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  • German Market . . . .
  • Edukator
    Free Member

    I would say rocket science is a lot easier than working out who to detain contrary to human rights agreements or expel when they are not welcome from whence they came. The ballistics to put man on the moon amounted to a few pages of Fortran, many millions of pages of code have gone into security with no way of stopping me if ever I should take it into my head to do something awful. I won’t (I’m the only one who can be sure of that) some will.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the link jambalaya – I spent a very enjoyable and amusing 10 minutes reading the comments 🙂

    Full Member

    This terrorist was from Pakistan although he claimed he was Afghan. Pakistan not Syria or Iraq

    Berlin attacker placed on US No Fly list months ago. Not rocket science.

    so, a couple of days ago, you posted some crap about the suspect who was released, and now you’ve decided that finding the next suspect should be in fact “not rocket science…”

    you are a computer generated troll, and I claim my 5 euros and 72 virgins (or is it sultanas, I can never remember)

    Free Member

    Berlin attacker placed on US No Fly list months ago. Not rocket science.

    Merry Christmas, one and all. 😆

    Free Member

    It’s not about finding him nick, its about not letting into the country someone who has been imprisoned for arson, then found to be active communicating with IS. The US reconise this and he is “no fly”. As for the original suspect EU as part of it’s deal with Turkey automatically now send back to Turkey all Pakistani and Bangladeshi’s who try and claim to be refugees on entering Greece.

    ernie, you are braver than I

    Free Member

    And just how were the Germans supposed to keep him out? If I want to travel to Spain for a very good reason it would take the whole French army to stop me, and I reckon I’d still have a good chance of getting through. I’d get to England too but posting how here might give the wrong people the right idea if ever they were to read it.

    You hold up the US as a model yet the number of latin illegals grows daily.

    Free Member

    You hold up the US as a model yet the number of latin illegals grows daily.

    Yes but all that is about to change.

    It’s not rocket science ffs :

    Well I say it’s not rocket science but if a wall proves a tad too difficult to build a good sturdy fence will be just as good.

    Donald Trump: Parts of border wall could be fence instead, US President-elect says

    So you see stopping Mexican rapists and criminals crossing the world’s most frequently crossed international border, all 2,000 miles of it, should be a piece of piss.

    Only atheists, gays, liberals, marxists, and terrorist-lovers, think differently. But that’s ’cause they hate America.

    Free Member

    Strange Ernie

    As a self-avowed Marxist-Leninist I would have though that the proposal of the Germans build a wall to keep out immigrants and undesirable and damaging cultural influences would have been right down your street…

    Mind you, sections of the last one were fences too, but I don’t remember anyone complaining about the name 😉

    Free Member

    Ah, keyboard warriors are go ….
    However shit the local intelligence service are, I am guess they have more info that posters here …

    Free Member

    Strange Ernie

    There’s nowt so queer as folk.

    Free Member

    Thanks, perhaps you should have aimed it at Tom_W since he thought China was relevant to this thread

    They too are experiencing a small problem from Muslim extremists so maybe very relevant, always good to see how other deal with a problem, you can possibly learn from others mistakes?

    Free Member

    Yes it might be useful to see how China deals with extremism :


    And this is how they deal with Buddhists who displease them :

    China’s Falun Gong crackdown: ‘The persecution is almost underground’

    Full Member

    Berlin attacker placed on US No Fly list months ago. Not rocket science.

    A member of this parish was on the list for many years, is he a terrorist?

    Full Member

    A colleague of mine was on the US no fly list. One of the fun things is, they won’t tell you why, you find out by turning up at the airport with your family and being told you’re not allowed on the plane- but eventually with a load of pressure from the british council and some help from the home office, it turned out he has a kind of similiar name to a “person of interest”, and he’s syrian, and he sometimes travels to the middle east. And that’s enough. Now he has a letter from the gubmint that he has to take with him every time he flies.

    It’s not radicalised him as far as I know 😆 But that’s the no fly list.

    Free Member

    I was on some sort of security list because I used to do trips to US that involved lots of short one way trips between cities that were booked by someone else at the last minute. Real PITA as we were sometimes catching 3-4 planes a day and each time, we would have 2-3 extra security searches. Odd for a white causasian Brit!!

    Full Member

    teamhurtmore – Member

    Odd for a white causasian Brit!!

    It’s odd for an arabic Brit too I assure you. And for anyone else of any colour and nationality that ends up on a Sekrit List and gets treated like a criminal for no meaningful reason.

    Free Member


    New South Wales Greens MP Mehreen Faruqi has criticised security procedures at Los Angeles International Airport after she was “interrogated” about her Pakistani history.

    Dr Faruqi is touring the United States as part of a self-funded fact-finding trip on drug law reform and also to visit family.

    At immigration control, Dr Faruqi said she and her husband were asked “how we actually got our Australian passport” before being interviewed in separate rooms.

    world would be a lot safer if they just used simple racial profiling 🙁

    Free Member

    At immigration control, Dr Faruqi said she and her husband were asked “how we actually got our Australian passport”

    It’s a fair question – a terrorist would probably give the wrong answer.

    Free Member

    Drac only a portion of the no-fly list is terrorist related as you well know. You can (will) be denied entry to the US if you have been in prison. They denied Nigela Lawson entry for having publically admitted she had taken cocaine. Their country they make the rules. I always got lots of questions as I had so many Middle East visas/stamps.

    The bottom line is stricter security is inconvenient but that’s better than the alternative. If they have overdone it, then so be it. It’s absolutely within the US’s right to police their own borders as they see fit.

    Full Member

    Of course I know it’s you who appeared to didn’t. Best of all hasn’t even got a beard.

    Free Member

    Drac only a portion of the no-fly list is terrorist related as you well know

    Um…yeah, we know, it’s not rocket science…

    Free Member

    Indeed it is not. You aim to keep out all the bad guys and gals. That probably means you keep out some good people too but so be it.

    Drac he has posted here he was banned for an earlier indiscretion.

    Free Member

    The bottom line is stricter security is inconvenient but that’s better than the alternative. If they have overdone it, then so be it. It’s absolutely within the US’s right to police their own borders as they see fit.

    Yep they have nailed their borders, well sort of but still have not managed to stop their own citizens killing each other in much greater numbers than any terrorist. See that thing about perspecive and proportion.

    Free Member

    Yes it might be useful to see how China deals with extremism

    Well, they don’t have a Falun Gong problem anymore!

    (said in the spirit of the guy hanging upside down praising the Romans in Life of Brian).

    Full Member

    Drac he has posted here he was banned for an earlier indiscretion.

    It’s a very interesting story of why he was but certainly not because he’s a terrorist or likely to be.

    Free Member

    So are we saying being on a US No Fly list isn’t a good reason to get picked up by the cops?

    Full Member

    I’ve no idea I’m not a rocket scientist.

    Free Member

    You’re not paying attention…….it’s NOT rocket science.

    Full Member

    Seems he’s been shot. Can I be the first to say thats a shame, would have been better to put him on trial…

    Free Member

    Seems he’s been shot. Can I be the first to say thats a shame, would have been better to put him on trial…

    Let’s hope they’ve got the right one this time.

    Full Member

    Very good point!

    Full Member

    I get questioned, have my photo and fingerprints taken EVERY time I go to the States.

    Get ‘the chat’ after I’ve checked in.
    Varies from just being asked to sign a piece of blank paper at the desk (whilst being checked via CCTV,I assume) to a 20 minute Q&A about who I’m with, plans etc.

    I have a couple of ideas as to why, but probably just the same name as someone else.

    Free Member

    It’s irrelevant whether he was the right one, he was shot and killed for shooting at a police office, not for being a wanted suspect.

    Free Member


    It’s a very interesting story of why he was but certainly not because he’s a terrorist or likely to be.

    No I get that. The US keeps people out for a wide variety of reasons. Always has.


    Seems he’s been shot. Can I be the first to say thats a shame, would have been better to put him on trial…

    aa I think the correct term* is its a tragedy

    ( *amongst Islington Lefties / Bleeding Heart Liberals )

    Finger prints of person shot match suspect

    Seems he travelled from Germany to France to Turn to Milan all by train. Incredibly lucky he didn’t shoot more people

    (All on bbc website)

    Free Member

    It’s irrelevant whether he was the right one, he was shot and killed for shooting at a police office, not for being a wanted suspect.


    Can I be the first to say thats a shame, would have been better to put him on trial…


    Free Member

    He’s (by his thinking) a martyr. The public are saved the cost of a trial with the publicity it would give him. Win win in my book.

    Free Member

    He’s (by his thinking) a martyr.

    Seems to me this guy and many of his ilk aren’t especially religious, they’re just trouble maker low-lifes who don’t value their own lives and want to go out with a bang seemingly for a cause.

    I suspect this **** would have done a school killing in the states or murdered Jo Cox if his back story had been different.

    Free Member

    Indeed it is not. You aim to keep out all the bad guys and gals. That probably means you keep out some good people too but so be it.

    My irony meter is picking something up here.

    Full Member

    My irony meter is picking something up here.

    I don’t think the operator of the Jamba-bot does irony, I think there are just “facts that are Jamba”.. and real life facts that are inconvenient to the narrative, and thus ignored.

    Free Member

    jambalaya – Member

    aa I think the correct term* is its a tragedy

    ( *amongst Islington Lefties / Bleeding Heart Liberals )

    Let me correct that jambafact.

    The correct term among Islington Lefties and Bleeding Heart Liberals “this is yet another tragedy, upon a tragedy, upon a tragedy”

    Here is another quote for you :

    “British soldiers are not taught to murder unarmed people in the act of surrendering.

    Bin Laden should be put on trial; not in Britain, but in the place where he organised the biggest and most terrible of his massacres, New York.

    He should be put on trial, because a trial would be the profoundest and most eloquent statement of the difference between our values and his. He wanted to kill as many innocent people as he could”.

    This is what that darling of the Tory Party, Boris Johnson, had to say concerning whether Osama Bin Laden should be shot on sight or put on trial – basically exactly the same point as Jeremy Corbyn made several years later.

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