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  • Hebden Bridge Trouser Company
  • nickc
    Full Member

    Hello. Am I allowed to say that?

    no, get back into the factory you workshy malingerer… 😆

    Full Member

    Woooah, calm down, my wife makes handbags (amongst other things, see https://www.facebook.com/emmyjanedesign ). Lovely as their kecks may be, I don’t want brant and ed running her out of business!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    For me, link no work.

    Still think its a hoax.

    Free Member

    Nice piece in the Yorkshire Post on us yesterday.

    I thought it was rather misleading…
    …. you were smiling in the photos, a smile which almost looked genuine.

    Free Member

    Bump for British manufacturing.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Where did the other thread go, it dissapeared after I read page one.

    Free Member

    No idea what happened to it.

    Someone must have said his name three times too many 😉

    Full Member

    Locked because it got abusive and there was much speculation without any knowledge of the facts.

    I suspect that this will go the same way.

    Free Member

    Locked + removed ?

    Full Member

    be a shame to lose this thread by people deliberately trolling it.

    Full Member

    Yes, the mod locked it and said he would delete after 30 mins.

    Free Member

    Locked because it got abusive and there was much speculation without any knowledge of the facts.

    If it got abusive, fair enough (lock it) but why delete it ?

    Speculation ?

    So what! it’s a chat forum.
    People on here the other day speculating about how and why people were burned to death in their flats, and that was ok.

    Why is speculating about the location of a trouser factory not allowed ffs 😯

    Full Member

    Don’t think it was trolling as such, more that people were expressing opinion about something that may not have been strictly true so had the chance of getting sticky legally.

    Free Member

    Since when has idle uninformed speculation been an issue on STW?

    Free Member

    pistonbroke – Member

    Since when has idle uninformed speculation been an issue on STW?

    You think this place is egalitarian? You fool you.

    Full Member

    It was direct accusations against two name individuals who were already seeking legal advice for similar claims made elsewhere, I can understand why the site owner chose to delete it.

    Free Member

    I must have missed the abusive post, apart from Dracs usual childish comments 🙂

    Why is speculating about the location of a trouser factory not allowed ffs

    I guess it depends who that trouser company belongs to.

    Full Member

    had the chance of getting sticky legally.


    I was only halfway through before it got deleted. Had a look at their website and says “made in the north” and “pennine based” so looks like they’ve removed the “contentious” marketing

    Free Member

    had the chance of getting sticky legally.

    what sort of person sues their mates ? Especially ones who have done so much to promote their wares?

    So where are these trousers made?

    Free Member

    No one’s allowed to say…just in case

    Full Member

    In that case most of the arguments stand as people thought it was a bit rich launching the company on a ticket of saving the Hebden Bridge trouser making legacy.

    Full Member

    I didn’t see anything libellous in the other thread, unless it was factually incorrect at a basic level.

    I understand Mark’s concern though, especially if he’s OOTO.

    Free Member

    Since when has idle uninformed speculation been an issue on STW?

    Since that time today when it was aimed at a couple of their mates.

    Free Member

    chestrockwell – Member
    Yes, the mod locked it and said he would delete after 30 mins.

    Why delete the thread?

    Full Member

    Ok everyone.
    I’ve talked with Brant about this and I’ve explained that opinion is fine but where opinion is put forward as fact it enters the realm of potential libel.

    I’m sure Brant and Ed will have something to say publicly soon enough but at the moment they are doing things sensibly and getting advice first.

    As for this thread there’s enough comment on here to worry me from a publishing POV and so I’m am closing this thread. This does not mean the topic is off limits just that there have been comments that have gone beyond opinion and fair comment. As the publisher of these comments (you may write them but we have allowed you to publish them) we need to look at our own position and how we could be dragged into the issue. So. Closed for now to give you a chance to read this. The topic is NOT off limits though and so long as you stick to facts, fair opinion and fair comment then all is well.

    I’ll be deleting this thread in approximately 20 minutes.

    Mark – in a van on the way to Mountain Mayhem.

    Free Member

    Never stops previous POV’s regardless of how untrue from appearing on here before and the thread to be locked rather than deleted.
    I guess advertising income didn’t effect the decision.

    Full Member

    It absolutely has nothing to do with anything!

    The difference between other POV and this is the phone calls involving talk of legal advice. I’ve closed hundreds of threads over the years where I consider our position to be at risk because of potentially legal comments made by posters. I’ve equally told enough offended businesses to **** off and suck it up when I’ve considered the posters comments to be fair comment. We’ve actually lost advertising revenue because of those latter stances.

    Free Member

    I’ll say it again, £150 for a belt is waaaayy too much.

    Full Member

    They’re turning kids into slaves just to make cheaper sneakers belts.
    But what’s the real cost?
    ‘Cause the sneakers belts don’t seem that much cheaper.
    Why are we still paying so much for sneakers belts
    When you got them made by little slave kids
    What are your overheads?

    Not relevant. The thread just reminded me of it 😀

    Full Member

    Clearly the solution is childskin belts.

    Free Member

    Long as there are mugs around to pay it, you can charge what you like for a belt..


    Full Member

    Clearly the solution is childskin belts.

    I suspect apostrophe placement is key here…

    Kids’ Leather Square Buckle Belt


    Free Member

    I’ve talked with Brant about this and I’ve explained that opinion is fine but where opinion is put forward as fact it enters the realm of potential libel.

    LOL never ever would it even get as far as a court let alone a solicitors letter. this forum would be left with just what tyre/estate car for 2 bikes and making progress threads if equally ‘libellous’ threads were treated in the same way.

    there are less than 100 libel/slander cases heard in the UK every year. 🙄 arguing the toss about the origins of a pair of ‘made in the U.K.’ trousers on an internet forum suggests a sense of perspective is severely lacking.

    Full Member

    Clearly the solution is childskin belts.

    yes, but is it genuine Yorkshire child skin, or some cheap far east import which has been bleached a bit?

    Free Member

    I still don’t understand why the providence of whether a trouser is made in Hebden Bridge or some other town is so important to folk who have bought them.

    Next people will be bottling water out of the canal there and selling Hebden Bridge Co water for a gizillion pounds in CNC engraved bottles

    Full Member

    I still don’t understand why the providence of whether a trouser is made in Hebden Bridge or some other town is so important to folk who have bought them.

    I think its because people are happy to pay for something if they feel it is doing some good. I.e. keeping a local economy going. If it turns out that this may not be the case then i can understand people getting miffed.

    Full Member

    there are less than 100 libel/slander cases heard in the UK every year. arguing the toss about the origins of a pair of ‘made in the U.K.’ trousers on an internet forum suggests a sense of perspective is severely lacking.

    But it’s STW’s position as “publisher” of the comments on here, and of engaging people to moderate the comments they publish, which could get them into one of those court cases. Totally understandable to be concerned and to take action when those comments are getting a little close to the wind.

    If their legal advice had been “it’s just a bunch of guys chatting shit on the internet, nothing you need to be concerned about (despite your providing the infrastructure they’re using to disseminate those comments), no-one’s ever going to get you involved” than things would be different.

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