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  • Game of Thrones – Of course it has Spoilers
  • seosamh77
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    O M G

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    I don’t think they’re dead.

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    I don’t think they’re dead.

    Who are we talking about here? Some of them are definitely dead…

    Full Member

    Well that was a bit brutal.

    So this weeks logical inconsistency: last episode Shit Jack Sparrow manages to take out a dragon without missing. This week they barely get a shot off without all being torched

    Free Member

    last episode Shit Jack Sparrow manages to take out a dragon without missing. This week they barely get a shot off without all being torched

    Last week they were hiding and aiming shots at a low flying, slow moving target who until the first shot was fired, didn’t know they were there.

    This week it was a  furious Stuka dive bomber who was taking  full  advantage of the lack of elevation  and slow reload times of their crossbows.

    Full Member

    So this weeks logical inconsistency: last episode Shit Jack Sparrow manages to take out a dragon without missing. This week they barely get a shot off without all being torched

    Last week it was flying in a straight line since there was no credible anti-air threat.

    This week*, some basic evasive maneuvers were employed to allow close engagement of the anti air weapons from the rear (even SJS uttered a frenzied “turn around”),

    * as predicted last week, yay me.

    Free Member

    I don’t think they’re dead.

    I don’t think they are either.

    Full Member

    Last week they were hiding and aiming shots at a low flying, slow moving target who until the first shot was fired, didn’t know they were there.

    This week it was a furious Stuka dive bomber who was taking full advantage of the lack of elevation and slow reload times of their crossbows.

    I get what your saying but the writers just seem guilty of buffing / nerfing characters to serve what ever the plot needs rather than displaying any kind of consistency

    Free Member

    He’s definitely dead, he’s dead too, he’s also dead, he’s dead and so’s his brother and the other two are both dead as well and a lot of those left alive would be better off dead.

    Full Member

    Who are we talking about here? Some of them are definitely dead…

    Cersei (sp?) and Jamie

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    Cersei (sp?) and Jamie

    Hmmm. Pretty sure they’re goners. Lena Headley gave an interview saying she was a bit disappointed about the method of her death.

    Free Member

    Enjoyed that! While rushed, Danys descent into madness ties into a lot of the foreshadowing throughout the show and helps to justify the rushed plot points last episode (varys having second thoughts and the dragon death).

    I’m saying Arya kills her next episode and Jon chooses not to take the throne and introduce some form of democracy, given his background in the nights watch where their leaders are elected.

    Free Member

    and introduce some form of democracy

    I’m sure all the Lords and Barons with their castles, standing armies and surfs and claims to the throne will just nod and agree. That or fitting civil wars and 300 years of revolution into the last episode.

    They will probably just jump straight to a union between Westeros, Essos, and Sothoryos. Until Westros gets fed up with Dorne economic refugees and votes for Wexit.

    Free Member

    Someones closing someones green eyes
    Someone from Up Norf is going to end up the big cheese, (lass mode)
    Someone else will retire up in the far Norf as thats where he laid his hat
    And after next Monday evening I get my Mondays back to seek the outside world in these sunny weeks ahead

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    Yep, Arya to top her next week and Jon to take care of the dragon.

    That’s definitely thinned out the other candidates a bit.

    Free Member

    I’m saying Arya kills her next episode and Jon chooses not to take the throne and introduce some form of democracy, given his background in the nights watch where their leaders are elected.

    For sure.

    “And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on it was Death.” – Revelations

    I had hoped the hound was going to kill her though whilst delivering a witty nihikisyic joke – for burning innocent people.

    Free Member

    I found that episode really frustrating

    Free Member

    Aryia to kill Danny.
    John to return to the north with a new pet dragon to ward of any new pretenders.
    Sansa to sit on the throne with the dwarf by her side.

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    Free Member

    Loved the whole white horse bit.

    The little girl was clutching a white horse the whole way through, like Shireen Baratheon with her stag.

    Free Member

    That’s a lot to take in.

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    Glad I got some of my predictions right. Cracking episode.

    Free Member

    I don’t think they’re dead.

    EVERY **** who looked like they died in that, died.

    Someone is gonna have to kill Danny, badly.

    Full Member

    Death rides a white horse…

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    Someone on twitter made a good point, suggesting that when you write backwards from a broad plot overview (as provided by GRRM in this instance), there’s a risk of jarring leaps in character development, like some people feel happened with Daenerys.

    I quite enjoyed being slightly wrong-footed by the suddenly adept dragon-warfare and the slow dawning realisation that Cersei didn’t have an ace up her sleeve; just a whole lot of hubris.

    When they said “fire and blood”, they weren’t kidding.

    Free Member

    hmmm… feeling this is all a bit rushed and the story arcs aren’t really coming to a satisfactory conclusion… I mean Jamie running back to Cerci and then getting killed in a building collapse is not what I have waited 8 seasons for. Cleganebowl was ok.
    Have to say i’m kind of not bothered who gets the damn throne now as i’m loosing interest in the characters in this season.

    Free Member

    I’m saying Arya kills her next episode and Jon chooses not to take the throne and introduce some form of democracy,

    The kind where people with swords vote by stabbing each other until they agree on a leader?

    Free Member

    She’s gone full Targaeryn.

    Never go full Targaeryn.

    Full Member

    Have to say i’m kind of not bothered who gets the damn throne now as i’m loosing interest in the characters in this season

    I’m beginning to feel like this! And I sooo wanted Cersei to meet a fitting end, being buried was just a bit meh.

    Is Arya topping Dany just a bit too obvious? I can’t quite see where Sansa ends up in all this either. Oh well, just one to go….

    Free Member

    Arya tries to kill Dany, fails, is killed.
    John kills Dany, Sansa becomes Queen of the North.

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    Some good bits in the episode but I totally disagree with how the writers have taken Danys character, the whole following in her father’s footsteps think is way too cliched (although that said I wouldn’t want her to be queen living happily ever after with Jon either). I just don’t believe she was angry/mad enough to have gone out of her way to burn all the peasants when she could have just gone directly to the red keep to where her real enemy was. Sure it sets it up for the obvious she has to die now in the final episode but meh.

    The Golden Company got wasted far too easily, the scorpions were far too ineffective this episode. Euron and Jamie’s fight was shite, like B movie quality. Cleganbowl was also a bit meh (although the way they killed off Qyburn was vintage GoT).

    I ended up looking into the leaks as was so pissed off on how this season has gone so I won’t make any predictions for the final episode – it certainly sounds crap though 🙁

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    Was anyone else hoping that Arya would say to the woman with the little girl….

    “Now stop making a tit of yourself and piss off”

    Free Member

    I’m liking longer episodes with more progression. The last couple of seasons have been criticised as “going nowhere” Not this one though!

    GoT has always built up characters to huge importance then nobbled them.

    The Impotence of the Scorpions and the Golden Company was good.

    The rage of Dany folllowing the murder of Missandei, and Johns perceived betrayal works for me.

    I’m glad this whole season wasn’t just a build up to a big battle, and they all lived happily ever after.

    I don’t we are going to see a clean wrap next week. I predict we will see Gendry on the throne, then it will finish north of the wall.

    Free Member

    Was anyone else hoping that Arya would say to the woman with the little girl….

    “Now stop making a tit of yourself and piss off”


    “Mother of Dragons, no!’

    Free Member

    They totally missed a trick by not having Jaime smash Euron’s face in Irreversible-style with his golden hand after he’d stabbed him.

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    i think Arya’s little yarn with the pooch made her realise she’d be better off out of all this nonsense so she galloped off back to Gendry…?

    loved the white horse at the end too, and the little girl carrying a toy of it…

    Dont think Jon has a future, he knows his bird has to go, and he was pretty appalled at the conduct of his own men during the battle. he’ll either die or piss off to live with the wildlings or something.

    Sansa and Tyrion to rule 4 evs. although im not sure there is still an iron throne to sit on….

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    It’s gone from character driven: “what would x do in this situation?” to plot driven: “we need a Dany / John showdown in 1 hours time”

    Danys leap from ‘breaker of chains’ to ‘burner of peasants’ felt a bit abrupt. I feel an attack on the keep first at least would have been more plausible, ringing the bells a decoy for an attack on the dragon, then Dany goes mental.

    Still got us all talking about it eh?

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    Also, for me, the Clegane showdown was never going to be super-impactful given Gregor’s zombie-state. I know they tried to rekindle some of his “self” beforehand, but he’s just been more of a special effect than a character in the show vs. the books.

    Enjoyed Qyburn’s death by his own monster, though.

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    After a little more reflection im finding it all to rushed. This season as been done with massive time lapses that have spoiled it a little for me. The first 6 seasons took an age to get the players in to position with dialogue and sub plots along the way.

    Dani having a wobble and torching everything ..quite fitting
    Cersei and Jamie’s ending semi romantic with her wimpering .. almost a fitting end
    Clegane brothers … felt like a scene from the last run of Jedi films a bit meh
    Master of whispers was always going to burn , Melaiandra told him that 4 seasons ago

    After the 8 year build up this just seems to rushed ,shame really

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