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  • Donald! Trump!
  • theotherjonv
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    yeah, lots of possible reasons why it was impossible for him to go. But frankly, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck……. it’s highly likely it is a duck.

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    Nothing can stop the mighty US, nothing, they have the most powerful and advanced military and all the will in the world they shall not be stopped unless

    It’s a bit like when Daleks couldn’t do steps

    Full Member

    The orange scumbag lambasted Kaepernick and told him he was disrespecting the military by kneeling at the National anthem, yet somehow Trump not turning up on Saturday because his fake tan will run and his combover will be ruined, is totally ok and not disrespectful

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    Of the many, many things you can criticise Trump for, a lack of enthusiasm for the military isn’t one of them

    He seems to have a bit of  a fetish about the military in the classic wanna be dicatator mould but I am not sure he has any real enthusiasm for the unpleasant reality of what sending the troops in means.

    So wasting their time marching past him in line yes but going to funerals and paying respect to those killed by politicians decisions not so much.

    Would I criticise Obama for this, or accept the explanation?

    The easy counter to this is would cadet bonespur criticise Obama for this or not?

    Full Member

    For what it’s worth, I was in Paris on Saturday, the day the weather kept Trump indoors.  I was doing a photoshoot with a dancer in a leotard (she was in the leotard, not me, in case you started feeling queasy).  Luckily that skinny little girl had more resolve that the Orange Imbecile. Lack of visibility? Judge for yourself.

    Free Member

    Is it really true he got Baltic and Balkans mixed up?  Or is it just fake news.

    Full Member

    Lame excuse – He’s probably employed a Saudi pr consultant.

    It will probably come out in the wash, that he took a little tantrum and wouldn’t go.


    Free Member

    For what it’s worth, I was in Paris on Saturday, the day the weather kept Trump indoors.  I was doing a photoshoot with a dancer in a leotard

    Yeah, you say that but with photoshop and backgrounds, there’s no real proof you were actually there and not in a warm studio. I’m going to need to verify it with her directly, can I have her number please.

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    Will barely register on the other side of the pond

    If it does fake need from nasty reporters who assault young staffers.

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    They don’t call him Cadet Bonespurs for nothing!

    An utter t w @ t!

    Full Member

    That dancer though!

    I bet Trump would move on her like a b…., just start kissing her, perhaps even grab her…

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    Caption competition..


    Full Member

    I bet Trump would move on her like a b

    DrJ did say the photoshoot was on Saturday. Is that his hotel in the background? Suddenly found pressing reasons to stay in for executive time.

    Free Member

    Hi DrJ

    I have to say that is one of my favourites of yours. I’m not really into dance so in your photos I look at and marvel at the training and commitment it took for the women to do that yet some of the foot positions freak me out as they are so far removed from what most can do.

    Always worth looking at your stuff though. [Thumbs up emoticon goes here].

    Anyway, Trump eh? What an idiot.

    Full Member

    Caption competition..

    …. and if you stick your thumb up its anus, a grizzly bear becomes as docile as a lamb.

    Free Member

    Trudeau for the win…

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    I bet Trump would move on her like a b….

    Pretty sure he wouldn’t appreciate the resulting punch in the mouth – skinny dancers are not to be messed with!

    – thanks for the kind comments – i am just learning this stuff so encouragement appreciated 🙂

    Free Member

    To be fair to Trump, you can hardly blame him – there was another war against Germany where Hitler was the bad guy.  Hitler being one of Trump’s heroes and role models, The Trumpet would hardly want to be paying respects to the men who fought against him would he?  Just got a little confused with the numbers, that’s all.

    Full Member

    Trump is conflicted with this war stuff. I guess that if McCain wasn’t a war hero, because he got caught, all these idiots in cemetaries aren’t war heroes because they got killed. The only ww1 veterans trump likes are the ones that are still alive

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    Wow, going to be easier to spot them all now!!

    Is ‘Trumpy Bear’ a Real Product?

    Full Member

    He didn’t turn up at Arlington either for veteran’s day. Considering that’s within about 2 miles of the whitehouse, which is where Trump is today, that’s a bigger deal than the France fiasco. Opinions seem to be split as to whether there’s some sort of big news coming down the pipe, or whether he just couldn’t be arsed and decided to sit on the toilet eating cheeseburgers and tweeting random gibberish about the stock market and the election.

    Free Member

    skinny dancers are not to be messed with!

    ‘specially when you make a point of referring to them as skinny. Or girls.

    Brother in law of professional ballet teacher/dancer

    I also don’t believe that dancer is real, can I have her number to verify?

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    I may need to get some more biscuits in

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    Fox is in a spat with Twitter over tweets about some alleged harrassment of moronhost Tucker Carlson, and instructions have gone out not to tweet any content.

    Drudge likewise is probably having a hissy fit with Twitter, as is commonplace.

    Wikileaks – well, who knows, they are a pretty random organisation.

    We can hope though…

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    Apparently Rupert Murdoch has been over for a quiet chat with Mitch McConnell. Murdoch has never been oblivious to the way the wind is blowing.

    Presumably any indictments were sealed, and lined up ready to go prior to the appointment of that knucklehead trumper to AG.

    Free Member


    Donald Trump has launched an extraordinary attack on Emmanuel Macron, claiming the French “were starting to learn German” until the US intervened in the First and Second World Wars.


    Full Member

    Wow. Two days after the 100th anniversary of the Armistice. So ignorant, too.

    What does he have to do to get Mattis to resign?

    Full Member

    I see the “alt-right” are showing their true colours again…

    Angry Goy II, available to download on the website for Cantwell’s Radical Agenda podcast, allows users to play as Cantwell or fellow alt-right figurehead Richard Spencer in order to save President Donald Trump, who has been kidnapped by “left-wing terrorists.”

    …one of the game’s levels involves shooting people inside a gay club called “LGBTQ+ Agenda HQ.” The action is strongly reminiscent of the Pulse nightclub mass shooting..

    ..Another mission involves killing journalists inside the offices of the “Fake News Network,” a reference to the term Trump uses to attack media organizations such as CNN.

    ..“Angry Goy II is the season’s hit game for White males who have had it with Jewish bullshit,” Cantwell wrote.


    Still, good people on both sides I guess. 😡

    Full Member

    That wig on the bear is more realistic than the wig on the president.

    Full Member

    Assange account suspended on Twitter.

    things really are getting interesting.

    or was that a while ago?

    [edit] 2 weeks ago but no one had noticed until today’s Fox etc silences.

    Free Member

    CNN suing Trump

    It would be fantastic if that went to court and they proved the clip the White House posted was doctored……..I mean we all have eyes and can see it was, but in court it would be so much more delicious

    Free Member

    hmm, this smells a bit fishy…


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