Home Forums Bike Forum Hanging a bike by an extended dropper, yes or no?

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  • Hanging a bike by an extended dropper, yes or no?
  • weeksy
    Full Member

    With my lad getting his new bike today it came with a Specialized Command dropper. Cable operated.

    I usually have his bike hanging from the rafters. But that’s a static post. Not done it with a dropper.

    Any thoughts?

    Full Member

    Plenty of other options for hanging a bike by.

    Full Member

    Not within the location I have available for it. It lives above a motorcycle, so can’t go vertically.

    The only other potential option is the style that uses pedal/crank with the 2 wheels sitting on a little ledge type thing.

    If that doesn’t work, which it may not due to location of electric meter, then I’m struggling with it and will have to come up with plan B.

    Full Member

    Two hooks for the bars then a rope on a hook that’ll loop the frame?

    Full Member

    I hang ours by the noise of the saddle in the workstand on a regular basis with no ill affect.

    Free Member

    Not sure about hanging by, but I’ve never had any problems picking up a bike by it’s dropper, provided it’s fully extended that is. General wisdom seems to be avoid pulling on the post if it’s compressed..

    Full Member

    Just hang it by the seat with the post up.
    You’re not going to suck air into the cartridge with it up and against the max extension.

    Full Member

    Command Posts are mechanical (rather than gas/air like reverbs etc) irc?

    Might not have the same issues as others if that’s the case. I could be talking rubbish, though.

    Full Member

    extended yes, compressed no

    Full Member

    Command Posts are mechanical (rather than gas/air like reverbs etc) irc

    Yup, looks like it.

    Full Member

    As has been mentioned, fully extended no problem.

    Full Member

    The command post is held to the seat with one bolt through the collar. Make sure is tight if you are hanging by the seat nose or you may end up with the bike on the floor as they do have a tendency for the seat to tilt up and bike slide off.

    Full Member

    Or an S hook from the rafter and hang it from the top tube/seat tube junction.

    Free Member

    webbing strap under the top tube.

    Full Member

    Two rubber coated hooks – one each end of top tube.

    Free Member

    Fully extended shouldn’t be a problem.

    As it’s mech, shouldn’t be a problem hanging by a compressed dropper, which will take less space.

    Full Member

    itll be fine

    Full Member

    As it’s mech, shouldn’t be a problem hanging by a compressed dropper, which will take less space.

    Not enough clearance with it compressed as the bars hit the joists…. extended it’s fine though.

    Free Member

    Not enough clearance with it compressed as the bars hit the joists…. extended it’s fine though.

    Ah fair enough, was thinking of clearance below but that’s an issue too.

    Full Member

    My command post takes air, so not mechanical.

    Free Member

    Seems wrong somehow.

    Long hook from the joist to the seat tube / seat stay join instead?

    Free Member

    I had my bike hanging by the saddle from the joists for a while – it was fine when I used it.
    Post was a.. da da dang.. Reverb! But, I did have the wheels off the bike while it was hunged up 🙂

    Full Member

    My command post takes air, so not mechanical.

    Mine is mechanical.

    Long hook from the joist to the seat tube / seat stay join instead?

    Might be tricky to get the balance point right, with the seat it kinda sits perfectly 6″ about the Kawasaki.

    Full Member

    All ours are mechanical, the air is to ensure it returns. Too little and its slow, too much and it gives you a right smack. They don’t tend to loose pressure, happy medium for us is 25 PSI when the post is fully extended.

    Free Member

    People seem to be getting a bit confused over mechanical / hydraulic / air posts. This tends to refer to to actuation of the post rather than the post itself. Every post ive seen uses air.

    Full Member

    All ours are mechanical, the air is to ensure it returns. Too little and its slow, too much and it gives you a right smack. They don’t tend to loose pressure, happy medium for us is 25 PSI when the post is fully extended.

    Interesting, ours was at 30 last night and i assumed it would be WAY soft, but it does indeed come up at a fair rate of knots…. I may lower it into the 20s then 🙂

    Great info as usual… I think i may just stop posting now and PM you any thoughts i have in the world.

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