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  • Game of Thrones – Of course it has Spoilers
  • xora
    Full Member

    Really that ep just needed some sharks for the dragons to jump over and it would have been complete!

    Free Member

    Really that ep just needed some sharks for the dragons to jump over and it would have been complete!

    Are you saying that after 70 episodes, GoT has peaked and will only decline now for the final 3?

    Or do you just not understand what ‘jumping the shark’ means and you didn’t enjoy it as much as you hoped?

    Free Member

    I will only accept the aforementioned sharks if they are zombies.

    Free Member

    As long as there’s no more Sheeran I’m not all that bothered what type of shark. (The shark jumpy thing has been said by others earlier on this thread. I’d note that it’s generally towards the end of a good run that series tend to do this.)

    Free Member

    Also, acting notes: Jamie Lanister trying to project past that fringe – the hair’s still a take on Disney prince I’ll grant you. But he couldn’t quite do it. Sansa Stark: that accent has never gone far north of the King’s Road, never mind King’s Landing. When she pulled out that dagger I swore for a sec it was a mobile.

    Full Member

    It was ace.
    Didn’t like the NK’s smirk at finding himself dragon-breath-proof
    Didn’t like how smudged the near-black was
    Too many people lived – probably – depends how good their deaths are later 🙂

    Full Member

    Didn’t like the NK’s smirk at finding himself dragon-breath-proof

    You’d be smirking too after all that fire. (Ashington joke)

    Free Member

    If I was being picky….I did wonder how both the Dothraki hoardes and also Grey Worms mob( can’t think what are called) we’re wiped out pretty quickly by dead people who mostly had no weapons. Especially when they’re weapons were all prepared for them.

    Full Member

    It’s a numbers game…

    Full Member

    we’re wiped out pretty quickly by dead people who mostly had no weapons

    Did you notice they were looking up and the camera upward too? Plus there were thousands of them.

    Full Member

    It’s a numbers game…

    But it also the same illogical principle that takes 5 police officers to immobile 1 drunkard intent on punching someone – now add to that a manic primeval desire to kill you by whatever means necessary with zero inhibitions including their own injury or death x many thousand.

    I did think the unsullied were pretty cool under that pressure, it’s convinced me not having sex ever again might be a great idea for pre race nerves.

    Full Member

    it’s convinced me not having sex ever again might be a great idea for pre race nerve

    Thinking of getting married then?

    Full Member

    Right then, what’s you predictions for the end?

    Mine are:
    Sansa & Tyrion end up married.
    Dani ends up on the Iron throne.
    John ends up as ‘king in the north’
    Sam is hand of the king in the north.
    Bron kills Jamie – Brianne kills Bron.
    Arya takes Jamie’s face and kills Cersei.
    Yara kills Captain Camp & takes the Iron Islands.
    Hound kills Mountain.
    Arya and Gendry will be the marriage of Stark & Baratheon that was talked about at the beginning.
    After Jamie’s demise Brianne and Tormund will live happily ever after and have giant babies…..

    No idea where Bran fits in…..

    Full Member

    Dani gets killed the dragon kills everyone.

    Full Member

    I don’t think either John or Daenerys will end up on the throne. Cersei will die. Gendry for king.

    Full Member

    Sansa gets burned by Dani for plotting against her.

    Free Member

    No idea where Bran fits in…..

    I think his usefulness (or uselessness) has come to an end. That part of the story is over.

    I’d say the most unexpected thing about the series for me so far is that the Night King thing ended before the whole ‘who’s king / Queen’ thing, I thought it would be the other way around.

    Full Member

    No idea where Bran fits in…..

    In the roots of a heart tree.

    Full Member

    My moneys on Aragorn being the king !

    Free Member

    now add to that a manic primeval desire to kill you by whatever means necessary with zero inhibitions including their own injury or death x many thousand.

    Super zombie-strength too. At least they did in the books; don’t recall if this was ever demonstrated in the show.

    Free Member

    Arya has a bastard child who turns out to be the Prince that was Promised.

    Free Member

    Well, that last episode was epic! Watched it yesterday evening having avoided anything GoT on the internet since Monday and I was blown away by everything about it – the cinematography, direction, production and the score.

    It was like some of the finest moments of depression: bleak, desolate and full of hopeless despair and when the flamed NK raised his hands, I really thought that that was it, despite knowing there’s another three episodes left.

    To the usual naysayers on here, I really do wonder what would make you happy? In fact, are you happy with your lives? Probably not.

    As for the darkness, well it’s the Night King, he brings the night, hence its dark and stormy and everything that a dark and stormy winter night brings with it. Honestly, it’s not difficult. Clues in the name, get over it.

    As for the end scene, I wasn’t expecting Arya to be the one, trick move too.

    If I were to take a punt as to what happens next, I reckon the Lannister/Greyell armies are parked up just south of Winterfell, waiting to take on whoever came out on top, possibly with that highly explosive green stuff that Cersei used to blow up the Brotherhood with.

    Either way, there’s to be at least one more skirmish to take out a few more major players. Remember kids, don’t get attached to anyone in GoT! 😁

    Full Member

    As for the end scene, I wasn’t expecting Arya to be the one, trick move too.

    I currently can’t transfer an item from one hand to the other without doing the Arya drop. Ok with a toothbrush but the phone’s in some jeopardy.

    I am quite a sad individual, aren’t I?

    Full Member

    Remember kids, don’t get attached to anyone in GoT!

    Everyone talks about this ‘in true GOT fashion’ but there have hardly been any unexpected deaths really. can only think of 3 shockers; Nedders, Joff and Viperman? oh and the red wedding too i suppose 😀

    all the other mainstays have survived far too long…

    Also, didnt Cersei use all her supplies of wild fire to light up the sept? she has however got a big dockoff dragon gun!!

    Full Member

    Everyone talks about this ‘in true GOT fashion’ but there have hardly been any unexpected deaths really. can only think of 3 shockers; Nedders, Joff and Viperman? oh and the red wedding too i suppose


    Princess Shireen?

    Free Member

    Everyone talks about this ‘in true GOT fashion’ but there have hardly been any unexpected deaths really

    Of the top of my head, Renly, Stannis’ daughter, a dragon, everyone in Baelors sept, Tommen, Walder Frey, all came as a surprise.

    Full Member


    Roose Bolton?



    Viserys Targaeryan (less so, he had it coming…)

    etc etc

    Full Member

    Pfft you can’t just list every death, otherwise what about soldier #155 in the Battle of the Bastards?

    Personally I think only Ned Stark, the Red Wedding and Vis the dragon came as a “woah” surprise (as in both unexpected and an interesting twist, although even then it was fairly obvious at least one dragon would die by the end of the show, it was more the resurrection part in that case).

    Sure lots of characters with fairly big roles have been killed off but you can hardly think it was a surprise when, for example, Joffrey was bumped off when he was. OK I didn’t see Shireen’s death coming but hardly an important character. None of that makes GoT special for killing off big characters – part of it is GoT has so many big characters it can afford to/needs to kill some off

    Full Member

    otherwise what about soldier #155 in the Battle of the Bastards?

    That was a nasty one. No-one expects to go like that. 🙂

    Thing is, you expect people to die horribly and/or suddenly in GoT – which is why it’s described as in ‘true GoT fashion’. Characters are just having a lovely chat, and suddenly they’re knifed to death by the bastard son they’ve just promoted, or chucked out of the sky door with little warning.

    I mean, Stannis’ daughter…you kept thinking, nah, this isn’t going to happen, even someone like Stannis can’t burn a charming child character at the stake…

    Even if they don’t kill people, true GoT fashion can include cutting off the Disney Prince’s hand out of the blue.

    Full Member

    Tommen defo shocked me at the time! Yes, when you look at them in retrospect, lots of the deaths are “obvious” as they fit in with the narrative, but when they happen so quickly before you have time to process what’s going on plenty have left me feeling “whoa”!

    Free Member

    Arya takes Jamie’s face and kills Cersei.

    Good shout.

    Thing is, Cersei’s got it in for Jamie now, so might not be the helpful disguise it has been for the other six series.

    Free Member

    I thought it were bloody great!

    It was good as I had hoped it would even without any shock deaths

    I can’t think of any missteps really, everything plausible and canonical in the GOT, possibly aside from the night kings smirk

    I like the fact that Jon snow wasnt decisive really and just got pinned down by the ice dragon, like it was his first go at an end of level boss in a computer game and he just needed to hit restart, although he got away with doing that when he was resurrected I spose

    Full Member

    Maybe Cersei will keep on the iron throne. Would not be a bad ending; she HAS worked the hardest to get there 😀 I don’t really hold with all this “birthright” or true king/Queen crap.

    Free Member

    Have you seen that there is to be a Jane Goldman written spin-off to GoT?

    Free Member

    I’m just disappointed that nobody has yet realized that Jon Snow is the worst military leader since Sir William Elphinstone and stuck a knife in him before he tries any more silly charges across open ground. Every military force he has led has been wiped out. Now that the Red Witch is gone, a quick shiv to the kidneys and he’d be gone for good. He’s a crap actor too.

    Full Member

    Arya and Gendry will be the marriage of Stark & Baratheon that was talked about at the beginning.

    Nah, Arya will die.

    Free Member

    Arya takes Jamie’s face and kills Cersei.

    Arya takes Qyburns face and kills Cersei immediately  after Jamie can’t do it and Cersei kills Jamie.

    The Mountain  tries to kill Arya  but she legs it and he chases her.

    They fight and just as the Mountain is about to  kill her, the Hound intervenes.

    BOOM! ….Cleganebowl….but not because the Hound wants revenge, he’s past that now.

    It’s to save Arya. He’s her dog now.

    Full Member

    Varys seems to have been just about written out of the show now- wondering whether he has any part to play in what’s to come- considering the impact of his manipulation in the early days.

    We’ve still three shows to go, I reckon there’s going to be a few deaths by assassination and a fair bit of politics and skullduggery. Would be disappointed if a battle for Kings Landing is the highlight of what’s to come.

    Full Member

    Have you seen that there is to be a Jane Goldman written spin-off to GoT?

    I’m sure it’ll be good & I’ll watch it obviously, it does sound like more of the same tho tbh with a very similar plot.

    The better/braver choice IMO would’ve been to tell a much bigger range of stories; they could’ve had each season telling a different story with different characters like in American Horror Stories. Even better, every episode is self-contained, with a couple of characters travelling around, meeting people who’ve been mentioned in the books but not seen, righting wrongs etc like a medieval A-team. No-one makes telly like this anymore, it’s all got to be massive story arcs now etc. (GRRM has written a series of novellas where this happens so there’s both precedent and source material!)

    Full Member

    It’s to save Arya. He’s her dog now.

    Warning nerd content…

    In the books, Ayra is all about wolves. she dreams about them, howls at them and they respond, she’s a warg and can enter their minds, is linked with Nymeria…In an epilogue of one of the books (don’t ask, can’t remember) there’s this strange stuff about how when wargs die, their souls enter their connected animals, In Ayra case that’s running with her pack…

    plus, y’know, Valar Morghulis

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