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  • Donald! Trump!
  • CountZero
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    It’s worth reading this piece by David Axelrod on the state that dTrump has found himself, and just what a foe Pelosi is:

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    ^ From that link above ^

    “Trump has boxed himself into a corner”

    Who else could manage that in an oval room. 🙂

    Free Member

    the brietbart comments on the agent orange folding on his 7 high are quite amusing.

    Free Member

    Looks like the orange bawbag blinked first – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-47007081

    I’m guessing he’s agreed to this to try and divert from Roger Stone, next up – Venezuela and threatening “a strong response” – then back to another shutdown

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    Apparently our Nigel could well get implicated too – that would be lovely.

    Ok, it won’t happen but boy, if we all wished hard enough???

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    Free Member

    What the hell is going on with Global Waming?

    using that term instead of climate change was a mistake I think, allows comments like this.

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    No, nothing to do with terminology, he is just thick.

    Full Member

    No, nothing to do with terminology, he is just thick.

    It’s everything to do with terminology. Watch Vice…


    Vehicle Excise Duty vs Road Tax.
    Estate/Inheritance Tax vs Death Tax.
    Affordable Healthcare Act vs Obamacare

    Full Member

    What a dolt.

    Is it really hitting -60°F (wind chill) there though? That’s -51°C. Blimey that’s damn cold!
    Puts the UK Wintergeddon Snowpocalypse into perspective.

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    Juan Bahama

    Free Member

    Seems the poor boy just can’t get qualified staff:


    Full Member

    God wanted Trump to be president  according to a lying gobshite.

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    Mitch! McConnell! has actually been shitter than Donald! Trump! today. Getting more people to vote is officially a democrat power grab.

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    Well, voting is a power grab of sorts. By US citizens.

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    Tbh honest if you read any of his transcripts they make no sense.

    He pretty much perpetually reiterates what his fans want to hear regardless of whether it’s true.

    Full Member

    PMSL @ GrahamS’s post above!🤣

    Full Member

    He pretty much perpetually reiterates what his fans want to hear regardless of whether it’s true.

    He’s the President, truth is what he says it is, even when he contradicts himself from sentence to sentence. He’s demanding money to build his wall, then claiming moments later that the wall is already being built and needs money to finish it.

    Full Member

    This report from Time magazine about dTrump’s regular intelligence briefings is both enlightening and deeply worrying.
    What’s that expression about military intelligence being an oxymoron? Does this show that Agent Orange is an eight-sided idiot?

    Free Member

    Interesting piece about Mueller on the BBC – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-47094301 – basically he’s not interested in Agent Orange but whether any laws have been broken. Didn’t realise that 9/11 happened in his second week in charge of the FBI.

    Free Member

    Well State of the Union address to look forward to tonight, but here was a fun little thing fromthe Post today:

    Rejoice! The president is doing a lot of nothing.

    A leak of internal White House schedules has caused a to-do over what President Trump is doing — or, rather, what he may not be doing. According to Axios, which received the leak of 51 daily schedules since the midterm elections, Trump has spent about 60 percent of his scheduled time in “Executive Time” — the period during which the president, often in his residence, watches TV, tweets, talks on the phone, has impromptu meetings and (very) occasionally reads something.
    He spent 297 hours in Executive Time since Nov. 7, compared with 77 hours for policy planning, legislative strategy and making video recordings, combined. Though he has a seemingly endless tolerance for Executive Time, policy meetings tend to be allowed 45 minutes, and can be as brief as 15.
    The director of Oval Office operations, Madeleine Westerhout, is deeply aggrieved, tweeting that the leak was a “disgraceful breach of trust” and insisting that Trump “is working harder for the American people than anyone in recent history.”
    Indeed, it would not be easy to watch TV for seven hours a day (he had that much Executive Time the day after the election and again on Jan. 18). Sometimes the idleness is so taxing that Executive Time must be broken up — by an hour-long lunch break.
    Westerhout needn’t be so defensive about the president’s loafing. The vast majority of Americans who are displeased with whatever it is he’s doing should be delighted to learn that he is not doing a lot of it. Given the harm and chaos caused by his actions, inaction is a welcome reprieve.
    Among the many things the president is currently not doing is appointing people to work for the federal government. His administration could be the cast of a Broadway musical: an acting chief of staff, acting attorney general, acting defense secretary, acting interior secretary, acting budget director, acting head of the Environmental Protection Agency. An analysis done by The Post and the Partnership for Public Service finds that Trump has not troubled himself to nominate people for 150 of 705 key Senate-confirmed positions.
    Nearly 60 percent of such positions are unfilled at the Justice, Labor and Interior departments — coincidentally the same proportion of the president’s day spent in Executive Time. But people are not needed in these positions because the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, runs the entire government with the same sure-footedness that led him to outsource the United States’ Middle East policy to Saudi Arabia.
    What Trump is actually doing during Executive Time should be obvious to anybody who looks at the man. He is performing his beauty regimen.
    Katie Rogers of the New York Times just did an investigative deep-dive into Trump’s routine and reported, among other things: “A half-dozen current and former aides and people close to Mr. Trump say he has long been self-sufficient in matters of grooming.”
    This is impressive, because his grooming is extensive: By Trump’s own account, shampooing with Head & Shoulders and then an hour of drying. Only then does the extensive combing and hair-spraying begin. In addition, there is the coloring of both hair and skin to whatever bad ombre of orange he desires. Self-tanning creams can take four to eight hours to do their magic before they can be washed off. That’s a lot of executive time.
    It’s easy to see a hypothetical presidential schedule that goes like this:
    ●8 a.m.: Hair washing (30 mins)
    ●8:30 a.m.: Hair drying (60 mins)
    ●9:30 a.m.: Hair combing and spraying (30 mins)
    ●10 a.m.: Skin oranging (4 hours)
    ●2 p.m.: Makeup application (30 mins)
    Would sound better if presented like this:
    ●8 a.m.: Executive Time (4 hours)
    ●Noon: Lunch (1 hour)
    ●1 p.m.: Executive Time: (1½ hours).
    Let us not, then, give the White House a hard time about the president’s leisurely schedule. The more time he is applying orange agents to himself, the less time he is doing harm to others.
    The importance of keeping the president inactive was confirmed again in recent days by equities analyst Barry Ritholtz. He made two stock portfolios: one of companies Trump has touted (he calls this the Oligarch Index) and one of companies Trump has disparaged (the Drain the Swamp Index). Writing for Bloomberg, he reported that companies Trump disparaged gained 43 percent in 2017, more than twice the growth of the companies Trump praised.
    And in 2018? Trump-touted companies fell 23 percent, while those he disfavored gained 6 percent — 12 points better than the S&P 500.
    The president, it would seem, has a reverse Midas touch — yet another reason he should have all the Executive Time he desires.

    Full Member

    Good news though. We’re going to ask the President Tango to sort out the Irish for us:


    Free Member

    NYT fact checks state of the union

    El presidente pants on fire gets the old random fact generator out for his big occasion

    Full Member

    Now then…


    Surely Donny wouldn’t be daft enough to get involved with his mate at the Enquirer blackmailing his enemy Bezos with some dirty texts, quite possibly hacked by the Saudis because they are irate at coverage in the Washington Post? When already under heavy scrutiny from New York prosecutors over the Stormy Daniels business?

    Because that would be beyond dumb, although the irony of Trump being taken down not by his own wandering dick, but that of Jeff Bezos, would not be wasted on me…

    Free Member

    Here’s the latest from The Awesome Orange Orator. Trippingly off the tongue…

    Since the founding of our nation, many of our greatest strides, from gaining our independence to abolition of civil rights… have been led by people of faith and started in prayer.

    Free Member

    … of course, even if he’d managed to say what he meant, he’d still be wrong.

    Full Member

    abolition of civil rights… have been led by people of faith and started in prayer

    Can’t argue with that. Anyone for Roe vs Wade?

    Free Member

    The big question is does Bezos have the cash to extract the ‘golden shower tape’ from Vlad?

    Full Member

    Even with all of Bezos’s $bns. Investigations into the Saudis always get brushed under the carpet, still….

    Full Member

    Or wrapped up on in one!

    Free Member

    Now then…


    Surely Donny wouldn’t be daft enough to get involved with his mate at the Enquirer blackmailing his enemy Bezos with some dirty texts, quite possibly hacked by the Saudis because they are irate at coverage in the Washington Post? When already under heavy scrutiny from New York prosecutors over the Stormy Daniels business?

    Because that would be beyond dumb, although the irony of Trump being taken down not by his own wandering dick, but that of Jeff Bezos, would not be wasted on me…

    Bezos’ article is here..


    Best line in it? His comments about instructing his investigator to find out what’s happening…

    “I asked him to prioritize protecting my time since I have other things I prefer to work on and to proceed with whatever budget he needed to pursue the facts in this matter.”

    Picking a fight with the richest person in the world, the one with f-you levels of money? Smart move.

    Full Member

    Picking a fight with the richest person in the world, the one with f-you levels of money? Smart move.

    Especially when that particular businessman is making money hand over fist, while ‘the bestest businessman ever, in the history of the world, the bigliest, and that’s a fact’, is managing to make the huge fortune he inherited into a small fortune.

    Free Member

    Yeah for all of the best and brightest Trump was going to get in to help them, he seems to have missed the actual brightest and best and in turn set about pissing them off.

    Full Member


    Or wrapped up on in one!


    Wonder if Bezos can be bothered to push it all the way?

    Free Member

    though obviously silicon valley rich kids donate mostly to the Democratic party I don’t think the republican party are too keen on a protracted public spat and watching all those additional dollars going to the Liberals

    Free Member

    And boom, there goes the national emergency card

    President Donald Trump will sign a bi-partisan funding bill and then declare a national emergency to fund his wall, top Republican Mitch McConnell says.

    Doing so would allow Mr Trump to use military funds for a US-Mexico wall.

    Speaking on the Senate floor, the majority leader announced Mr Trump’s plan just before the upper chamber votes on the compromise bill.

    The bill would avert another government shutdown if it passes Congress and is signed by the president.

    This ain’t going to be pretty.

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