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  • Game of Thrones – Of course it has Spoilers
  • seosamh77
    Free Member

    This for me, although the demise of the Night King seemed a little “easy” for me. I mean, one minute Arya’s struggle to move around Winterfell, the next she’s able to go through it, out sneak through many zombies and attack him, killing him with a single stab wound shortly after he’d been engulfed by Dragon Fire and survived. I appreciate it was a magic knife.

    If only she’d been training as a stealth ninja for multiple seasons, that might explain it! 😆

    And if only a witch had told her 20 minutes before, to get her arse in gear! 😆

    Free Member


    Just sat through that, god it was dull. Once again what seems like 5 hours of filler for 5 good minutes at the end.

    😆 Stuff being you!

    Full Member

    Night King got killed by a girl!!

    Full Member

    Epic 😀 One of the most intense things I’ve seen on telly or film, due to the fact I’m ridiculously emotionally invested in it after all these years of build-up and because I just didn’t know what was going to happen (unlike, say, LOTR which impressive visuals aside was a total yawn fest 😂)

    Surprised they finished with a conclusion & not a cliff hanger just as the NK & Bran’s eyes met. Probably couldn’t have taken that though 😂 Did think he died a bit too quickly after falling into the trap… is that it now for him? What’s the craic with Bran then? Those two do look weirdly similar…

    Full Member

    Was on edge of seat for first 20 minutes. Then got slightly bored and did a search to double check the episode length but thought I read a spoiler saying Bran died. Had a bit of a LOL at the crypt when the dead arose, honestly didn’t see that coming. Then despair started to set in and piff-paff-poof it’s all over. Hurrah!

    So back to fighting Cersei then. Glad the whitewalker stuff is over tbh. Was expecting it to last all season.

    Free Member

    Stable boy (Season 1)
    Kill count: 1
    The Tickler (Season 2)
    Kill count: 2
    Ser Amory Lorch (Season 2)
    Kill count: 3
    A Frey soldier after the Red Wedding (Season 3)
    Kill count: 4
    A Lannister soldier at the Inn of the Crossroads (Season 4)
    Kill count: 5
    Polliver (Season 4)
    Kill count: 6
    Rorge (Season 4)
    Kill count: 7
    Ser Meryn Trant (Season 5)
    Kill count: 8
    The Waif (Season 6)
    Kill count: 9
    Lothar Frey and “Black” Walder Rivers (Season 6)
    Kill count: 11
    Lord Walder Frey (Season 6)
    Kill count: 12
    Every male member of House Frey (Season 7)
    Kill count: 63
    Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish (Season 7)
    Kill count: 64
    The Night King (Season 8)
    Kill count (official): 65 (unofficial +100,000 zombies and white walkers!)


    Free Member

    Was good that.
    I personally loved the dark atmosphere and the fact that the resistance were largely blinded, I also suspect it was to help blend CGI, but that’s fine with me, too much CGI ruins good TV.
    Bonus points for the slashed up dragon throat.
    -10pts for not having Neds headless body emerge from the crypt alongside his dearly departed wife, before attempting to kill their own daughter. Missed a trick there.

    65” telly and the black of night made that a great spectacle. Battle scenes have been done to death over the years, but there were several outstanding moments during that episode that I don’t think I’ve seen portrayed before (sword fire being extinguished, etc).
    Reminded me of seeing Gladiator and Private Ryan battle scenes for the first time. Hats off to the producers, I normally prefer to whinge about the annoying stuff but that were reet good.

    Free Member

    Is there anyone who can out smart and out manoeuvre Araya? She’s awesome.

    I left pinch marks on the sofa and all of that was going on and Bran slept through it 😂

    Free Member

    Did anyone see what happened to Gendry?

    I could barely see what happened to anyone, but apparently he did some smiting and survived.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Enjoyed that – full on action for the whole episode.
    Only on STW could you find certain sorts who wouldnt have enjoyed it!!

    Did both dragons survive?

    Free Member

    I expect the Night King was glad to die to escape the constant chafing of his asbestos pants.

    Full Member

    Did both dragons survive?

    John Snow’s crashed landed and he walked away from it, not clear if it survived or not.

    Full Member

    One dragon definitely still up and running, but surely they’re both going to somehow get killed/disabled before any further battles for the throne against non-undead soldiers?

    Was Bran doing a ‘Dr Strange’ when he zoned out and reviewing what needs to happen next to get to the ending he wants? Haven’t read the books but is the Night King thing a cycle? Is he going to become the next one?

    Full Member

    Did both dragons survive?

    Watch the trailer for next week for a clue.

    Full Member

    Meh I’m disappointed, maybe I should have more faith in the writers and Cersei as the main villain will all make sense in the end. But really wtf? The Night King has been around for thousands of years, has several supernatural powers and ultimately lasts a couple of hours in the first big battle he gets into (this time around anyway). Pffffffffft

    Aarya killing him was great but it should have been the final episode (broken into two parts with some wrap-up stuff at the end). I honestly couldn’t give a shit now how it ends, whether it’s Cersei, Jon, Danny or someone else on the throne I don’t care.


    Some great scenes like the Dothraki flaming swords and screams gradually fading, really built the suspense up well

    Blizzard – good way of somewhat neutralising the dragons

    Lyanna Mormont’s death was well done

    Aarya’s fights scenes were really good


    It was obvious 30 minutes in after how badly to shit it had gone that the only way anyone was going to survive was for the either the Night King to be gravely wounded and flee (with the White Walkers getting slaughtered) or for him to die

    The White Walkers did nothing. OK, tactically it made sense for them to stay back but would have been better for them to have gotten involved and a few of them killed giving the humans at least a glimmer of a chance at one point.

    Bran seemed to do nothing apart from worg a few ravens, I get the whole he’s changed so much he doesn’t really get involved in such petty things but meh

    Not enough major characters died, either Brienne or Jamie had to die both for it to be remotely believable and for me to care about either character for the remainder of the series. Should have lost a few other big characters to, I’m sure some will go in the final showdown but I’m now also worried far too many will live happily ever after.

    Full Member

    It was obvious 30 minutes in after how badly to shit it had gone that the only way anyone was going to survive was for the either the Night King to be gravely wounded and flee (with the White Walkers getting slaughtered) or for him to die

    Yup but I still loved the way it was done especially the tiny hint she was coming.

    Bran seemed to do nothing apart from worg a few ravens,

    Why would he as he knew what what was going to happen.

    Full Member

    Not enough major characters died, either Brienne or Jamie had to die both for it to be remotely believable

    Look! Our hero’s surrounded and about to die! Ah, another one’s turned up and saved him/her in the nick of time!

    Rinse and repeat again and again and again.

    There were some good scenes, but as a whole it could have been 30min shorter.

    Full Member

    Just not sure why the night king was bothered by Bran. If he just waited twenty seconds his zombie hoard would have done his dirty work.

    Full Member

    Bloody hell! There’s just no pleasing some people! Is there anything in your life that isn’t disappointing?

    It was an epic piece of telly! I felt exhausted after watching it, it was so tense.

    The last couple of weeks we’ve watched it then stuck it straight on again to go over it and see what we missed. We didn’t do that last night!

    We guessed last series that it was building up to Arya being the main man, one way or another. Brilliantly done! Love the way her character’s developed. She’s surely going to have a major part in how it all plays out

    Free Member

    I honestly couldn’t give a shit now how it ends, whether it’s Cersei, Jon, Danny or someone else on the throne I don’t care.

    I’m hoping Tormund is the last man standing and takes the throne and shacks up with Yara Greyjoy.

    Full Member

    I thought Brienne was defo up for the chop, probably protecting Jaime (who I still think is going to be the one to off Cersei!) as her story seemed to be complete since she got knighted. Would’ve made for a poignant moment as she’s one of the best loved characters for sure. Now she’s survived though, maybe she’s destined to follow in the footsteps of her ancestor and be the head of the kingsguard for the new ruling Targaryen, once the dust has settled?

    Very surprised Grey Worm survived, especially as he spent the previous episode outlining his retirement plans!

    They can’t have 3 more episodes of human vs human rucks, got to be more to the Bran thing surely?

    Full Member

    Finished binge watching GoT from last week. Right from the start.

    Cant help feel I’ve cheated a bit.

    Thought last nights was some of the best TV I’ve seen. Dark room with OLED TV and Sonos 5.1 cranked right up. Was utterly brilliant.

    Full Member

    Preferred the battle of Hardholme for the novelty of the wights in action, but overall, the darkness and confusion at Winterfell added more than it took away. A lot of great moments, the Dothraki lights melting away being chilling. Did need more headless Ned roaming the halls, though.

    The outcome was pretty well foreshadowed, probably for a couple of series, and certainly throughout the episode. As soon as she disappeared, you knew she was stealthing her way to the NK.

    Free Member

    I’ve told people who’ve not seen it that GoT was witty, well written, character-driven and engrossing,with some fantasy elements but set in a realistic medieval world. Then Sheeran turned up, gurning and winking into the camera. I guess I’m mainly disappointed that after what felt like three or four dull hours of folks saying ‘huuuurg’ and ‘uuuurgh’ it wasn’t, I dunno, Ariana Grande or someone doing a little song and dance routine with the WWs. There probably is one out there somewhere. That was fast forward to the end dull.

    (Also, when was it a thing that if you kill king WW they all die? Didn’t seem to be many of ’em either. Seems a bit of a design flaw, not to say tactical misstep to put him in the middle of a battle. The whole episode was a bit of a video game – the CGI dragons look a bit shite tho unlikely to be cheap -, and this ending was a cheat. But at least it meant it was over.)

    Free Member

    Also, when was it a thing that if you kill king WW they all die?

    Since Jon Snow killed a White Walker at Hardhome and all the attendant wights died too.

    Free Member

    yes, whights. Not any of the WWs who were standing about

    Full Member

    Yeah I don’t think it’s confirmed where the WWs came from, were they created by the children of the forest (and the NK was just the first one of them/leader), are they created by the NK from the sacrificed babies who then age (surely there would be a lot more of them though, nearly 100 just from the Craster babies and not all would look super old) or created through some other means? Only makes sense for them to shatter along with the NK if the NK created them.

    Free Member

    the only way anyone was going to survive was for the either the Night King to be gravely wounded and flee (with the White Walkers getting slaughtered) or for him to die

    They did explicitly say just that early on and Bran in the Godswood was bait for the Night King. Theon’s lot guarding Bran didn’t amount to a plan to kill him though so it was obvious something else was afoot.
    Spectacle and mayhem aside, Beric’s sneaking around dark corridors and peeping round corners while stealthily holding up a clearly audible 3 foot burning sword was one of my favourite bits!

    Full Member

    It’s not spelt out explicitly but as it’s shown that WW can create more WW from humans, and that the NK was created by the children, I’m going to assume that the NK is the “father” of all the WW so it makes sense that if he dies, they all die too.

    Full Member

    Apart from being too dark (couldn’t really tell what happened at the crypt until I read about it) I thought it was excellent.

    Would have liked Arya of many faces disguise herself as Bran and surprise the night king jumping out of the wheelchair to stab him, then pulling her Bran mask off – that would have been a better twist than pouncing from the bushes. Also would have liked Jon finding he was fireproof and escaping from zombies that way.

    Not sure how Bran zoning out helped. It was a bit like a ‘this isn’t going well, time to get high’ move.

    Can’t be much left but clean up and admin now!

    Full Member

    Would have liked Arya of many faces disguise herself as Bran and surprise the night king jumping out of the wheelchair to stab him, then pulling her Bran mask off – that would have been a better twist than pouncing from the bushes.

    Erm, she has to kill em before she can take their faces – not sure Bran would have been up for that.

    Not sure how Bran zoning out helped.

    I suspect Bran to be pivotal to the plot…

    Free Member

    Bran has the mark on him so couldn’t fake it / move. It’s like a tracking device

    Do keep up 🙂

    Full Member

    despite having a nearly new OLED telly

    The dark scenes made me wish Id stuck with my old plasma TV, handled black colour so much better than LED or OLED

    Would have liked Arya of many faces disguise herself as Bran and surprise the night king jumping out of the wheelchair to stab him, then pulling her Bran mask off

    Woudldnt she have to had kill Bran to take his face to use as a mask?

    Free Member

    I did have a little giggle to myself last night as I went to sleep – the Night King spent the best part of a decade marching from North of the Wall to Winterfell, only to get stabbed in the guts by a 5′ tall Girl.

    Full Member

    what binners said! except i did rewatch it again straight away!!

    Nobody else get a feeling we might see Tyrion and Sansa on the iron throne now…?

    Free Member

    Woudldnt she have to had kill Bran to take his face to use as a mask?

    Yeah, but I did suspect as Bran sat there all chilled waiting for the Night King to slooooooooowly Walk over, it would be just like Ayra to be sat there all tooled up under the blanket. Very GoT too. Sorry Bran, you’re useless, needs must and all that.

    If, I did have to critique last nights episode, I would say it was slightly more Hollywood than the usual GoT, as bad as things got only a couple of fringe named characters died and about a million ‘red shirts’. In previous series it wouldn’t have been unusual for everyone in the crypt to be found dead after the battle for example, it’s never been a ‘nice’ programme, but still that’s being hyper critical.

    All signs point towards a fairly standard TV ending now, there will be a big battle, Cerse will die, the hound will kill the mountain and a few other old scores settled and it’s likely that Jon Snow will sit on the throne either next to Dany or because she’s dead. Normal GoT MO wouldn’t be that, I’m dying to find out what happens though.

    Full Member

    Nobody else get a feeling we might see Tyrion and Sansa on the iron throne now…?

    I can’t get past the line many series ago that paraphrased was ‘Tyrion will decide who ends up on the throne’.

    Full Member

    Surely that’s just foreshadowing him shooting his old man on the shitter.

    Free Member

    Top 10 TV battle, if not #1 ever.

    Full of holes, but failing to care. Could have used more than 2 bits difference in the dark grey of night vs the ever-so-slightly-lighter grey of everything else. Maybe that was my telly. Rest of the series has been like that so no surprise.

    I thought Jorah would make it to the final shindig at KL though. That said:

    Not enough major characters died

    It was living vs dead, was expecting more apocalyptic, with just a straggle of humans to make it out.

    So what was the Night King doing with Bran? Did he want to zombify him because he could zone out? Or was that going to be a tap on the shoulder – “it’s your job now son”?

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