyone else would. It was a well written and humorous account of his side of the story but we have no idea of the other side of the story. If they were expensive or can only do moleskin, if Corderoy just isn’t their thing and cord is where it’s at right now I can completely see why HebTroCo couldn’t use them for their range expansion. It could be that the new factory that does do that stuff threw in the moleskin as part of the deal and so HTC just went for it without considering the impact on Company A. God knows they’ve got enough stuff on with the new range of leather goods and no doubt more.

    I have to say I feel for factory A and HTC probably could have played this better but I’m not sure that this is (yet) worthy of a witch hunt.

    Free Member

    This is pure speculation but it looks to me that HEBTROCO have grown quickly and moved to new larger premises to help meet the increasing demand for their troosers rather than the original factory where they started which appeared on their videos.Which is good news for a growing business but seems like it has caused a disagreement between Richard and the girls and HEBTROCO hence his FB post.
    I get my trousers from Tesco so what do I know?

    Free Member

    wonder what he will do if they build a factory of their own in hebden?

    Free Member

    Have shorties shut down the contents of their Facebook page? No posts at all on it.

    Free Member

    Apparently Brant changed the design every 6 months and the factory tooling couldn’t make the latest troosers any longer, lower or slacker.

    All this for hipster trousers 🙄

    Free Member

    Its possible to follow the Google link on page 17 which gives links to the original facebook posts.

    Full Member

    Nothing stopping Brant or Ed coming on here or other social media channels to set the story straight is there? The silence is deafening,

    I don’t disagree there. Unless there’s a reason we’re not privy to, at any rate.

    Free Member

    To be fair. Brant is quite shy when it comes to social media and communicating with the public.

    Full Member

    It’s like reading code this thread.

    I bought two pair of their trousers as I like the product and want to support a UK based business.

    Like in life and especially in business things change along the way. Gassing like washer women serves no purpose especially if you’ve not purchased any trousers from them.

    It’s a business trying to do something incredibly difficult probably not making loads of money.

    There’s something odd about people’s expectation of how a business should or shouldn’t act on the internet. You have consumer choice to figure out what you want to do.

    We could aim our vitriol at other stuff less worthy I’m sure.

    Free Member

    Just posting to register my disinterest in this topic.

    Free Member

    Does seem that what the Hebden Hipsters might, allegedly, have done isn’t unknown.

    Anyone want some expensive Italian (mostly made in Romania) shoes to go with those expensive Hebden Bridge (possibly, or possibly not) trousers?

    Free Member

    HTC probably could have played this better but I’m not sure that this is (yet) worthy of a witch hunt.

    They could have played it better, that’s true.

    Rather than official silence, just a quiet word to STW that the other thread was ‘not nice’

    Plus the subtle shift in the website’s marketing direction doesn’t look like a stenuous denial to me.

    And I’ve never bought a pair. I’m not at the stage in my life where a pair of moleskin trews is the next thing I can’t live without.

    Free Member

    It’s offering speculation as fact which is problematic.” The same is true of opinion.

    Seems to work for Jamba*

    *crossing the streams but it holds true.

    No idea what is going on in trousertown.

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member

    You’re seeing now a veteran of a thousand trouser wars,
    My energy is spent at last, and my trousers are destroyed,

    Let us know how your warranty claim pans out.

    Full Member

    Just read the cached thread.

    I can see why people are a bit irate on both sides of this issue.

    Totally mercenary of me though,I care massively more about STW than the potential issue discussed in that thread.

    So having declared my mercenary values I would stw give the Mods a break to be honest. Also their reason for locking the other thread.

    Just my opinion. 😀

    Free Member

    So are they made in Hebden or not?

    Full Member
    Free Member

    After reading all the “can’t prove nuffin” posts on here I’m not now convinced that Hebden Bridge is a real place.

    I’m now fairly sure it’s twinned with Camberwick Green and Royston Vasey

    Full Member

    Royston vasey trouser company……… Hand delivered by Barbara Dixon

    Free Member

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Can you un-burn a witch?

    Free Member

    We reworded our website, so as not to claim everything was made solely in Hebden Bridge.

    Does this strike anyone else as a bit weaselly? The overriding impression from their website last week was that everything was made in Hebden Bridge. This is some months after production started elsewhere.

    Full Member

    Doesn’t say whether or not they still use Shorties though, I suspect not.

    Full Member

    Can you un-burn a witch?

    yes, you drown the corpse.

    Full Member

    Doesn’t say whether or not they still use Shorties though, I suspect not.

    Seems to imply that they don’t (and the rant from Shorties suggests they don’t) – but if you placed an order today I guess the trews you’d get would likely have been made by Shorties, in the factory pictured in the town talked about so theres no un-truth to the site as it stood. And that’ll continue to be the case until that stock is all sold out. So shorties have been happy to be paid to make that stock but they now want to undermine any attempts for that stock to be sold.

    I’ll beat a path to their door if I ever want anything made 🙂

    Can you un-burn a witch?

    I wonder if Shorties can un-burn a bridge.

    Full Member

    Doesn’t say whether or not they still use Shorties though, I suspect not.

    From another Facebook comment:

    As the weather was warming we had already concentrated our limited resources on developing a new cloth with English Fine Cottons. This two week delay from the end of May until the 15th June clearly agitated Mr Pickles, and though we hadn’t had any communication from him, since his text of the 31st May, his post on our Facebook page discussing a business to business arrangement came as a shock.

    In spite of 90% of our moleskin stock, and 60% of total stock that is held at this moment being made by Shorties, we followed his request and removed all footage and marketing material that we were aware of, that used imagery shot in the factory building he leases (having sold it to property developers some years ago).

    It is clear from his robust post that it is unlikely we will be working with them again. Though it’s in some way rewarding to see that we have spurred him to launch his own direct brand.

    Free Member

    So in essence:Saving Trousertown is achieved by manufacturing somewhere between Leeds and Manchester.

    Full Member

    So in essence:Saving Trousertown is achieved by manufacturing somewhere between Leeds and Manchester.

    Seems like there’s a reason Trousertown doesn’t make many pairs of trousers these days…

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