Cougar – my leads work in that I get a picture.
There you go then.
I was just wondering wheter or not I was getting the ‘best picture possible’. And whether a humble lead could improve things in that respect.
No, it can’t. Not unless as Drac is alluding to you’re worried about fringe cases that the PS4 Pro can’t hope to get anywhere near.
The whole “high quality interconnect” thing is a throwback to analogue days where it does make a huge difference. HDMI is digital, for most practical purposes it works or it doesn’t. Inferior equipment / cables might mean fewer features are available but assuming you’re actually receiving a 4K signal (and by the sounds of things you don’t have anything that can provide such a thing anyway) then you’re not magically going to get a better picture by spending £40 quid High Street Retailer Tax on an oxygen-free gold-plated cable encased in unicorn hair hand-stitched by Filipino virgins.
You can pay a couple of quid extra for a cable that isn’t going to fall apart in five minutes, and there’s a “Premium” programme which certifies additional testing for things like shielding from interference, but if you’re paying more than £10 for a 1M HDMI cable then you’re having your pants pulled down.
If you want to get the best picture, your time would be better spent over on AVForums finding out how to set up brightness, contrast etc optimally on your TV model rather than worrying about cabling.