Employees at EU institutions like EMA benefit from super low taxes. No loss IMO.
I think that brilliantly sums up the ignorance of Brexiters
Completely ignores the loss of reputation for the UK science and pharma industries.
More than that it will harm our own access to new medicines, the Ema has worked closely with the NHS regarding pricing and access for drugs.
Now all these functions will have to be performed by our own Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency which will be forced to expand to cover them demand, however with the loss of the unified European market regulations will take longer to approve, 6 months to a year longer in similar countries like Canada, suspension etc, ,(turns out testing new drugs is complicated stuff) we are ,3% of global drug sales rEU is 22% so obviously mrha we will be a lower priority for them.
Good news for the EU country that manages to secure it though, jambs may find it hard to believe but plenty of countries are vying to have all those tax dodging lawyers, scientists, medics and experts contributing to their country