Open and globalised capital markets are in the interests of both the UK and
the EU. Operating against the backdrop of a robust regulatory framework, they
promote financial stability and give businesses and consumers access to the
products and services they need. The Government has stated that the UK will
leave the EU Single Market, which allows for the free flow of financial services
across the borders of 28 Member States, when it exits the EU. It is imperative
that doing so does not undermine the benefits of participation in a globalised
financial system.
In agreeing the relationship between the UK and the EU post-Brexit, both sides
should favour an end state allowing mutual market access. Fragmentation would
lead to costs increasing and to financial stability deteriorating. The dangers of
disintegration are already apparent in proposals that envisage the possibility
of relocating the clearing activity of central counterparties (CCPs) to the EU,
and in the political rather than purely economic calculations emerging in the
broader Brexit negotiations.
Well count me reassured. Or not that just says its real bad if we mess it up