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  • Donald! Trump!
  • BigButSlimmerBloke
    Free Member

    So, & stop me if I’m wrong, but ninny’s support of Trump is down to the fact that it winds up folks he doesn’t like? Somehow gaining satisfaction from somewhere along the way………..

    Pretty much the definition of a troll

    How terribly fing tragic, he must be an individual full of nothing but bile & hate to gain pleasure from the actions of a deliberately antagonistic & devise narcissist such as Trump.

    Pretty much describing the kind of person who becomes a troll. Pitiful, really.

    EDIT but on reflection, maybe not full of bile and hate just sad, lonely and desperate for some attention to make up for what’s missing in real life

    Free Member

    Ah yes. ‘Critical analysis’.

    It looks like a grossly ignorant and unsuitable dimwit with a narcissistic personality disorder.

    It sounds like a grossly ignorant and unsuitable dimwit with a narcissistic personality disorder.

    It walks it like a grossly ignorant and unsuitable dimwit with a narcissistic personality disorder.

    What conclusion regarding it’s nature, do you suppose can be derived from this critical analysis?

    Free Member

    It’s a TrollMagnet?

    Full Member

    Sorry @ninfan I didn’t realise that you’d already answered.

    So you’re trying to get people’s inner nastiness to reveal itself?  ie – trolling?

    The second comment I agree was more of a musing about your personal opinions/personality, but the first was a direct question, that should just require either a yes answer, or a no answer.

    So for that you’re more than happy to turn a blind eye to his racism, short sighted policies, climate change denail, sexism, & his general **** everyone else that is Donald Trump attitide?

    Full Member

    how apt

    Free Member

    the first was a direct question, that should just require either a yes answer, or a no answer.

    I think it shows your inability to conceptualise an alternative narrative from the one you’ve been fed. to take your points in order:


    Objecting to and fighting ILLEGAL immigration, defending your countries borders and being selective about who you let into your country isn’t racist.

    let alone whats happening to Black and Hispanic unemployment levels under Trump. As for your fantasy ‘muslim majority countries ‘ immigration ban – the countries involved have less than 12% of the worlds muslims, and the list never included the most populous muslim majority countries in the first place.

    short sighted policies

    According to many a few months ago Trumps actions on North Korea were short sighted, and bound to drag us into conflict – instead they have led to a cease in nuclear testing and the beginnings of an entente cordiale and peace process in a conflict thats been rumbling on for nearly seventy years. Nothin happens overnight but recent developments were unimaginable 18 months ago.

    climate change denail,

    Remember when the Paris accord was a total waste of time, not enough, completely ineffective… until Trump threatened to pull out of it, when it was suddenly the only thing saving us from imminent disaster? hey, climate change is the least of your worries if you believe we’re all gong to get Nuked anyway, right?

    On the wider question, being skeptical of computer modelling that has got everything wrong so far isn’t a bad thing, and there is a strong chain of thought that concentrating resources on developing and strengthening resilience is a better solution than investing in fractional cuts in emissions in the first world while they continue to climb in second and third world nations.


    You might want to look at where the real sexism lies – instead of getting upset a joke about grabbing girls by the pussy and accusations of consensual dalliances with porn stars,  why not concentrate your shock at whats come out about Harvey Weinstein and friends who were forcing women to have sex in order to be in movies?? (and lets not forget Bill Clinton’s little dalliances either, how worked up were you about that (or Hillary trying to make it all go away?)

    & his general **** everyone else

    It seems you’re actually more upset about him saying **** those who didn’t vote for him. Given the way many of them have acted over the last year I don’t think you can blame him.

    Free Member

    PS – massive LOLZ at the reporters all piling on to point fingers at Trump about Finland not being a NATO member after he commented about the Finnish President being there.

    Then, a few minutes later:

    Yeah, #Awkward 🙂

    Full Member

    ninfan, are you delighting in someone’s failure to accurately report the truth?  At least he’s correcting himself.

    Hypocrite’s hypocrite.

    Trump told the Finnish President Just now he enjoyed spending time with him at the NATO summit. Finland is not part of NATO

    And there’s nothing incorrect in that statement.  something you’d have been quick to point out yourself if it was Trump who’d said it.

    Full Member

    just seen your previous missive.  You’re a perceptive chap, you know that’s pathetically narrow and insufficient attempt to counter the accusations.

    Full Member

    Objecting to and fighting ILLEGAL immigration, defending your countries borders and being selective about who you let into your country isn’t racist.

    No – so is the following not a racist statement?

    “I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes…. Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else… Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that’s guy’s lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks.”

    Much more here – https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/01/15/opinion/leonhardt-trump-racist.html

    On the wider question, being skeptical of computer modelling that has got everything wrong so far isn’t a bad thing, and there is a strong chain of thought that concentrating resources on developing and strengthening resilience is a better solution than investing in fractional cuts in emissions in the first world while they continue to climb in second and third world nations.

    Yes – that’s a good point regarding resilience, but… it wasn’t what I asked. He’s not exactly doing anything, regarding cuts or resilience. So… the original question remains.

    And I think I know where the real sexism lies in fact here is a list.


    Again, you’re avoiding the question, I wasn’t asking about the Canadian PM, Harvey or anyone else. We can discuss them in their own threads along with the merits – this thread is about Donald Trump.

    Free Member

    a joke about grabbing girls by the pussy

    Yeah. Hilarious.

    I’ve noticed that you tend to avoid answering questions and criticisms that don’t fit in with your own ‘alternative narrative’. When you’re not hurriedly backtracking on previous posts and editing them to make them fit with whatever little tricks and tropes that are occurring to you from second to second, that is.

    I quite see why you suffer from ‘Bully Worship’ of the giant vomiting orange nightmare.

    You’re very similar personalities, suffering (I would guess) from much the same personality problems.

    How frustrating it must be for you that your own tendency to bully doesn’t gain any traction around here. ..

    Full Member

    I suppose the question will be what Trump does to repair the damage

    Putin was able to embarass & belittle him, without even trying- Putins giggle when asked about Kompromat on Trump summed it up.

    Trump the strongman now looks like Trump the fool & puppet of Putin, even his allies on Fox news dont know how to play it

    so some deflection is coming, wonder where he will lash out next?

    Free Member

    So still no hint of a motive for the Putin love other than in the pocket or in awe/ego problems about not winning all on his own?

    Heard some well established journalists being amazed by how he went about his answers, the lack of coherent thought and inability to deal with any of the issues.

    There was a simple answer to the questions about the charges against the Russians but he decided not to go there.

    It certainly won’t help if Muller has enough to need a vote on it.

    Free Member

    And a selection of comments from Left, Right and Centre


    Full Member

    Wouldnt not would…well thats sorted then!

    Free Member


    Proper LOL’s

    is this time to check the auto replace works I struggle with long sentences

    Free Member

    it’s a trollmagnet


    Full Member

    Not cowardly at all then

    wont dare say it to Putins face, but only once hes safely back in the whitehouse he claims he misspoke

    looking desperate, prepare for distraction factor 50!

    Free Member

    For sincerity though, make eye contact, sound like you mean it even if you don’t and try not to look like your reading from a prepared statement….

    Free Member

    surely, SURELY you can depose a president for being such a monumental idiot?!?

    Free Member

    Would or wouldn’t. Which is it?

    Free Member

    So Trump is rapidly back tracking on what he said to Putin, no surprises there I suppose, but…… whats worse? Lying to Putin, to the people of the USA? Or is it part of the script Putin gave him? Whatever! Just how long can this fool carry on? Surely there is a limit on bare faced lies? When are the good folk of the USA ( an there are some) going to stand as one and say no more?

    Full Member

    So basically he’s a coward and a liar. Think the video evidence pretty much proves that now. Also I think be might be afraid of the dark.

    Free Member

    Who would have thunk inglish was hard four im


    Full Member

    It really does look like Diane Abbott levels of ineptitude (now there’s a dream ticket). I’ve actually got to the stage where I’m almost finding it funny*. It’s like a cross between Yes Minister and a Carry On film. Do you think he’ll say he mis-spoke when taking the Oath, if he needs to?

    Maybe that’s where some of the more articulate/intelligent Trump supporters have been at all along. They’ve been thinking “the guy’s pure parody – I can’t believe no-one else gets it”. Hence mocking – or being contrary with – everyone who’s late to the party.

    Yeah, it’s a shame about the whole **** the planet bit, but he’s only got another 6 years in office, tops, and based on what he’s achieved so far, how many changes will he get through in that time? Of course he may not get re-elected (but you know, I fear he might) and more to the point he could try to change the system so presidents aren’t limited to 2 terms – but I have a weird faith that even GOP law makers might see the folly in that.

    On the up-side, it turns out he never had bone-spurs at all…. his doctor mis-spoke.

    *…or very,very scary. There’s this weird, untested equilibrium: on one side there’s DT’s ability to appear monumentally inept and un-voteable-for, and on the other side there’s the unswerving devotion of the American right.

    Full Member

    and on the other side there’s the unswerving devotion of the American right.

    The important change is being able to stuff the supreme court full of hard right ideologues. Choose some youngish people and the court will be an ideological haven for years to come.

    Free Member

    So what exactly is his correction/reversal supposed to say?

    That he now believes his intelligence agencies?  Because he seemed to say that:

    “Let me be totally clear in saying that … I accept our intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election took place,”

    But then he said that he didn’t necessarily believe that:

    “It could be other people also. There’s a lot of people out there.”

    He just can’t help himself.

    Full Member

    Haha what a hilariously bad BS excuse. I would piss on him if he was on fire.

    Sorry, I meant I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.

    Free Member
    Full Member

    How long was Trump in his private meeting with Putin ?

    Putin sort of always has a notebook and writes stuff down as he’s a bit switched on and always very helpful offering to send some of his people to help with the investigation 🙂

    Between trump and putin I think i’d rather have a beer with Putin as  he’s probably the more interesting.

    Free Member

    I suspect peak ninfanny-ness is due shortly

    Full Member

    I suspect peak ninfanny-ness is due shortly

    He has been quiet recently. I’m worried.

    Free Member

    I’m disappointed, I was really looking forward to it.

    Free Member

    How long was Trump in his private meeting with Putin ?

    Long enough for Putin to show him all the dirt he has on Trump and what he can do to bring him down if he doesn’t do as he is told.

    Full Member

    being skeptical of computer modelling that has got everything wrong so far isn’t a bad thing

    Which modelling would that be?

    Full Member
    Free Member

    Which modelling would that be?

    I guess it’s one of these things where if you cherry pick some data to fit your conclusions you can claim the models are wrong.

    Free Member

    Would or wouldn’t. Which is it?

    Both – Schrodinger’s Trump.

    see also – massive crowds both at and not at inauguration

    Free Member

    being skeptical of computer modelling that has got everything wrong so far isn’t a bad thing

    burn down all the computers

    Free Member

    The issue I have with Trump is that his actions are not only undoing all the diplomacy done by Obama and Bush to control/stabilise certain issues is being undone to such an extent that it is leaving a vacuum in some very dangerous places that the likes of Russia and North Korea are filling.  Getting them back out to the previous point is going to be very difficult and take a very long time.  He is genuinely a danger to America and the rest of the world.  US politics is going to take a very long time to undo the damage he is doing, partly due to the way their processes are set up and partly because the voting public as a whole may keep him in for a second term.  I’m not going to get into whether it’s right or wrong for the US, that’s their decision to make, but it is creating a very unbalanced political narrative in the rest of the world.

    The next person who follows him as president is going to have a very, very tough job to do.  The trouble is that will put off a lot of the best candidates as it will be seen as a poisoned chalice meaning the clever candidates will wait a term for someone else to take the flak then come in afterwards.  Sadly Trump’s influence and legacy is going to be felt for the next decade at a minimum, that’s the scary bit for me.

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