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  • Gaddafi ducked?
  • BruceWee
    Free Member

    Al Jazeera reckon he’s dead

    Free Member

    Racist pure and simple.

    Free Member

    mcboo – you really aren’t making any sense

    Free Member

    Are we happy then? It’s obviously what NATO wanted from the start.

    Personally, I’m still uncomfortable with the principle of UK intervention to effect regime change. Still, it’s done now. Hopefully Libya will be a safer place.

    Free Member


    Explains yourself quite well, don’t you think?

    Free Member

    but thats the price you pay for being in charge of the worlds 9th biggest oil producer a murdering, sadistic boneheaded thug who killed thousands of his own people but all that was forgotten when he was playing ball and suddenly became our best mate again

    Anyone who believes this has nothing to do with oil is incredibly naive and has a very poor grasp of history/geopolitics.

    edit: mcboo you are sounding increasingly deranged.

    Free Member

    Based on whats happened in Iraq and Afghanistan, I think its safe to say the only people who will benefit from this, is the western world, and the remaining few corrupt officials,

    The people of Libya Are left with a country that has been bombed back to the dark ages.

    With No hospitals , no education , massive unemployment, and social unrest it doesn’t look good.

    But all is not lost as NATO didn’t bomb any of the ports, or any oil pipe lines,

    with an expected delay in oil production to take no longer than 5 weeks, and at 1.3 million barrels a day of crude oil (the good stuff ) it wont take long to fund the country, as long as the oil money is used to re-build Libya that is.

    Full Member

    as long as the oil money is used to re-build Libya that is.

    *chinny reckon*

    Free Member

    all going swimmingly in Tunisia and Eqypt, Yeah, go western style democracy.

    Free Member

    Hopefully after Saddam and now Gaddafi this will end the stream of “What hiding hole in the ground for a former dictator?” threads on here.

    Full Member

    will it make a differece if he was killed by NATO or the NTC fighters?

    either way at least the fighting is over and i really do hope that the kind of sectarian bloodbath seen in iraq doesnt emerge in libya

    Free Member

    either way at least the fighting is over and i really do hope that the kind of sectarian bloodbath seen in iraq doesnt emerge in libya


    Free Member

    McBoo – this will not be an end of the fighting. It will be the start of the next stage as the various factions attempt to gain control of key areas.

    Read this for some idea

    Free Member

    the western powers might be in for a shock come election time in Libya. Many will vote with tribal loyalty, though not necessarily Gaddafi loyalist or ardent supporters, giving the anti-nato Gaddafi faction quite a power base in any subsequent parliment. If the government fails in to deliver better living standards and jobs for the people, people change their votes along with their Thobes.

    Free Member

    Well maybe. But lets hope not shall we?

    Believe me I’m a little sick of us always being painted as the bad guys, going to war in yet another Muslim country. But if you decide to stay out of it there is a consequence, just ask an inhabitant of Bengazi.

    Sky News reporting he was “shot while trying to escape” by the NTC. Or fell down the stairs.

    Free Member

    Believe me I’m a little sick of us always being painted as the bad guys, going to war in yet another Muslim country. But if you decide to stay out of it there is a consequence, just ask an inhabitant of Bengazi.

    You are quite right. But, and its a big but, the rest of the world watches on with resignation as the western ‘allies’ bring freedom by overwhelming force to selected countries that are chosen for liberation on the basis of what is good for us. Its not a liberation on the basis of human rights, nor a crusade against poverty and repression. Its motivations lie in the dogma of keeping the west ahead and above, controling the rest of the world and selecting the honour of democracy when it suits our needs.

    No-one is stupid, the world watches, and its why the US and the UK are so hated the world over.

    Free Member

    No-one is stupid, the world watches, and its why the US and the UK are so hated the world over.

    Stop while you’re ahead fella, being Western and liberal is great, “everyone” doesnt hate us.


    I’ve travelled all over the world, only ever been subject to anti-British language by a Singaporean transvestite (don’t ask).

    Free Member

    Mahmoud I’m a dinnerjacket next please.

    Live by the assualt rifle die…

    Gadaffi has had what should be considered a very good innings considering his line of work.

    *wonders where all those 7.62mm bullets actually land after a celebratory salvo into the air*

    Free Member

    Gadaffi Ducked

    Not quickly enough, according to latest reports. Shot in the legs and head.

    Free Member

    What? the Colonel has been killed? Shame really, I loved his Bargain Buckets…

    Free Member

    I guess the virgin amazon guard concept didn’t work out. Pity.

    Free Member

    Anyone watching BBC2? The rebel with the guitar drew the short straw when they were handing out the weaponry.

    Free Member

    Strange how all this happened not long after al megrahi got his heroes welcome. Lockerbie was another big lie and this is just about energy security again.

    Free Member

    What? the Colonel has been killed? Shame really, I loved his Bargain Buckets…

    You can always rely on stw to throw up the alterntaive take on things 🙂

    Free Member

    Another victim of his murderous regime.

    I hope he has been switched off.

    Free Member

    Look like the video on aljazeera, shows him getting a good kicking before he was captured.

    Full Member

    i just wanna know who he really is when they pull that rubber mask off

    Free Member

    i just wanna know who he really is when they pull that rubber mask off

    I bet it’s the janitor

    Free Member

    Only Thatcher and Blair to go.

    Err Blair killed far far far more than Thatcher did. Did finding Catholicism mean he’d confess and wash awash his sins?

    I doubt he’ll be mourned in Libya. Bringing in paid mercenaries to shoot and kill his own people? Then theres the killing of the previous Libyan leader to gain power by assassination.

    Free Member

    FWIW – I think the decision to ‘help out’ the rebels was pretty much a defensive move
    I’m not entirely convinced that the motive was purely to get our hands on the oil – which we won’t
    When the Libyan rebels kicked off they were fancying their chances as part of the whole ‘kicking off’ that was sweeping around that part of the world.
    It must of been fairly clear straight away to us that they didn’t quite have the support of – say – the Egyptians and the chances of a prolonged uprising were very high indeed
    The chances of radical Muslim group gaining influence as a long uprising played out would be high
    The proximity of the Suez canal and the uncomfortable scenarios of a radical state with massive resources even closer to the West than they are already was probably a massive factor in us deciding we needed to get this over before other things could come into play.
    We could handle Gaddafi OK because he would stop any dissent but what happened was just too much for us to be comfortable that he’d sort it out quickly, so we had to push it on a bit.

    Free Member

    I’d much prefer to see photos of a blood soaked Mugabe lying dead in a ditch

    Full Member

    Gaddafi taken to Hospital by ambulance with leg injuries


    Gaddafi beaten by mob, Dragged by legs behind a pickup (to hospital? 😯 )

    And people complain about our NHS??? 😈

    Free Member

    Mugabe luckily for him is only sat on coal and gas so financially not worth it.

    We decided a Cricket embargo was the best way forward in punishing Mugabe.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Its why the US and the UK are so hated the world over.

    I’d wager that if we’re “hated the world over,” it’s more likely down to our largest export these days being uncontrollably pissed football fans and stag parties.

    Free Member

    you really have to fear for Libya when the people in charge of the country allow Gaddafis body to be treated in that way. by all accounts its being taken from city to city for people to see it. No need at all.

    Free Member

    Assad next please. Go’on the Syrians.

    Free Member

    by all accounts its being taken from city to city for people to see it. No need at all.

    But when they murdalized Osama Bin Laden, no-one believed it.

    If you don’t have broadband or Sky tv, dragging his corpse around spreads the word.

    They should have done that with Gordon Brown when he was finally winkled out of number 10.

    Free Member

    Sorry, missed all this; is TJ a racist now then? 😯

    Blimey. He must be Prince Phillip’s son…

    Another victim of his murderous regime.

    I know it’s an emotive subject and that, and not condoning murder in any way, but let’s not lose sight of the fact we live in a country ruled by some of the most ‘murderous regimes’ in history….

    Free Member

    considering that anytime the conservative party is mentioned in here, there is a queue of people “waiting to dance on Thatchers grave”…..

    human nature isnt it.

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