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  • EU Referendum – are you in or out?
  • kelvin
    Full Member

    So, beans on toast even more often for my kids, and British livestock farmers as good as wiped out by low cost hormone and antibiotic stuffed imported meat.

    Taking back control.

    Full Member

    deviant – Member

    Free market, I happen to believe in it in its entirety.
    They farmer made a lot of sense.

    From your summary, he made no sense at all. “I want a free market” “I can’t compete with cheap imports so I want protectionism” “I want what I think is a fair price not what the market sets” “but I want a free market”

    Full Member

    Ah the free market. Pure unadulterated, uncontrolled capitalism. What could possibly go wrong?

    Free Member

    I’d like to think Brexit would limit cheap foreign labour and see British workers paid a decent wage again, then they’d be no need for food banks.
    I’m an optimist where Brexit is concerned whereas some on here seemingly can’t wait for the first hiccups. Sad, very sad.

    Full Member

    ha ha!

    Edit: Oh, sorry, you meant it.

    Free Member

    From your summary, he made no sense at all. “I want a free market” “I can’t compete with cheap imports so I want protectionism” “I want what I think is a fair price not what the market sets” “but I want a free market”

    Maybe I didn’t explain myself properly, he was pissed off by being told by the EU how much product he could make, then got dictated to by the big 4 supermarkets as to how much (or little) he could sell his meat to them for, if he’d been in a salaried job he’d have been on minimum wage…..he rated his chances of a higher income, increased productivity etc without the EUs common agricultural policy holding him back, i admred his attitude, young lad too…i hope he makes a go of it.

    Free Member

    ha ha!

    Edit: Oh, sorry, you meant it.


    Case in point.

    Full Member

    I’m an optimist where Brexit is concerned

    Absolutely. I too long for the days where Britannia ruled the waves, won world wars, could beat Germany at football, and we could have sing-songs around a piano down the local, and drive a British made austin allegro on empty motorways. Hell, I could even have an open coal fire with British mined coal. Those were the days!

    Free Member

    Still insulting Leave votets I see. Go back and read @mefty’s FT clip again

    Full Member

    How will leaving the EU reduce the power of the Supermarkets? Will they not be the main sellers who will jump on buying cheaper meat from outside the EU as soon as they can? If WTO or new trade deals rule out maintaining subsidies, how will UK farmers, with far higher costs, especially after the inflationary pressure due to GBP devaluation, compete for shelf and basket space at the supermarkets that sell the majority of meat in the UK, and not go bust, if they are already on tiny margins?

    Full Member

    deviant – Member

    then got dictated to by the big 4 supermarkets as to how much (or little) he could sell his meat to them

    That’s what free markets do. I don’t know how to make this simpler for you. Supermarkets have huge buying power and use it to drive down cost. He’s a turkey voting for christmas. Not even that, he’s a turkey simultaneously voting for christmas and not-christmas- free markets and protectionism at the same time.

    Free Member

    I’m an optimist where Brexit is concerned whereas some on here seemingly can’t wait for the first hiccups. Sad, very sad.

    Sad indeed. Most of the posters here are desperate for the UK to fail so they can say “told you so”.

    Free Member

    We’d need to put on import duties to protect the farmers for a period (10 years, maybe more) though from cheaper food from abroad.

    WTO tariffs are at their highest on food.

    Full Member

    Sad indeed. Most of the posters here are desperate for the UK to fail so they can say “told you so”.

    We want the UK to succeed, and want the problems ahead addressing, not just ignoring with the waving of the hands of the faithful.

    Full Member

    I’d like to think Brexit would limit cheap foreign labour

    Hang on a mo – didn’t you just type ..

    Free market, I happen to believe in it in its entirety.

    Confused much?

    Free Member

    Sad indeed. Most of the posters here are desperate for the UK to fail so they can say “told you so”.

    And some of the posters seem desperate for the EU to fail so they can say “told you so”

    Free Member

    I’ll wet myself when it works out ok.
    The trouble is there’s a professional class aged somewhere between 40-50 who’ve become reliant on the state (in this case the EU) and can’t fathom how a country can function independently, it’s like a mental block for them.
    This thread has now become an echo chamber for the doom mongers and positive discussion gets lost in the ‘woe is me’ bleating from those who didn’t like the result.

    Free Member

    So as our lead Brexiter Jamba do you also think we should just open up agriculture (as per New Zealand did) to the ‘free’ market?

    Must say I’m inclined this way, although that’s probably because I come from a region that didn’t its industry protected from the market, and consequently an awful lot of it has disappeared.

    Full Member

    Most of the posters here are desperate for the UK to fail so they can say “told you so”.

    And no doubt when it does you lot will blame us for just not trying hard enough, and not keeping the faith in this great nation of ours. You know what? I actually do want it to fail, because there’s much bigger things at stake than the parochial interests of this country. It’s about maintaining global peace, solving problems like climate change, global poverty and expanding human rights. Individual nations are pretty crap at all that.

    We know what happens when nationalists take over, what starts as competition turns into beggar-thy-neighbour protectionism, social division along national and racial lines, and then war. The lessons of history are pretty clear on all of this, yet still we don’t learn them.

    Full Member

    I’d like to think Brexit the UK government would limit cheap foreign labour and see British workers paid a decent wage again, then they’d be no need for food banks Brexit.


    Most of the posters here are desperate for the UK to fail so they can say “told you so”.

    This is the “project fear” lie in new pants (ie, we weren’t trying to scare people, we were and are bloody terrified). We’re not desperate for it to fail, we’re desperate for it not to.

    We have to live here too you know, long after you’ve sold our economy down the river, “democratically” bullied anyone who objects into silence and made the rest of the world hate us more than they already do.

    Full Member

    WTO tariffs are at their highest on food.

    A reminder that you have no idea yet what the schedules will be for the UK regarding meat or any other food, whether we use WTO, or sign deals. Sharing out existing EU schedules is a whole new procedure…

    Free Member

    @kimbers I have ready acres of posts / news articles complaining about EU subsidies to rich landowners. EU doesn’t even oay for food production it pays based upon land area even if you do nothing with it.

    We now have the chance to properly support farmers and food supply in this country.

    Full Member

    We now have the chance to properly support farmers and food supply in this country.

    Or, alternatively, we may have to remove/reduce support for farmers.
    Go and read more about what the WTO is up to as regards agriculture.
    See also just about any bilateral trade deal.
    Either way, more support for meat production probably a no go.

    Free Member

    Sad indeed. Most of the posters here are desperate for the UK to fail so they can say “told you so”.

    Where you Jamba are desperate to see the EU fail so you can say “told you so”

    Free Member

    And some of the posters seem desperate for the EU to fail so they can say “told you so”

    The EU is failing, see Greece, see the number of countries that take out of the pot instead of being a contributor, see the population discontent and the rise of far right parties…..yeah, it’s in rude health all right.
    When was the last time the auditors signed the accounts off as clean and in good order!?
    Corrupt to the core.

    Full Member

    So you want a free market for goods and services but not for labour and wage costs? So not a free market in its entirety then? But rather a semi closed protectionist market to suit your own xenophobic tenancies

    Full Member

    The EU is failing, see Greece, see the number of countries that take out of the pot instead of being a contributor, see the population discontent and the rise of far right parties…..yeah, it’s in rude health all right.
    When was the last time the auditors signed the accounts off as clean and in good order!?
    Corrupt to the core.

    yeah for several years jamba has been predicting that the EU would collapse any minute now, still waiting….

    Free Member

    @kimbers I have ready acres of posts / news articles complaining about EU subsidies to rich landowners. EU doesn’t even oay for food production it pays based upon land area even if you do nothing with it.

    We now have the chance to properly support farmers and food supply in this country.

    Good post, Brexit offers a chance to right these strange anomalies and start again sensibly.

    Full Member

    jambalaya – Member

    I have ready acres of posts / news articles complaining about EU subsidies to rich landowners. EU doesn’t even oay for food production it pays based upon land area even if you do nothing with it.

    We now have the chance to properly support farmers and food supply in this country.


    Id love for the CAP to be fixed, unfortunately we have andrea leadsome in charge , possibly the stupidist MP in the whole of parliament ……

    Free Member

    Where you Jamba are desperate to see the EU fail so you can say “told you so”


    Whose really projecting Project Fear??

    Glass houses etc.

    Full Member

    jambalaya – Member

    I have ready acres of posts / news articles complaining about EU subsidies to rich landowners. EU doesn’t even oay for food production it pays based upon land area even if you do nothing with it.

    We now have the chance to properly support farmers and food supply in this country.


    Id love for the CAP to be fixed and pointless land subsidies to end, you must have been reading mobiots books, unfortunately we have andrea leadsome in charge , possibly the stupidist MP in the whole of parliament ……

    Free Member

    yeah for several years jamba has been predicting that the EU would collapse any minute now, still waiting….

    Credit Germany with propping it up, Merkel doesn’t want it to fail so it won’t with German billions supporting it.

    Free Member

    Good post, Brexit offers a chance to right these strange anomalies and start again sensibly.

    Yeah cos if there’s anyone who’s going to stick up for ordinary farmers as opposed to rich landowners it’s the Tory party. Really, what planet do you people live on? 😕

    Full Member

    Ahh… CAP… it’s almost as its payments are designed to avoid WTO rules on subsidising the production of food. Still, once we no longer have to deal with CAP, we can design our own ways of keeping farmers in business, without having to worry about WTO rules… oh, hang on…

    Full Member

    deviant » I’d like to think Brexit would limit cheap foreign labour and see British workers paid a decent wage again, then they’d be no need for food banks.
    I’m an optimist where Brexit is concerned whereas some on here seemingly can’t wait for the first hiccups. Sad, very sad.

    There will be no rise in wages for those doing the unskilled work. All that will happen is that benefits will be squeezed further with the Tory answer being that those affected can go and do the unskilled work, for the same pittance currently paid to immigrants. Do not think for one minute the wealthy business owners that currently exploit foreigners will let brexit cost them any money.

    Full Member

    deviant – Member

    Credit Germany with propping it up, Merkel doesn’t want it to fail so it won’t with German billions supporting it.

    good job that germanys doing so well, that must really upset all the EU haters

    Free Member

    Right on cue, a dyed in the wool anti Tory, do you think they still wear top hats and kick beggars on their way into parliament every morning!?

    Full Member

    deviant » I’d like to think Brexit would limit cheap foreign labour and see British workers paid a decent wage again, then they’d be no need for food banks.

    deviant I see you fallen for the basic brexie error of scapegoating the EU for the failings of our own government.
    Brexit secretary Davis said last week before MPs that he doesnt expect immigration to fall after brexit, its almost as if youve been lied too…….

    Full Member

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