Home Forums Chat Forum Girls: Shewee / Whiz freedom – are they any good?

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  • Girls: Shewee / Whiz freedom – are they any good?
  • Midnighthour
    Free Member

    Instructions say to rinse in water as it has some kind of coating to keep it clean easy. It also says you can clean it a variety of extra ways inc putting it in the washing machine with the normal wash.

    I am giving it a try as I often cycle where there is no 'safe' (rocks, hedges) place to be. Women are very exposed when peeing. It ok for you guys as you can nestle up to a tree with discretion.

    Practising while going to the loo seems ok, no shower needed to try it in, so not such a problem after all for the screamish.

    Free Member

    Watch out for flap dribble though 😉

    Free Member

    What the instructions don't tell you is that if you have it placed incorrectly, it's bloody hard to stop it going everywhere. Hence the photograph that Druidh has so kindly posted of me…

    I'm just glad it was windy and I dried off quickly. Pants doon for me from then on.

    Free Member

    I'm going to use 'flap dribble' as a swear from now on. 😀

    Full Member

    Bleurgh – someone mentioned mooncup.

    Free Member

    This is only a small step from having a catheter and a bag

    I'm assuming you are male 🙂

    Therefore you are not a small step from having catheter and a bag – that's what you've actually got!

    Bag = bladder

    Catheter = penis

    Full Member

    I witnessed an epic she-wee fail at Reading last year… Good idea but when it goes wrong it really goes wrong.

    Full Member

    flap dribble
    rinsing her lettuce

    excellent work. All I can ask is there an equivalent shesh1t or hesh1t for number 2's ? attach to your arse and sh1t at will without having to squat ?

    Free Member

    Bleurgh – someone mentioned mooncup.

    I've got a slightly hippyish friend who ever so often sends emails out to all of her female friends saying that we should use mooncups. 😐

    Free Member

    This reminds me of an incident at Wembley a number of years back. I came out of the arena after a gig and went to the car in the multi story carpark next door. Got in the car and turned the headlights on. Right infront of us were two girls. One standing, the other had her skirt hitched up and knickers off. Her feet were apart and she was bending over with her head almost between her ankles. This was an interesting site in itself, but what really topped it off was that she was peeing UP the wall!!

    A flash of the lights and tooting of horn was therefore in order 😆

    Free Member

    I have just had to google mooncup and now feel soiled (obviously not literally)

    Free Member

    and now feel soiled

    do you also feel soiled when you walk down the tampon aisle in boots? (where they also sell mooncups) how bizarre.

    Free Member

    Is mooncup a subsidiary of moonpig? can you get them with your own personalised witty message on them?

    Free Member

    i recall as a wide-eyed wannabe astronaut (age 8 or 9) that in zero gravity, Nasa used some sort of hoover pipe with an attachment that cupped over both ends to suck your number 1's and 2's up before they floated all over the place. I reckon you could use your tyre pressure and some heath robinson gubbins to make a similar vacuum device for the trail….

    Full Member

    "can you get them with your own personalised witty message on them?"

    "If you can read this, you're too close?" Obviously not "baby on board"

    Free Member

    I don't understand why some people feel so squeamish about their own bodies and normal natural processes. Or indeed why some guys (and women) get so silly about periods. Its not the dark ages, where bodies are considered 'bad' hidden things with incomprehensible and dangerous processes!

    Full Member

    Midnighthour – do you ride in a desert if you can't find tree/bush cover? Just curious why you need one of these!

    Free Member


    And the thread of the week award goes too…

    Free Member

    I think girls must have been secretly testing in the gents loo in my work building for ages, if not why on earth would the gents loo traps have the seat down with wee splashed all over it ……………………….

    Free Member

    If you need to wee during a ride you aren't sweating hard enough. But then ladies don't sweat do they?

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